25. 분사구문 ▪ 분사구문이란? 문장을 내용어 중심으로 줄여 간단히 표현하는 것. 동사를 분사형태로 씀

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Presentation on theme: "25. 분사구문 ▪ 분사구문이란? 문장을 내용어 중심으로 줄여 간단히 표현하는 것. 동사를 분사형태로 씀"— Presentation transcript:

1 25. 분사구문 ▪ 분사구문이란? 문장을 내용어 중심으로 줄여 간단히 표현하는 것. 동사를 분사형태로 씀 If you turn to the right, you’ll find the building. → Turning to the right, you’ll find the building.

2 현재분사: 능동 / 과거분사: 수동 ▪ Not feeling well, I decided to lie down. → As I didn’t feel well, I decided to lie down. ▪ [Being] Having confused by the directions, he failed to answer. → As he was confused by the directions, he failed to answer.

3 ▪ Feeling calmer, she explained it.
→ When she felt calmer, she explained it. 주절과 부사절의 주어가 다를 경우 ▪ The weather being fine, they went on a picnic. → Because the weather was fine, they went on a picnic.

4 with+명사+분사 명사가 ~한 채로 ▪ He fell asleep with the radio turned on. 라디오를 켠 채로 ▪ I can find it with my eyes closed. 눈을 감은 채로

5 외워두면 편리한 분사구문 ▪ Generally speaking, ~ 일반적으로 말해서 ▪ Considering (her personality), ~ (그녀의 성격)을 고려해 볼 때 ▪ Granted (that) it is true, ~ 일단 (그것이 사실)이라고 인정한다면

6 → They argued, yelling at each other.
▪ Exercise 괄호 안의 단어들을 이용해 문장을 만드세요. 그들은 서로에게 소리를 지르며 말다툼 했다. (argued, at, they, each other, yelling) 결과에 실망한 나머지 그녀는 울었다. (cried, the result, disappointed, she, with) → They argued, yelling at each other. → Disappointed with the result, she cried.

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