Ch 6. Party Systems (정당체계)


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Presentation transcript:

Ch 6. Party Systems (정당체계) Party systems involve both competition and cooperation between the different parties in the political system. A linkage among PIG, PIE, and PO in party systems Why a classification of party systems important? 1. The distinctive party behavior associated with the types of party system 2. A useful way of simplifying an extremely complex political reality 3. Heavily affecting the “stability and change” in political systems

Ch 6. Party Systems (정당체계) 정당체계 분류를 통해 얻게 되는 정치학적 함의 정당체계의 기능적 속성을 분석하고 그 성과를 평가하는 것이 목표 듀베르제 “정당체계란 다양한 요인이 빚어낸 결과물” 선거제도가 정당체계에 영향을 주는 방식 (Duverger) 비례대표제  복수의 강하고 독립적이면서 안정적인 정당체계 동반 중선거구제 다수대표제  복수의 유연하고 상호의존적이나 상대적으로 안정된 정당체계 소선구제 단순다수대표제 (SMSP)  주요 독립적 정당간의 정권교체를 동반하는 양당제도를 유도

Party Systems (정당체계) 정당체계에 관한 분류 기준 두 가지 정당의 수 VS. 정당 간 이념 거리 Classifications based on the number of parties in the system Power distributions among parties Directly affected by electoral institutions and rules Classifications based on the ideologies of parties in the system Competitions and coalitions among parties Focusing more on Party-in-government

선거제도와 정당체계 How a nation gets its party system is complex; rooted in its historical development and when and how the franchise expanded Single-member districts in U.S. and Britain tend to produce two-party or two-plus party systems; encourage coalescing of parties because, if too many candidates, your party may never win! Proportional Representation (PR) encourages parties to split; more likely that your party will win at least a few seats and can use them to form coalitions

선거제도 Electoral Rules plurality–majority Main Voting Systems No two countries have identical voting systems, but there are three main types each with its own variations plurality–majority proportional representation (PR) semi proportional

1. Simple plurality/”First-past-the-post” (“winner- takes-it-all”) Plurality–majority 1. Simple plurality/”First-past-the-post” (“winner- takes-it-all”) The winning candidate gets more votes than any other (a simple plurality), no matter how many candidates and how small the winning margin. Usually used in conjunction with single-member districts, so the combination of single member and simple plurality is often known as the SMSP system. Ex) three candidates with 40%, 30%, and 20%, then the winner is the 40% candidate.

Plurality–majority 1. Simple plurality/”First-past-the-post” Its advantage is simplicity and direct democratic accountability, because each district is represented by only one representative. SMSP is also likely to produce single-party governments with stable majorities, and this favors clear lines of political accountability. The disadvantage is disproportionality in election results. The SMSP system favors large parties and discriminates against small ones, to the extent that voting for one of them is often seen as a ‘wasted’ vote (死票).

Any law-like rule in political science? the “law of supply and demand” in economics What about in political science? Any law-like axiom in politics? “Duverger’s Law” A French political scientist Maurice Duverger (1951) A law-like impact of electoral system on coalition- building pattern in elections “First-past-the-post” (i.e. plurality, or “winner-takes- it-all”) electoral system brings about two-party system.”

Plurality–majority 2. Second ballot The second-ballot (SB) system tries to avoid the disproportionality problem of SMSP systems by requiring the winning candidate to get an absolute majority of the votes (i.e. 50 percent + 1) in the first round – or if not, a second run-off ballot (election) is held between the two strongest candidates. The advantage is simplicity. the disadvantage is the need for a second ballot shortly after the first. The French use this system in presidential elections.