운영전략 (TQM: Total Quality Management)


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Presentation transcript:

운영전략 (TQM: Total Quality Management) 경영대학 경영학과 Fall, 2016 Prof. Baekseo Seong

2016_2학기 운영전략(3524) 담당교수: 성 백서 강의실: 경영관 204호 강의 일시: 월요일 10:30 - 11:45 Tel: 450-3637 (경영관 411호) E-mail: bsseong@konkuk.ac.kr 강의실: 경영관 204호 강의 일시: 월요일 10:30 - 11:45 수요일 9:00 - 10:15

COURSE DESCRIPTION This course introduces students to the essential core and most recent informations that every manager needs to know about TQM(Total Quality Management) and performance excellence approaches used in the top organizations, typically a firm. The course is divided into 3 basic parts:

Part 1: Introduction to quality management principles. We first introduce the notion of quality, its history and importance, definitions, basic principles, and its impact on competitive advantage and financial return. The role of total quality in all key economic sectors such as manufacturing, service, health care, education, and the not-for-profit sector will be explored. And the philosophical perspectives supporting total quality, chiefly those of Deming, Juran, and Crosby, as well as quality management frameworks defined by the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award and the criteria for Performance Excellence, ISO 9000, and Six Sigma.

Part 2: Management systems. First, the focus is on understanding customers and their needs, and practices to build a customer-focused culture and achieve high levels of customer engagement. Second, the strategic context for performance excellence, including strategic leadership, strategic planning, organizational design, core competencies, and strategic work system design will be provided. Third, workforce management practices specifically focused on achieving good business outcomes and engaging the workforce through designing, managing, and sustaining high performance work systems will be dealt with. Fourth, we focuses on frameworks and techniques of process management, including the design of work processes, process control, and process improvement. Fifth, the focus is on the use of data and information to measure and manage organizational performance. Discussion of Balanced Scorecards and modern knowledge management approaches will be included. Last, class deals with building and sustaining high-performance organizations.

Part 3: Basic technical issues, tools, techniques. The tools underpin Six Sigma and process improvement, product design , and process control. We first focus on statistical thinking and applications, and then Six Sigma and process improvement tools and methodologies in a unified fashion. And then we focus on quality in product design and the variety tools and techniques that support it. At last, basic statistical process control(SPC) will be provided.

Course materials Evans, James R. and William M. Lindsay(2014), Managing for Quality and Performance Excellence, 9th edition, South-Western, Cengage Learning.(이창원, 권영훈, 박병화, 유태종, 이돈희, 이상식, 이홍희 공역(2015), 『품질경영』, 한경사. available at bookstore) Cases: Text cases(see the following course schedule) HBS Cases: (Copies are available at the administrative office desk, or will be prepared and handed out later in the class.) Bartlett, Christopher A. and Meg Wozny(2005), GE’s Two-Decades Transformation: Jack Welch’s Leadership, HBS 9-399-150, 24 pages. Finkelman, Dan and Tony Goland(1990), “The Case of the Complaining Customer”, Harvard Business Review, May-June, 12 pages. Hallowell, Roger and Abby Hansen(2000), Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts, HBS 9-800-385, 26 pages. Upton, David(1997), Deutsche Allgemeinversicherung, HBS 9-696-084, 12 pages. Other resources Triview National Bank Case Study(2011), Baldrige Performance Excellence Program, NIST, Department of Commerce. 荒賀年美(2002), 『トヨタの頭腦が挑んだ最强のTQM』, 株式會社 實業之日本社(성백서 역).

Assessment 시험 70% 과제 및 강의참여: 합계 100% 중간 35% 기말 35% 출석 10% 강의 참여 10% 시험 70% 중간 35% 기말 35% 과제 및 강의참여: 출석 10% 강의 참여 10% Personal Improvement Project 10% Written report 발표 (옵션: 보너스 10%) 합계 100%

Allgemeinversicherung 강의 일정 세션 날짜 주제 교재 및 참고 Case 1 8/29(월) 강의 소개 및 ice breaking time   2 8/31(수) Term project(PIP) 안내. 품질 입문 교재 1장 3 9/5(월) 품질입문(계속) 4 9/7(수) 품질관리의 기초 교재 2장 5 9/12(월) 품질관리의 기초(계속) 6 9/14(수) 공휴(추석 연휴 첫날) 7 9/19(월) 성과 우수성을 위한 볼드리지 프레임워크 교재 10장 8 9/21(수) 성과 우수성을 위한 볼드리지 프레임워크(계속) 9 9/26(월) 성과 우수성을 위한 리더십 교재13장 잭 웰치 케이스 소개 10 9/28(수) 성과 우수성을 위한 리더십(계속) 11 10/3(월) 공휴(개천절) 12 10/7(월) 전략 수립과 성과 우수성 창출 교재 11장 13 10/10(월) 전략 수립과 성과 우수성 창출(계속) 14 10/12(수) 고객 초점 교재 3장 불만고객 케이스 소개 15 10/17(월) 중간고사 16 10/19(수) 휴강(시험 기간 중) 17 10/24(월) 고객 초점(계속) 불만고객 케이스 소개(계속) 18 10/26(수) 인적자원 중심 교재 4장 19 10/31(월) 인적자원 중심(계속) 교재4장 20 11/2(수) 프로세스 중심 교재 5장 21 11/7(월) 프로세스 중심(계속) 교재5장 22 11/9(수) 성과 우수성을 위한 측정과 지식관리 교재 12장 포시즌 호텔 케이스 소개 23 11/14(월) 성과 우수성을 위한 측정과 지식관리(계속) 24 11/16(수) 품질 및 성과 우수성 실현 및 지속 교재 14장 25 11/21(월) 품질 및 성과 우수성 실현 및 지속(계속) 26 11/23(수) 품질경영의 통계적 기법 교재6장 Deutsche Allgemeinversicherung 케이스 소개 27 11/28(월) 품질과 성과 우수성을 위한 설계 교재 7장 28 11/30(수) 품질 측정과 품질 통제 교재 8장 29 12/5(월) 프로세스 개선과 식스시그마 교재 9장 30 12/7(월) 비디오 시청 및 종합 정리 荒賀年美(2002) 31 12/12(월) 기말 고사