Baseball relief pitchers warm up before they enter a game


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Presentation transcript:

Baseball relief pitchers warm up before they enter a game 야구 구원 투수들은 준비운동을 한다 그들이 경기에 들어가기 전에 Baseball relief pitchers warm up before they enter a game

64쪽 4번 Words & Phrases difference 2. region 3. have…in common 4. above all 5. link 6. factor 7. Arabic 8. Muslim 9. practice 10. religion 11. Islam 12. supreme 13. contain 14. holy 15. separate 16. national border 17. unity 18. trade 19. economy 20. natural gas 21. industry

64쪽 4번 Words & Phrases 차이점 2. 지역 차이점 2. 지역 3. ~을 공통적으로 지니다 4. 무엇보다, 우선5. 연결하다 6. 요소 7. 아랍의, 아랍어의 8. 이슬람교도 9. 연습하다, 실천하다 10. 종교 11. 이슬람교도의 12. 최고의 13. 포함하다 14. 신성한 15. 분리하다 16. 국경 17. 통합, 통일, 통일성 18. 무역, 거래 19. 경제 20. 천연가스 21. 산업

4 About 346 million people live in the Middle East and North Africa. There are many differences among these people. What do the people of this huge region have in common, then? Above all, they are linked by two factors: language and religion. Most people from the Middle East and North Africa speak the Arabic language. And most are Muslims, people who practice the religion of Islam. Allah is believed to be the supreme God, whose thoughts are contained in a holy book called the Koran. Although the people of this region are separated by national borders, these two factors give them a sense of unity.

4(1) About 346 million people live in the Middle East and North Africa. There are many differences among these people. What do the people of this huge region have in common, then? Above all, they are linked by two factors: language and religion. Most people from the Middle East and North Africa speak the Arabic language. And most are Muslims, people (who practice the religion of Islam).

4(2) Allah is believed to be the supreme God, whose thoughts are contained in a holy book called the Koran. Although the people of this region are separated by national borders, these two factors give them a sense of unity.

64쪽 5번 Words & Phrases religious 2. strict 3. avoid 4. pride 5. fasten 6. cover 7. idea 8. stylish 9. draw attention 10. reluctant 11. modern 12. civilization 13. refrain 14. device 15. appearance-oriented 16. convenience 17. greed 18. vanity

64쪽 5번 Words & Phrases 종교의; 신앙심이 깊은 2. 엄격한 종교의; 신앙심이 깊은 2. 엄격한 3. 피하다 4. 자존심, 자만, 교만5. 고정시키다 6. 씌우다, 가리다 7. 생각;관념;목적 8. 유행을 따른, 멋진9. 관심을 끌다 10. 꺼리는, 주저하는11. 현대의 12. 문명 13. 삼가다, 자제하다 14. 장치(기구) 15. 외모 지향적인 16. 편의, 편리, 편리한 것 17. 탐욕 18. 자만심, 허영심

5(1) The Amish people living in Big Valley are very religious. They follow all kinds of strict rules. The reason for these rules is to avoid pride in themselves, in how they think, and in how they look. They must look like everyone else. Men get the same haircuts. No zippers are allowed on pants; buttons are not allowed on jackets. Women use straight pins to fasten their clothes. Their hair must not be cut, and their heads must be covered.

5(2) The idea is to avoid becoming stylish or drawing attention to themselves. Furthermore, the Amish are reluctant to use the technology of modern civilization, so they refrain from using modern devices such as cars or mobile phones. They believe an appearance-oriented lifestyle and modern conveniences can bring greed and vanity.

5(1) The Amish people living in Big Valley are very religious. They follow all kinds of strict rules. The reason for these rules is to avoid pride in(1) themselves, in(2) how they think, and in(3) how they look. They must look like everyone else. Men get the same haircuts. No zippers are allowed on pants; buttons are not allowed on jackets. Women use straight pins to fasten their clothes. Their hair must not be cut, and their heads must be covered.

5(2) The idea is to avoid becoming(1) stylish or drawing(2) attention to themselves. Furthermore, the Amish are reluctant to use the technology of modern civilization, so they refrain from using modern devices such as cars or mobile phones. They believe an appearance-oriented lifestyle and modern conveniences can bring greed and vanity

Challenge Yourself! Allah (believed / is believed) to be the supreme God, whose thoughts (contained / are contained) in a holy book (calling / called) the Koran. No zippers (allowed / are allowed) on pants; buttons are not allowed on jackets. The idea is to avoid becoming stylish or (draw / drawing) attention to themselves.

the Amish are reluctant to use the technology of modern civilization, 게다가 에미쉬인들은 꺼린다 현대 문명의 기술을 사용하는 것을 그래서 그들은 현대 기기를 사용하는 것을 삼가한다 자동차나 휴대폰과 같은 Furthermore, the Amish are reluctant to use the technology of modern civilization, so they refrain from using modern devices such as cars or mobile phones.

숙제 단어 5번씩 쓰기 2. 다음시간에는 6과 단어 수행평가 퀴즈 콘테스트