Lesson 3 We Are All Connected


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Presentation transcript:

Lesson 3 We Are All Connected High School English 1 Lesson 3 We Are All Connected

Turn Off The Lights and Save A Tiger Lesson 3. We Are All Connected p.69 L1-4 Turn Off The Lights and Save A Tiger You can protect tigers simply by switching off the lights. This may sound strange, but it is actually true. An everyday action [that helps us save energy] can also help save an endangered species. How does this work? Let’s take a look. =앞 문장 전체(You ... lights.) 주어 help+동사원형 ~하는 것을 돕다 동사 멸종 위기에 처한 종

Lesson 3. We Are All Connected p.69 L5-7 A Species in Danger Tigers, one of the world’s largest *feline species, have long been the kings of Asia’s forests. Despite being the dominant predators of their habitats, they move silently and remain unseen most of the time. = ~에도 불구하고 우세한 동사 1 *feline 고양잇과의 동사 2 보어

Lesson 3. We Are All Connected p.69 L7-12 Imagine [how ancient people must have felt when encountering tigers in the wild]! It is no surprise [that tigers have been feared and worshipped by humans for centuries, standing as symbols of power and courage]. 목적어 <간접의문문> (they were) 가주어 <It> 진주어 <that절> 마주치다 숭배하다 분사구문 <동시 동작>

Lesson 3. We Are All Connected p.69 L12-16 The fact [that ancient rock paintings feature images of tigers] shows [how closely tigers have been related to humans throughout history]. 주어 = 동사 목적어 <간접의문문> ~에 걸쳐, 통틀어

Lesson 3. We Are All Connected p.70 L1-3 At one time, tigers were found all across Asia, from Korea to Turkey. However, the world’s tiger population has been shrinking rapidly. Illegal hunting and habitat loss are the main reasons [behind this decrease]. 현재완료 진행형 (have[has] been v-ing) 서식지 상실

Lesson 3. We Are All Connected p.70 L3-6 At the start of the 20th century, it was estimated [that there were approximately 100,000 wild tigers]. In recent years, however, [three of the nine subspecies of tigers] have become extinct. 가주어 <it> 진주어 <that절> 대략 주어 아종 멸종된 동사

Lesson 3. We Are All Connected p.70 L6-8 In fact, it is now estimated [that there are fewer than 4,000 tigers living in the wild]. Some experts even predict [that the last of the world’s wild tigers will disappear within the next 10 years]. 가주어 <it> 진주어 <that절> 목적어 <명사절> 주어 동사 ~ 이내에

Our Interconnected World Lesson 3. We Are All Connected p.71 L1-3 Our Interconnected World It would be very sad if there were no more wild tigers. Would it really matter, though? After all, we could still see them in zoos or watch programs about them on TV. 가정법 과거 중요하다 어쨌든 병렬구조

Lesson 3. We Are All Connected p.71 L3-5 Shouldn’t we be more worried about protecting human beings? The fact is, however, [that we need to protect tigers in order to protect ourselves]. This is because all of Earth’s species are interconnected. 주격 보어 <명사절> ~하기 위해서 This is because+주어+동사 이는 ~하기 때문이다 상호 연결된

Lesson 3. We Are All Connected p.71 L6-8 Think about what would happen if tigers became extinct. Existing at the top of the food chain, they maintain the populations of animals [they prey on], such as deer and boar. 목적어 <가정법 과거> 분사구문 <동시 동작> 관계대명사 which[that] ~을 잡아먹다 멧돼지

Lesson 3. We Are All Connected p.71 L14-18 Humans are no exception, as we rely on nature for everything [we need to survive, including air, food, and water]. This is [how the disappearance of a single species can threaten the whole planet]. 예외 ~에 의존하다 관계대명사 that 주격 보어 <간접의문문> 위협하다

Lesson 3. We Are All Connected p.71 L8-10 Without tigers, these species would rapidly increase in number. As a result, their food source, vegetation, would begin to disappear. 가정법 과거 그 결과 =

