3 Tense and Aspect 1742171 Sung Mi Kim.

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Presentation on theme: "3 Tense and Aspect 1742171 Sung Mi Kim."— Presentation transcript:

1 3 Tense and Aspect Sung Mi Kim

2 Forms of Tense and Aspect
Meanings of Tense and Aspect Meanings in Context Teaching Activity

3 Forms of Tense

4 1. Forms of tense Tense Present tense Past tense
Cf) The time line perspective

5 Forms of Aspect

6 1. Forms of Aspect Aspect Perfect Aspect (Have verb + en/ed)
Progressive Aspect (Be verb + ing)

7 Basic Structure Tense (Modal) (Perfect) (Progressive) Verb
PAST or PRESENT (WILL) (HAVE + EN) (BE + ING) VERB 1 The left-to-right order of components is fixed. 2 Each component influences the form of the component to its right. Ex) a. I PRESENT TENSE, HAVE… + EN, BE…+ ING, sleep b. I have been sleeping.

8 Meanings of Tense

9 1. Meanings of Tense Past and Present – factual
Factuality ( facture and nonfactual ) Past and Present – factual Future events – non factual situations 1. That is the worst haircut I have ever seen. (Fact) 2. That fat dog ate my lunch. (Fact. It already happened.) 3. My best friend will get married tomorrow. (Not a fact. It didn’t happen yet.)

10 1. Meanings of Tense Remoteness Remoteness in time
Past tense > Present tense 4. The hippo walks to work every morning to stay healthy. 5. The hippo walks into the room and starts crying like a big baby. 6. The hippo walked to work before it got in a car accident and lost the use of its hind legs.

11 1. Meanings of Tense Remoteness Remoteness in possibility
Past tense < Present tense 7. I will move to Mombasa next year. 8. I would like to move to Mombasa within the next few years.

12 Meanings of Aspect

13 1 Lexical Aspect Stative and Dynamic
Stative : be, like, know … (no real action) I am knowing how to swim. (x) Dynamic: drive, speak, eat… (situations involving a change) 9. The armadillo likes sand. (Stative, It does now, did in the past, and always will.) 10. The bear ate the armadillo. (Dynamic, the bear was once hungry but now it is not - or - the armadillo was once alive but is now dead and gone.)

14 1 Lexical Aspect Dynamic Situations Punctual and Durative
Punctual situations (non-durative) in an instant Durative situations over a period of time Non-durative -vs- Durative 11. The elephant stepped on my foot. (Punctual) 11a. The elephant is stepping on my foot. Help! (Durative) 12. The Han River flows into the Yellow Sea. (Durative) 12a. The Han River is flowing into the city center. Help. (Punctual - kind of)

15 2 Grammatical Aspect Grammatical Aspect Concept of situation
In -vs- Out 13. The elephant is falling down the steps. (Progressive, Inside) (used predominantly in spoken language) 14. The elephant has fallen down the steps. (Perfect, Outside) (used predominantly in written language) Grammatical Aspect Concept of situation progressive viewed from the inside, in progress perfect viewed from the outside, in retrospect

16 3 Different Meanings Perfect + Dynamic verb : completed activity
Progressive + Dynamic verb : ongoing activity (Incomplete) 15. John is cooking pork for dinner. 16. John has cooked pork for dinner.

17 3 Different Meanings Stative Verb perfect + Stative
progressive + Stative 17. The porcupine has liked chicken for a long time. Progressive + Stative : Temporary state 18. Although that is not always the case, the teacher is acting like an idiot today.

18 4 components I have been working very hard.
I PRESENT HAVE + EN/ED BE + ING work very hard. factual external view in retrospect internal view in progress dynamic activity You had been learning a lo. You PAST HAVE + EN/ED BE + ING learn a lot. Remote external view in retrospect internal view in progress dynamic process

19 Meanings in Context

20 Meanings in Context In a magazine article
past tense- background information Present tense- foreground of writer’s focus In academic writing Past- report on research Present- generalizations by the current writers In narratives Past- background for understanding the story Present- foreground to look like a present experiences In a news report Present- Headlines Perfect present- recent changes and current situations

21 Exercise He has been learning a lot. He had been learning a lot.
He had learned a lot. He has learned a lot. He learned a lot. He is learning a lot. He will learn a lot. He would learn a lot. He would have learned a lot.

22 Teaching Activity

23 Class Description : Class : middle school, 3rd grade 25 people 2. Language Focus : Grammatical Aspect – The Present Perfect Progressive Tenses

24 현재완료진행형의 형태

25 1. The Present Perfect Progressive
「have〔has〕 been+-ing」 have〔has〕 + p.p (현재완료) be + -ing (진행형) have〔has〕 + been + -ing (현재완료진행형)

26 현재완료진행형의 의미

27 1. 현재완료진행형의 의미 I have been watching TV for three hours.
과거의 어느 시점부터 지금까지 계속되어 오고 있고, 또 현재에도 계속 진행 중인 동작 을 표현할 때 사용합니다. I have been watching TV for three hours.  나는 세 시간 동안 TV를 보고 있는 중입니다.

28 1. 현재완료진행형의 의미 He has been studying since then.
그는 그때부터 공부하고 있습니다. They have been waiting for you for a long time.  그들은 오랫동안 당신을 기다리고 있습니다.

29 현재완료 vs. 현재완료진행

30 1. 현재완료 vs. 현재완료진행 계속을 나타내는 현재완료는 동작의 계속과 상태의 계속을 모두 나타낼 수 있습니다. They have lived in Seoul since  그들은 1980년 이후로 서울에서 살고 있습니다.

31 1. 현재완료 vs. 현재완료진행 They have been living in Seoul since 1980.
현재완료진행은 동작의 계속만을 나타냅니다. 특히 현재완료의 계속적 의미를 강조할 때는 현재완료진행을 사용할 수 있습니다. They have been living in Seoul since 1980.  그들은 1980년 이후로 서울에서 살고 있습니다.

32 2. 현재완료진행형의 주의점 I have known her for 10 years.
현재완료진행은 동작의 계속만을 나타내기 때문에 상태동사는 현재완료진행에 쓰일 수 없습니다. I have known her for 10 years.  나는 10년 동안 그녀를 알고 지내고 있습니다. cf. I have been knowing her for years. (X)

33 기 본 문 제 She has been knowing about it since last Friday.
다음 문장 중 어색한 문장을 찾아 봅시다. She has been knowing about it since last Friday. He has been working very hard. What have you been doing?

34 기 본 문 제 It (snow) for two hours. He (sleep) since this morning.
괄호 안의 동사를 현재완료진행형으로 바꿔 써 봅시다. It (snow) for two hours. He (sleep) since this morning. I (wait) for an hour. has been snowing has been sleeping have been waiting

35 심 화 문 제 다음을 시제에 유의하여 영어로 말해 봅시다. 그는 아침부터 책을 읽고 있습니다.
나는 어제부터 편지를 쓰고 있습니다. He has been reading a book since this morning. I have been writing a letter since yesterday.

36 dance watch TV cook play basketball write a letter use a computer read a book

37 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 He We since 7 p.m. for 3 hours John They My dad
The children have been reading books since 7 p.m. John He has been writing a letter for 3 hours. The children My dad They My friend since 7 p.m. for 3 hours

38 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 He We since 7 p.m. for 3 hours John They My dad
The children My dad They My friend since 7 p.m. for 3 hours

39 Thank you!

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