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텝스 시험에 대한 완전분석 각 파트별 문제 배점이 틀리다 각 문항별 난이도가 틀리다
텝스 시험에 대한 완전분석 각 파트별 문제 배점이 틀리다 각 문항별 난이도가 틀리다
텝스 성적표 보는법 적중률이 아닌 백분율!
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TEPS 십계명 시간은 생명이다 45:15 rule 버릴 문제를 버리고, 맞출 수 있는 문제를 맞추자 버릴 문제를 버리고, 맞출 수 있는 문제를 맞추자 독해는 청해처럼 청해는 독해처럼 무조건 TOPIC이 최우선 청해는 쉐도잉이 첫번째요 딕테이션이 둘째다 리뷰할 때에는 한 문장 한 문장 꼼꼼히 해석 못하는 것부터 올리는게 제일 빠르다 단어장보단 독해책으로 단어 공부 처음부터 다시 읽을 바엔 찍어라 독해>청해>어휘>문법 순서로 공부
TEPS 정답의 생김새 Paraphrasing 1. 일반화 (Generalization) - 주어의 일반화 - 서술구의 일반화
Generalization Q: What is the writer's main point? (a) An overseas trip revealed similarities between two countries. (b) Madagascar is even more beautiful than the Philippines. (c) Most people prefer to visit places similar to where they are from. (d) It can be difficult for tourists to adapt to an unfamiliar environment.
Generalization Last month, I took a trip to Madagascar and immediately felt at home. The tropical climate is not much different from that of the Philippines, and the reception from my hosts was equally warm. However, what I enjoyed most was the local cuisine. The Malagasy diet consists mostly of rice dishes with meat, fish, or vegetables, prepared much as they would be in my home country. My experience there confirmed my belief that one of the joys of traveling is discovering the ways in which the world's cultures are alike.
TEPS 정답의 생김새 Paraphrasing 2. 거꾸로 말하기(Negative sentences) - 부정어로 시작하기 - 부정해서 말하기
Negative Sentences (a) money can buy everything (b) they have to be tough (c) they have no future (d) doing drugs pays off
Negative Sentences A recent study reveals that the prime cause of the growth of criminal gangs in Chicago is the job factor—high unemployment rates and low per capita income. Another factor that needs to be addressed is the sense among an alarming number of youths that _____________________. They have seen too many deaths and have come to accept that their lives will be brief and probably end in murder. That is why a disillusioned youngster might reject a job that pays slightly above minimum wage, turning instead to the immediate gratification of gang-related drug crime.
TEPS 정답의 생김새 수준 높은 문장/단어/표현 사용 정답은 그래서 항상 아리까리한 법!
TEPS 정답의 생김새 Q: Which of the following is correct according to the passage? (a) The 1700s saw sugar end its run as a cheap commodity. (b) Sugar cane is among the simplest crops to cultivate. (c) The British resigned themselves to decreased profits. (d) Sugar's promulgation in Europe depended on slave labor.
TEPS 정답의 생김새 In the eighteenth century, when sugar transitioned from luxury to necessity, that cost was paid in human lives—slaves. Caribbean sugar cane was a labor-intensive crop, creating expenses that cut deeply into Britain's rapidly swelling middle-class merchants' pockets. As British colonies in the Americas expanded under the drive for profit, so too did the need for cost-effective labor to meet demand. Thus the democratization of sugar in Europe led to African enslavement
TEPS 정답의 생김새 Prevalence of Logical thinking 이건 Correct 시간에!
오늘의 리뷰 자신의 텝스 성적표 분석하기 텝스 십계명 마음에 새기기 – 공부 플랜잡기 텝스 정답의 생김새 기억하기
TEPS 정답의 생김새 Paraphrasing 1. 일반화 / 2. Negative Sentence 높은 문장 수준 Logic Checks
오늘 강의 끝! 첫날부터 죽었다 깨나도 난 문제는 풀고 봐야겠다면 다음 강의 고!