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THE COCHRANE LIBRARY Background- The Cochrane Collaboration What is the Cochrane library ? Systemic Review Inside out& Browsing Wrap-up( summary&Additional resource)

THE COCHRANE COLLABORATION British medical researcher who contributed greatly to the development of epidemiology as a science he stressed the importance of using evidence from randomised controlled trials Archie Cochrane ( 1909 ~ 1998 )

THE COCHRANE COLLABORATION Structure – 비영리 국제기구로 1993년 영국에 설립. Aim – 질병치료 및 건강관리 의 객관적 자료를 축적,배포. How - Systematic reviews of the effects of healthcare interventions Publishing Output – The Cochrane Library Wiley publishes the Cochrane Library for the Cochrane Collaboration The Cochrane Collaboration was established as an international organisation in 1993, and was registered as a charity in the U.K. Its aim is to help people make well-informed decisions about health care. This is done by preparing and maintaining, and promoting access to, systematic reviews of the effects of healthcare interventions  

THE COCHRANE COLLABORATION Management - Collaborative Review group (50) - Cochrane Centres(12) : 국가별 Cochrane centres 의 육성, 지원 - Method Group(11) : Develop the methodology of Cochrane Reviews Wiley publishes the Cochrane Library for the Cochrane Collaboration The Cochrane Collaboration was established as an international organisation in 1993, and was registered as a charity in the U.K. Its aim is to help people make well-informed decisions about health care. This is done by preparing and maintaining, and promoting access to, systematic reviews of the effects of healthcare interventions  

THE COCHRANE CENTRE - 전세계 12개 국가에 Cochrane Library Center 설립. 01.Australasian Cochrane Centre 07.Iberoamerican Cochrane Centre 02.Brazilian Cochrane Centre 08.Italian Cochrane Centre 03.Canadian Cochrane Centre 09.Nordic Cochrane Centre 04.Chinease Cochrane Centre 10.South african Cochrane Centre 05.Dutch Cochrane Centre 11.U.K Cochrane Centre 06.German Cochrane Centre 12.U.S Cochrane Centre

National Site Cochrane National Licenses to The Cochrane Library Norway 4.6m. England & Wales 52m. Saskatchewan 980,000 Sweden9m. Finland 5.2m. Ireland 4m. Denmark 5.4m.                                                                                                           +HINARI+ BIREME Australia 20.2m. +HINARI +AGORA South Africa 42.7m. National Site Cochrane National Licenses to The Cochrane Library Total 189 m. (estimate. July 2005)

THE COCHRANE LIBRARY Background- The Cochrane Collaboration What is the Cochrane library ? Systemic Review Inside out& Browsing Wrap-up( summary&Additional resource)

WHAT IS THE COCHRANE LIBRARY? The Cochrane Library 는 질병 치료에 있어 객관적 임상연구 증거를 중심으로 한 Healthcare- Intervention 자료를 축적. Evidence Based Medicine: 21세기에 접어들어 개인적인 Medical Skill 에 의존하기보다는 임상실험의 결과를 토대로 한 근거중심의 원천적인 질병관리의 필요성이 Healthcare 에 있어 보다 객관적이고 신뢰성 있는 정보가 필요하게 됨. 이에 따라 전세계적으로 발전하고 있는 Medical Subject cluster 를 “evidence-based medicine” 로 일컫는다. 침술이 금연에 있어 정말 도움 을 줄 수가 있는가? . 이렇한 명백한 의학적질문에 대한 답변을 Cochrane 을 통하여 질문이 답을 얻을 수 있다.

WHAT IS THE COCHRANE LIBRARY? Contents 구성 The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (CDSR) The Cochrane Database of Reviews of Effects (DARE) The Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) The Cochrane Database of Methodology Reviews (CDMR) The Cochrane Methodology register ( New ) Health Technology Assessment Database (HTA) NHS Economic Evaluation Database (NHS EED) About the Cochrane Collaboration The Cochrane Library is a collection of 6 main databases and 2 additional databases that describe Cochrane as an organization. These are: The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (CDSR) The Cochrane Database of Reviews of Effects (DARE) The Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) The Cochrane Database of Methodology Reviews (CDMR) Health Technology Assessment Database (HTA) NHS Economic Evaluation Database (NHS EED) About the Cochrane Collaboration List of Review Groups

The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (CDSR) Aim : 연구자가 자신의 systematic review 를 통하여 주어진 Topic 또는 특정질병에 대한 Intervention 효과를 주장. How : 이를 위한 연구로 전세계에서 이루어진 Clinical Trials 자료를 취합하여 Systemic review 의 근거자료로 사용하게 됨. Author’s Conclusion & Reader’s Benefit: The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (CDSR) is the he ‘key’ database in the library. It currently includes more than 2000 Full Reviews and 1400 Protocols (which are Reviews in progress). The numbers of these grow on a quarterly basis. They are of a highly structured format, and rigorous methods are applied (including statistical analysis and editorial reviewing procedures). 다른 연구자 고유의 근거 조사방법 및 도출된 결과를 활용하여 자신의 연구주제에 활용/ Review 자료를 다른 관련분야 연구자들이 쉽게 접근하고 파악할 수 있게 함.

