盤 根 錯 節 煮 豆 燃 萁 繫 于 包 桑 或 躍 在 淵 藏 頭 露 尾 반근착절 : 얽히고 설킨 뿌리와 매듭 같다 자두연기 : 콩깍지를 태워 콩을 삶는다 계우포상 : 스스로를 뽕나무에 묶는다 혹약재연 : 어떤 것은 깊은 못에 있다 藏 頭 露 尾 장두노미 : 머리는 숨겼으나 꼬리가 보인다 41 % 20 % 12 % 10 % 7 % Some part is still seen Very difficult to solve There is no support Too many to consider Some jumped into pond Head is hidden, but not tail Roots and trunks are very mixed The beans are boiled by its chaff Bind oneself to mulberry tree Some (dragons) are in pond For some case, have to ready to jump into situation.