What is KMWU Korean Metal Workers’Union.


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Presentation transcript:

What is KMWU Korean Metal Workers’Union

Why industrial unionism Situational Demand Organizational Demand Right to life demand

Situational Demand: neo-liberalism korea 1987 drive out military dictatorship Kim Young-sam government (1993-1997) ”New Korea”, market opening, New Industrial Relations Plan, bad laws (lay-offs) Kim Dae-jung government (1998-2002) Globalization, IMF restructuring program, Tripartite Commission, legislation of layoffs Roh Moo-hyun government (2003-2007) Privatization, sales to overseas, legislation of precarious work, Industrial Relations Roadmap, legislation of neoliberal labor market laws, Free Trade Agreements

Organizational Demand Union density decrease Precarious work increase: 8.6 million workers Whole worker 50% Company Unionism: Selfishness for Permanent workers, big companies,

Right to live demand Relocation of factories to overseas Increase precarious work Supply system: squeezing suppliers (CR), outsourcing, module, Buy-back - one company union limit in response Restructuring and workplace control Bread and Butter Unionism

Building of KMWU 1987: Great Workers Struggle - Drive out military dictatorship 1990: Korean Trade Union Congress

Building of KMWU 1991: Hyundai Group federation, Auto federation, metal federation 1998: Korean Metal Workers Federation (KMWF)

Construction of KMWU 2001: KMWF(110,000) -KMWU(40,000) 2006: KMWF organizational transition KMWU. KMWU 150,000 members

KMWU: workplace-level unions

KMWU membership

KMWU Sub-industry by membership Electrical & electronics: 2,066 (1.3%) Mechanical metal: 10,508 (6.4%) Steel: 10,152 (6.2%) Shipbuilding: 20,018 (12.2%) Auto: 121,983 (74%)

KMWU structure Auditing committee

KMWU Secretariat (HQ) Leadership: 1 president, 8 vice presidents (including 1 representing precarious workers and 1 woman), 1 general secretary Secretariat (total 44 including 36 hired by KWMU) General affairs: 7 full-time officers planning: 3 policy: 8 (including 2 international staffs) External relations: 4 (including 1 women department) Organizing: 7 (including 1 cultural department) Precarious Work: 4 Propaganda and Information: 4 OSH: 4 Education: 3 Research Institute: 3 Legal Aid Center: 26(10 lawyers and 6 labor attorneys)

KMWU Local Secretariat Gyeonggi: 7 officials, 4 officers Gyeongnam: 8 officials, 10 officers Gyeongju: 5 officials, 8 officers Gwangjeon: 5 officials, 4 officers Gumi: 2 officials, 4 officers Daegu: 4 officials, 3 officers Daejeon-Chungbuk: 3 officials, 3 officers Busan-Yangsan: 3 officials, 2 officers Seoul: 4 officials, 2 officers Ulsan: 5 officials, 5 officers Incheon: 3 officials, 3 officers Jeonbuk: 3 officials, 2 officers Chungnam: 4 officials, 4 officers Pohang: 3 officials, 1 officer Hyundai Motor: 6 officials, 52 officers KIA Motor: 5 officials, 15 officers GM: 4 officials, 27 officers

Collective Bargaining System Central Bargaining Local bargaining Workplace Bargaining Company Bargaining

Short History of Central Bargaining year Union tactics Bargaining Type CBA Employers 2001 Time concentration Diagonal Workplace CBA individual 2002 Local coordination Group Framework agreement Multi-employers committee 2003 Central Diagonal, Group, Central Central CBA: 5-day week Metal employers meeting 2004 Central, Group, Workplace Central CBA Metal industry employers council 2005 Central, local, workplace Metal employers council 2006

CBA Committee make a CBA proposal. Process to develop central bargaining demands CBA Committee make a CBA proposal. National Executive Committee discuss the proposal. Central Committee discuss the proposal. National Congress approve the proposal.

Process of central bargaining Metal Industry Employers Councill KMWU Negotiation Team President, general secretary, relevant officers Consensus inside negotiation team Central Committee - Discussion on central bargaining - Scheduling of members’ vote General Assembly Members’ vote (approval by majority)‏

Process of local bargaining Local CBA Committee make a CBA proposal Local Executive Committee discuss the proposal Local Congress apporves the proposal

Process of local bargaining Local bargaining Team Local Metal Employers Council Consensus inside local bargaining team Local Executive Committee discuss local bargaining and decide members’ vote Local Assembly Members’ vote (approval by majority)‏

January – February: make a CBA proposal KMWU Bargaining Schedule January – February: make a CBA proposal March: national congress approve the proposal April – May: bargaining June – July: collective actions August: conclude CBA

KMWU Collective Bargaining principle The mandate to make CBA belongs to KMWU president. Workplace bargaining shall be always made with KMWU. Central barganing conclude -> local barganing conclude -> workplace barganing conclude Essential articles for every workplace CBA Check system of membership dues The name of KMWU must be mentioned, not workplace-level union name. Same duration: expiry date of 31 March

Membership fees 1 % of normal wage: KRW 25,000 on average per member Additionally 30,000 KRW for industrial union fund paid by newly affiliated union 15,000 KRW for struggle fund, 10,000 KRW for dismissal fund, 5,000 KRW for others funds 16% HQ 18% funds 16% HQ 30% Local 18% workplace 48% workplace 54%

KMWU Finance Income: Membership Fee (2016) Expenditures KRW 45,575,914,799. (IDR 455,759,147,990) Expenditures Refund to local and workplace unions: 25,946,638,899 (56.93%) Affiliate fees (KCTU, IndustriALL) : 2,882,304,700(6.32%) Operational costs (travels, salary, maintenance) : 5,958,242,540(13.07%) Activities : 1,580,820,000(3.47%) Funds: 8,811,538,400(19.33%) Reserve fund: 396,370,260(0.87%)

KMWU achievements National union system, concentrated power Activated solidarity struggle Possibility for industrial bargaining Industrial solidarity for union finance Towards national union based on industry and sectors

Korean Metal Workers’ Union

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