망막 conference St.김웅재/R 2 원재연.


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Presentation transcript:

망막 conference St.김웅재/R 2 원재연

M/74 박○은 Past Hx.) P.I :상기 환자 2년전 부터 발생한 양안의 시력 저하 있어 본원 내 원함 Case 1 M/74 박○은 P.I :상기 환자 2년전 부터 발생한 양안의 시력 저하 있어 본원 내 원함 Past Hx.) DM/HBP (-/+) for 1month PO medi. Ocular op/trauma (+/-):수년전 익상편 수술(OD) at local Gls(-) Eyedrop(-) 2012.2.13 Rt. meningioma, sphenoid ridge 로 craniotomy c tumor removal 시행

VA OD HM (n-c) OS 0. 1 (n-c) MR OD +0. 75Ds = -0. 75Dc Ax 175 OS +1 VA OD HM (n-c) OS 0.1 (n-c) MR OD +0.75Ds = -0.75Dc Ax 175 OS +1.25Ds = -2.25Dc Ax 121 IOP OD 14 OS 15 mmHg at 9:40AM by NCT RXT=15PD by H-test, NO LOM(OU) Orbit No exophthalmos(OU) Lid No swellling(OU) Conj. not injected(OU) Cornea OU old ant. Stromal opacity AC OD > 4CT at center , < 1/2 CT at pph. & cell(-) OS > 4CT at center , < 1/2 CT at pph. & cell(-) Pupil OD round & nl sized, LR(+) OS round & nl sized, LR(+), RAPD(+/-) Lens OD mild cortical opacity OS mild cortical opacity Fds OD nl optic disc c flat post pole OS nl optic disc c CMO c wrinkling c tractional membrane

Differential diagnosis Idiopathic macular pucker Vitreomacular syndrome Stage 1 macular hole and lamellar macular hole Pseudophakic cystoid macular edema 1.황반 앞막에서는 보통 weiss ring 이존재하여, 이는 complete PVD가 동반 됨을 의미 -> VMT는 망막 앞막과 지속적인 유리체 황반 유착이 존재한다는 점에서 특발성 황반 앞막과 구별된다. 3. 유리체 황반 유착이나 ERM뚜렷하지 않음 4. 위수정체 CME에의한 ILM 점상의 반사는 표면의 주름 모양이 VMT와 유사하게 보일 수 있음

M-OCT(OD) OCT 에서는 perifoveal vitreous detachment와 함께 vitreomacular adhesion이 보이고 이로 인한 tractional cystoid foveal edema가 관찰되고 있습니다.

M/72 안○석 Case 2 P.I :2개월 전 부터 우안의 blurred vision을 주소로 본원 내원함 2012.5.20 P.I :2개월 전 부터 우안의 blurred vision을 주소로 본원 내원함 metamorphopsia (+) Past Hx.) DM/HBP (-/+) for 3 yrs PO medi. Ocular op/trauma (+/-): 6년전 백내장 수술(OS) at local aphakia(OS) Gls(-) Eyedrop(-) 2012.5.20

VA OD 0. 25 (n-c) OS Fc 50cm MR OD +1. 50Ds = -0. 25Dc Ax 146 OS -0 VA OD 0.25 (n-c) OS Fc 50cm MR OD +1.50Ds = -0.25Dc Ax 146 OS -0.50Ds = -2.00Dc Ax 7 IOP OD 11 OS 14 mmHg at 9:40AM by NCT EOM Straight at 1' position by H-Test , No LOM(OU) Orbit No exophthalmos(OU) Lid No swellling(OU) Conj. not injected(OU) Cornea OD ingrowing fibrovascular tissue at nasal side OS clear AC OD deep & cell(-) OS deep & cell(-) Pupil OD round & nl sized, LR(+) Pupil OD round & nl sized OS round & nl sized, LR(+/+), NVI(-/-), RAPD(-/-) Lens OD mild cortical opacity OS aphakia 암슬러 그리드에서 명확한 central scotoma는 없었으나 전반적으로 뿌옇게 보임을 호소하였으며 그 외 전안부검사에서 특이 소견 없었습니다

Fundus photo 2012.5.21 Fds OD nl. optic disc c mottled app. at macula, tiggroid app. c diffuse drusen,no retinal break OS pale optic disc c flat post.pole c post. staphyloma at center & inf. c PRE atrophy

M-OCT(OS) 2012.5.21 OCT 에서는 perifoveal vitreous detachment와 함께 focal한 vitreomacular adhesion이 보이고 이로 인한 tractional cystoid foveal edema가 관찰되고 있습니다.

