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윤다원 (발표) 김영경(내용 정리) 박은지(ppt )

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Presentation on theme: "윤다원 (발표) 김영경(내용 정리) 박은지(ppt )"— Presentation transcript:

1 윤다원 (발표) 김영경(내용 정리) 박은지(ppt )
수 일치 윤다원 (발표) 김영경(내용 정리) 박은지(ppt )

2 학습목표 Ⅰ. 수식어를 무시하고 진짜 주어를 찾아 수를 일치시켜라! Ⅱ. 주어가 동사 뒤로 가는 구문의 수 일치에 주의하라!
Ⅲ. 부분표현은 of 뒤의 명사에 수를 일치시켜라! Ⅳ. each와 every는 언제나 단수로, both는 언제나 복수로 취급하라! Ⅴ. 구와 절은 한 덩어리로 보아 단수 취급한다

3 Ⅰ . 수식어를 무시하고 진짜 주어를 찾아 수를 일치시켜라
뒤에서 수식 받는 주어의 수 일치는 어떻게 할까? 관계사절 형용사구 과거분사구 (p.p.) 현재분사구 (v-ing) To-v 전치사 + 명사(구) 동격의 that절 S v

4 1. 관계사절 A battery that has not been used for several months needs to be charged for at least 14 hours before use. cf) We need to use alternative sources of energy that are not harmful to the environment. 2. 형용사구 Leaves bright with rain are a joy to behold.

5 3. 과거분사구(p.p.) 4. 현재분사구(v-ing)
The files attached to the seem to be infected with a virus. 4. 현재분사구(v-ing) His hand holding the wine glass was trembling and the wine spilled.

6 5. to-v 6. 전치사 + 명사(구) 7. 동격의 that절
Deficient parts to be replaced are marked with special tags. 6. 전치사 + 명사(구) A person with a special knowledge of ability is called an expert. 7. 동격의 that절 The rumor that the company would shut down has been proved false.

7 Quiz 1. Rapid growth in the number of college graduates [has/ have] made competition for jobs much more intense than it used to be. 2. In the era of globalization, the most important issue facing most countries today [is/ are] the understanding of the differences among cultures.

8 Ⅱ. 주어가 동사 뒤로 가는 구문의 수 일치에 주의하라!
There + v + s 또는 부사(구)나 부정어(구)가 문장 앞으로 나오는 도치구문의 수 일치 1. There have been some changes to the schedule. 2. Well, there goes my weekend. 3. Under the table were several mouse traps, and I stepped on one of them. 4. Only when asked does she give her opinion. 5. Nowhere in this world does your salary double in just two weeks.

9 Quiz 1. Rarely [has/ have] many schools had the budget to offer quality programs linking classroom. 2. Due to the recent reconstruction, there [is/ are] only a handful of tourist attractions open in the area.

10 Ⅲ . 부분표현은 of 뒤의 명사에 수를 일치시켜라!
부분을 나타내는 명사나 분수 표현이 주어인 경우, 뒤따르는 [ of+ 명사]의 명사에 수를 일치시킨다. most of + N some of +N all of + N the rest of + N the majority of + N a portion of + N

11 부분을 나타내는 명사나 분수 표현이 주어인 경우, 뒤따르는 [ of+ 명사]의 명사에 수를 일치시킨다. 1
부분을 나타내는 명사나 분수 표현이 주어인 경우, 뒤따르는 [ of+ 명사]의 명사에 수를 일치시킨다. 1. Some of the pages have been written by students themselves. 2. When he appeared after class, the rest of the students were amazed. 3. The majority of stores do not accept returns on opened software packages. 4. Two-thirds of London citizens are happy with the royal family.

12 Quiz 1. Two-thirds of the land [has/ have] been set aside to remain as undeveloped green space. 2. A medical center reported that a larger portion of their patients [was/ were] people who did not have a physical disease but were seeking psychological help.

13 Ⅳ . Each 와 every는 언제나 단수로, both는 언제나 복수로 취급하라!
단수로 취급하는 경우 : each, every 복수로 취급하는 경우: both, ⌜the + 형용사⌟ 1. each가 문장의 주어일 때 ex) Each of the paragraphs is joined together by a transition word, phrase or sentence. 2. ⌜each + 단수명사⌟ 가 주어일 때 ex) Each moment with you is just like a dream to me. 3. ⌜every + 단수명사⌟가 주어일 때 ex) Every product we buy has an effect on the environment.

14 복수로 취급하는 경우: both, ⌜the + 형용사⌟ 1
복수로 취급하는 경우: both, ⌜the + 형용사⌟ 1. both가 문장의 주어일 때 ex) Both of the firms in the merger appear to have very large market shares. 2. ⌜both + 복수명사⌟가 주어일 때 ex) Usually both parties in a dispute are to blame. 3. ⌜the + 형용사⌟ = 형용사 + people the young, the old[elderly], the homeless, the dead ex) Do you think that the rich are happier than the poor? cf) ⌜the + 형용사⌟ 는 추상명사로 쓰이기도 한다. 이때는 단수취급 한다. the true, the good, the beautiful, the right ex) The true is nowhere to be seen.

15 Quiz 1. Although the disabled [has/ have] long been treated as a nuisance, attitudes are changing lately. 2. 어법상 어색한 것을 골라봐 (2개) Each roles of yours make demands on you. role makes

16 Ⅴ . 구와 절은 한 덩어리로 보아 단수취급한다. ‘부정사구, 동명사구, 접속사나 의문사가 이끄는 명사절’을 가주어 it으로 바꾸어 쓸 수 있는 경우에는 단수로 취급한다. To lean[leaning] out of the window is dangerous. It is dangerous to lean[leaning] out of the window. Whether you leave or not is your choice. It is your choice whether you leave or not.

17 앞 절 전체를 선행사로 받는 관계대명사(계속적 용법)는 단수로 취급한다
앞 절 전체를 선행사로 받는 관계대명사(계속적 용법)는 단수로 취급한다. Suicides are on the rise, which indicates that there’s a problem in our society. and this

18 Quiz 1. Sharing friendship, laughter, and even sadness [is/are] the thread that binds us together. 2. Sadly in many poor areas of the globe, women are not allowed to participate in society, which [means/ mean] half of the knowledge that could improve conditions [is/ are] literally going to waste. and this


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