“의원입법과 규제공장”?.


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Presentation transcript:

“의원입법과 규제공장”?

발표 주제 주제 예시 = 박근혜와 규제개혁/ 김영삼과 IMF/ 박정희와 무세베니 (우간다대통령) 등 ASAP, 주제를 알려줄 것 (seojk@khu.ac.kr) “first-come, first-served!” 우리말 발표 영어 발표 모두 가능 기존 주제대로 하는 것도 전혀 문제없음

Building Blocks for Presidential Power “Institutional” Presidency “Agenda-setting” Power “Bully-pulpit” Power Anything else?

I. Presidential power is “power to persuade.” Richard Neustadt’s “power-to-persuade” (1960) Classical understanding of presidential power and praised by John F. Kennedy the core of presidential power: “persuasion” Successful uses of presidential power don’t come from the Constitution, but from the ability of the president to persuade. He must master the art of persuasion. have to make others think it is in their interest to do what the president wants, not because it is in the president’s interest.

Neustadt’s Propositions To be a leader, a president must have a will for power. The skill of a president is a necessary energizing factor. Sensitivity and solutions are critical. Persuade members of Congress to think that his requests are in their own best interests. Exploit events and crises to gain attention Don’t delegate the job of being chief politician to others. Popularity and public prestige produce favorable credit for a president. Even the most skillful of presidents should be flexible.

“Power-to-persuade” approach “power-to-persuade” are composed of … I. professional reputation the president’s standing “Inside the Beltway.” Influence will depend on the appraisals of those who would be influenced II. public prestige the president’s standing in the public (ex) “approval numbers”

Presidential Approval Ratings, 1946-2004 (Causes and Implications) Bush 41 LBJ Reagan Truman Ford Ike Bush 43 JFK Nixon Carter Clinton

Presidential Approval Ratings in Korea

Presidential Approval Ratings Why Disapproval Ratings Rise Over Time? Presidents can’t please everybody. (Polk) People only see their good points at first. (Carter) Presidents are scapegoats for our problems. (Van Buren) The job is too much for one individual. (Hoover) They make too many promises they can’t keep. (LBJ) Presidents often have to make unpopular decisions. (Truman) Presidents are not as powerful as people often think. (Wilson) People don’t always look at the overall record of a president. (Bush 41)

Reading Discussion: Presidential Power & Agendas as “Power-to-Persuade” as “Power-without-Persuasion” 한국 대통령제와 어젠다의 중요성

민주화 이후 역대정부의 대통령 어젠다

2장 대통령 어젠다 한국정치에서 대통령의 실패가 반복되는 이유? 대통령 어젠다 (president’s agenda)란? 대통령 어젠다가 중요한 이유는? 역대 대통령들의 어젠다 비교 평가 기준은? 대통령 어젠다 선정을 위한 고려사항? 위의 사항들을 종합적으로 고려해 볼 때, 박근혜 정부 어젠다는 무엇이어야 할까?

Thursday Discussion 대통령의 성공과 국정지지율  Ch 9. 대통령과 미디어  Ch 8.