Steps of Systemic Review Search of personal files Systematic manual searches of key journals Review of reference lists of articles Computerized Databases Consultation with experts Identify studies Review for relevance Relevant Not Relevant Evaluate methodological quality Reject Extract data Analyze data Draw Conclusions

1589 Protocols ( Review in progress ) Systemized Information The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (CDSR) : Core Database in The Cochrane Library ! 2524 Full Reviews 1589 Protocols ( Review in progress ) Systemized Information

Systemic Review

Systemic Review Review 의 진행상황을 알려주는 마크 표시: = Full Review 가 끝남., 결론과 더불어 meta-analysis 와 odds-ratio diagram 수록 = Protocol. Review 초안 수록 .리뷰의 준비부터 진행할 연구의 준비자료, 연구배경,이론적근거 와 방법을 수록 = 연구자의Full Review 에 대한 다른 Reader 들의 Comments , Criticism 수록 즉, 관련 Readers 는 review에 대한 반박의견을 올릴 수 있고 이에 따른 연구자의 Feed Back 을 보여줌. = 최근 수록된 Review와 Protocols 를 수록 = 최근Update 된 Review 수록. = 연구 철회된 Review 또는 Protocol 수록. 대부분 연구활동이 미약하거나 update 가 충실하지 못한 review 가 이에 해당함. 철회된 연구과제의 그 이유에 대한 내용 수록.

TOC Comparison : Protocols Vs Systemic Review

Systemic Review ; Graphs fff

Systemic Review : Comments and Criticisms = 연구자의Full Review 에 대한 다른 Reader 들의 Comments , Criticism 수록 즉, 관련 Readers 는 review에 대한 반박의견을 올릴 수 있고 이에 따른 연구자의 reply 를 수록.

Systemic Review : How to upload my comments? :

Browse by database Review 의 진행상황을 알려주는 마크 표시: = 연구 철회된 Review 또는 Protocol 수록. 대부분 연구활동이 미약하거나 update 가 충실하지 못한 review 가 이에 해당함. 철회된 연구과제의 그 이유에 대한 내용 수록.

The Cochrane Database of Reviews of Effects (DARE) 5,585 Records. 초록제공. Systemic review 를 위한 기초 자료로 사용되며 많은 author’s conclusion 에 대한 Summary 제공. CDSR 에서 포괄하지 못하고 있는 Healthcare effect 자료 제공( Cochrane reviewer 를 위하여 Cochrane 정보 제공원 이외의 Journal Resource 를 포괄함)

DARE Main page : Centre for Review and Dissemination

The Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) 463,763 bibliographic records. Cochrane review 와 관련 발표된 Controlled trials 자료 소개. Controlled trials 자료만의 제공 DB로는 가장 많은 자료를 축적. Cochrane reviewer 는 전 세계 Controlled trials 연구활동 을 파악 할수 있음. Unpublished 자료까지 제공.

CENTRAL Main page

The cochrane library, Methodological Review group(CMRG) : The Cochrane Database of Methodology Reviews (CDMR) 20 Systemic Review Contains Methodology reviews & Protocols prepared by the metho- dological review group Ex ) Strategies to improve recruitment to research studies The Cochrane Methodology Register 7,484 Records Bibliographic information on articles and books on the sci- ence of review research, and a prospective register of methodol- ogical studies.The methods used in the conduct of controlled trials. Health Technology Assessment Database (HTA) The cochrane library, Methodological Review group(CMRG) :

Assessment Database (HTA) NHS Economic Evaluation Database (NHS EED) Health Technology Assessment Database (HTA) 4,733 Records Contains information on healthcare technology assessments. The database contains details of ongoing projects and completed publications from health technology assessment organisations . Ex) Alberta heritage foundation for Medical Research NHS Economic Evaluation Database (NHS EED) 16,428 Records. Contains structured abstracts of articles describing economic evaluations of health care interventions. Articles are identified by searching through key medical journals, bibliographic databases and less widely available literature. Health Technology Assessment Database (HTA)

Main page

THE COCHRANE LIBRARY Background- The Cochrane Collaboration What is the Cochrane library ? Systemic Review Inside out& Browsing Wrap-up ( Cochrane access&Additional resource)

How to get access ?

Browse by Database

Main page : Browse by Topic

- Additional Resource-

MeSH Term assignments by Cochrane filename CDSR Fully indexed, except for reviews first published in recent issues CDSR – PROTOCOLS NO MeSH indexing CENTRAL NO MeSH indexing DARE Fully indexed CDMR None CMR None About the Collaboration None HTA Fully indexed NHS EED Fully indexed

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