Lesson 3. We Are All Connected p.71 10-14 This would cause birds and insects to lose their homes, and bigger animals [that prey on them] would soon run out of food. Eventually, the entire ecosystem would be affected. cause+목적어+to-v (목적어)가 ~하게 하다 =birds and insects ~이 없어지다 [떨어지다] 생태계

Lesson 3. We Are All Connected p.72 L1-4 Now imagine what would happen if we made the effort to save tigers. Tigers are considered an “umbrella species.” This is an ecological term [referring to species [that live in a large area [containing a variety of different ecosystems]]]. 목적어 <가정법 과거> 우산종 ~을 나타내다

Lesson 3. We Are All Connected p.72 L4-7 If we choose to protect these species, we must conserve their habitat. As a result, the other species [that share this habitat], including trees and insects, are protected too, [as if there were a large umbrella [being held over them]]. 보존하다 주어 삽입어구 동사 as if+가정법 과거 마치 ~인 것처럼

Small Efforts with Big Results Lesson 3. We Are All Connected p.73 L1-2 Small Efforts with Big Results Now, it is obvious [that we must protect tigers]. You may, however, still wonder [how switching off the lights helps]. 가주어 <it> 진주어 <that절> 동사 목적어 <간접의문문> 주어

Lesson 3. We Are All Connected p.73 L2-5 Well, the lights in our homes require electricity, and [more than half of the world’s electricity] is created by burning fossil fuels. When fossil fuels are burned, carbon dioxide is released into the air, and this contributes to climate change. 주어 동사 주어 동사 이산화탄소 배출하다 ~의 원인이 되다

Lesson 3. We Are All Connected p.73 L5-8 Climate change has a number of negative effects, including rising sea levels [that threaten many parts of the world]. One of these places, called the Sundarbans, is an area on the coast of Bangladesh [inhabited by a large number of tigers]. 다수의, 많은 삽입어구 (which[that] is)

Lesson 3. We Are All Connected p.73 L8-12 If Earth’s oceans continue to rise, this area could be wiped out and its tiger population could be reduced by as much as 96%. ~을 완전히 파괴하다 개체 수 ~만큼이나

Lesson 3. We Are All Connected p.73 L13-18 By conserving energy, however, we can slow climate change, and this will slow the rise of the oceans. So keep switching off the lights [whenever you’re the last person [to leave a room]]! by v-ing ~함으로써 keep v-ing 계속해서 ~하다 ~할 때는 언제든지 형용사적 용법

Lesson 3. We Are All Connected p.74 L1-4 You can also protect tigers [when shopping]. Many popular products, [including chocolate, instant noodles, and soap], are made with palm oil. (you are) 주어 삽입어구 동사

Lesson 3. We Are All Connected p.74 L5-8 Unfortunately, forests [where tigers live] are being destroyed to build more and more palm oil plantations. Some palm oil, however, is produced in a more sustainable way. 진행형 수동태 (be being v-ed) 비교급+and+비교급 점점 더 ~한[하게] (환경 파괴 없이) 지속 가능한

Lesson 3. We Are All Connected p.74 L8-10 Products [that use this environmentally friendly palm oil] usually have a special mark on the label. Look for it the next time you go shopping! 주어 친환경적인 =a special mark 동사 the next time+주어+동사 다음에 ~할 때

Lesson 3. We Are All Connected p.74 L11-14 Get Involved There are many other things [you can do to protect tigers and other endangered species]. You could volunteer at a nonprofit organization or share important information on social networking sites. 관계대명사 which[that] 부사적 용법 <목적> 병렬구조 비영리적인

Lesson 3. We Are All Connected p.74 L14-19 However small your actions may seem, they can help make a big difference. Most importantly, you must remember [that we all share the same planet]. If a single species disappears, every other living creature, [including human beings], could be affected. however+형용사+주어+동사 아무리 ~할지라도 help+동사원형 ~하는 것을 돕다 목적어 <명사절> 주어 삽입어구 동사