Imp: VMT(OD) P: ppV+phaco+PCL ins.+endolaser+FAE(OD) by St.김웅재 (2012.5.21)

POD #1month 2012.5.21 ppV+phaco+PCL ins.+endolaser+FAE(OD) by St.김웅재 O: VA (0.4) IOP : 11/10 mmHg AC : deep & cell(-) Fd : flat /OD P:1. O-GAFx4, O-LONx4(OD) 2. 1개월 뒤에 f/u

Case 3 F/65 유○진 P.I :상기 환자는 2011.1.3 POAG(OU)로 본원 박찬기 교수님 외래 f/u중인 환자로 간헐적인 metamorphopsia로 망막 파트로 의뢰 됨. 그 후 경과 관찰하다가 2012.4.7 m OCT(OS)상에서 macula Hole 발견되어 수술 위해 입원함 metamorphopsia (+) Past Hx.) DM/HBP (-/+) for 14 yrs PO medi. 공황장애로 medication 중 Ocular op/trauma (-/-) Gls(-) Eyedrop(+): O-LTPxhs, O-COSTx2/OU 2012.5.20

VA OD (0. 8) OS (0. 4) MR OD -2. 00Ds = -0. 75Dc Ax 129 OS -2 VA OD (0.8) OS (0.4) MR OD -2.00Ds = -0.75Dc Ax 129 OS -2.75Ds = -0.75Dc Ax 168 IOP OD 18 OS 21 mmHg at 9:40AM by NCT EOM Straight at 1' position by H-Test , No LOM(OU) Orbit No exophthalmos(OU) Lid No swellling(OU) Conj. not injected(OU) Cornea OD clear OS clear AC OD deep & cell(-) OS deep & cell(-) Pupil OD round & nl sized, LR(+) Pupil OD round & nl sized OS round & nl sized, LR(+/+), NVI(-/-), RAPD(-/-) Lens OD mild cortical opacity OS mild cortical opacity

Fundus photo 2012.04.05 Fds OD nl. optic disc c flat post. pole OS nl. optic disc c thin ERM, M.hole(+) WAS (+)

M-OCT(OS) 2012.04.07

Imp: M. hole(OS) P: ppV+ILM peeling(ICG dye)+FAE+C3F8 gas inj.(OS) (2012.4.12)

POD #4wks 2012.4.12 ppV+ILM peeling(ICG dye)+FAE+C3F8 gas inj.(OS) O: VA OD (0.8) OS (0.32) IOP : 18/12 mmHg AC : deep & cell(-) Fd : M . Hole closure/OS P:1. O-GAFx4, O-LONx4(OS) 2. 1개월 뒤에 f/u 3. 금일 OCT 금일 OCT에서 우안의 impending hole관찰 됨

M-OCT(OS) 2012.9.25

M-OCT(OD) 2012.9.25


Retinal effects Effects upon the retina vary, depending on the site affected Hemorrhage, retinal tears and detachment, and vitreomacular traction syndromes, macular holes ,some cases of diabetic macular edema, aggravated (PDR) Vitreous hemorrhage :13−19% of Pt. with PVD Because vitreous hemorrhage results from considerable vitreoretinal traction important risk factor for the presence of a retinal tear and detachment Abnormal foci of firm vitreoretinal adhesion (lattice degeneration and rosettes) are also frequently associated with retinal tears after PVD.

Vitreous effects(1) Effects upon vitreous primarily involve posterior vitreoschisis. <= results from splitting of the posterior vitreous cortex, with forward displacement of the anterior portion of the posterior vitreous cortex leaving part, or all, of the posterior layer of the split vitreous cortex still attached to the retina. Premacular membranes with macular pucker and cases of macular holes may also result from persistent attachment of partial or full-thickness posterior vitreous cortex to the macula while the remainder of the vitreous detaches forward.

Vitreous effects(2) Tractional forces in centripetal (inward toward the fovea) → macular pucker Tangential traction in centrifugal (outward from the fovea) → macular hole Centripetal 구심성 centrifugal 원심성 Tangential 접선

MH Definition & Epidemiology : defect of the foveal retina involving its full thickness from the internal limiting membrane(ILM) to the outer segment of the photoreceptor layer Usually surrounded by annular neurosensory retinal detachment Most commonly occur in seventh decade Female predominance(67~91%) Most macular holes occur as an age-related primary idiopathic condition unrelated to other ocular problems or antecedent events ( trauma, after laser Tx., retinal vascular ds, high myopia, after RRD surgery) 12% develop idiopathic full-thickness macular hole in the fellow eye

Pathophysiology Vitreomacular traction from the posterior vitreous surface - tangential traction of cortical vitreous on the fovea : shrinkage of prefoveal cortical vitreous with persistent adherence of vitreous to the foveal region results in the causative traction Antereoposterior transvitreal traction by vitreous fibers Macular hole formation at the time of posterior vitreous detachment formation 1988년에 특발성 황반 원공의 발생기전으로 중심와에 유착된 뒷 유리체 피질의 견인력을 Grass와 Johnson이 주장함 견인력은 전후 방향과 접선방향으로 작용할 수 있다.

Stage(Gass) Stage 1a Stage 1b Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Anterioposterior and tangential vitreous traction Stage 0 :traction alone 1A &1B 기는 중심와 박리를 동반한 임박한 황반 원공

Stage(Gass)(1) impending macular hole & foveolar or fovealdetachment Stage 1a :yellow dot, Stage 1b : yellow ring 1A &1B 기는 중심와 박리를 동반한 임박한 황반 원공

Stage(Gass)(2) Progressive tangential traction → small fullthickness break in the neurosensory retina eccentric can-opener shaped tears or small central defects 1A &1B 기는 중심와 박리를 동반한 임박한 황반 원공

Stage(Gass)(3) These small holes usually progressed to larger 400-500 mm holes with or without operculum finally may involve the separation of the posterior vitreous 1A &1B 기는 중심와 박리를 동반한 임박한 황반 원공

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