Having my own way? [ 기출 ] 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은 ? When you get into an automobile /full of people, who do you prefer / to drive the car? S V 자동차.


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Presentation transcript:

Having my own way?

[ 기출 ] 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은 ? When you get into an automobile /full of people, who do you prefer / to drive the car? S V 자동차 O(=whom) If you're like most people, it is generally yourself. =in general Why? Because, in your view, no one else drives a car better than you do or is safer than you (when driving). =drive # 부정주어 (no one else) + 비교급 than ~ : ~ 보다 더 … 하는 사람은 없다. ( 최상급의 의미 ) (=> 너가 운전을 가장 잘하고 운전 시 가장 안전하다 )

We tend to bring this kind of attitude into everything (we do) and get stressed. 이런 종류의 태도  내가 아니면 안 된다는 태도 "I have to do it myself or it won't be done well." =will not In fact, you'll get less stress/ if you admit [that ~ 을 인정한다면 someone else can do it/ just as well as you can// and perhaps, even better]. ___________________.

 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은 ?  ① Observe the traffic rules  준수하라 교통 규칙  ② Be kind to others  ③ Use the subway  ④ Let others do it.  ⑤ Be a leader. √ observe: (1) 준수하다. (n.) observance: 준수 (2) 관찰하다. (n.) observation: 관찰

Making friends

1. 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은 ? When Anita was eleven years old, she went to her mother to complain. "I can't manage to have friends. 불평하다 ~ 을 감당하다, 해내다 They all stay away from me/ because I get so jealous." 질투심이 강하다 Her mother was taking care of new-born chickens, and =looking after 병아리들 Anita held up one of them, (which immediately tried to escape). 도망가다 =at once The more the girl squeezed it in her hands, the more the chicken struggled. 몸부림치다 꽉 죄다

Her mother said: "____________." Anita obeyed her and the chicken stopped struggling. 복종하다 She began to stroke it and the chicken cuddled up between her fingers. 쓰다듬다 웅크리다 "Human beings are like that too," said her mother. 인간들 "If you want to hold onto them by any means, 어떤 수단을 써서라도 they escape. But if you are kind to them, they will remain forever by your side.“ 너의 곁에 남다

 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은 ?  ① try holding it gently  ( 시험삼아 ) ~ 해보라  ② chase it desperately  뒤쫓다 필사적으로  ③ prepare it for dinner  ④ don’t feed it anything  먹이를 주다  ⑤ don’t take your eyes off it.  눈을 떼다 √

Delayed Satisfaction:

2. 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은 ? One of my friends believes [that _________________]. She always tries to complete all the necessary work (before tonight's play), and meet tomorrow's deadline. 완성하려고 노력하다 맞추려고 ( 노력하다 ) 기한 While many of my other peers, (including me), try to 또래친구 avoid work and are vulnerable to the comforts of 피하다 ( 손해, 유혹 ) ~ 에 빠지기 쉽다 편안함 present existence and instant pleasure, 현재의 존재 ( 삶 ) 순간적인 쾌락 she considers work a source of special pleasure. … 을 ~ 로 여기다 O OC

For her, tomorrow's anticipated gains and losses fuel today's decisions and actions. 기대된 이익과 손실 =encourage Satisfaction (delayed for greater reward) is always a better bet for her. 더 큰 보상을 위해 지연된 만족  주제어 내기  investment Unlike the people (who live in the present), she plans ahead for a better self, a better reward, and a bigger success. 미리 (=beforehand) 자아 보상

 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은 ?  [ 속담과 속담의 변형 ]  ① good luck does not always repeat itself  ② a friend of everybody is a friend of nobody  ③ a good workman doesn’t find fault with his tools  좋은 직공은 연장을 탓하지 ( 비난하지 ) 않는다.  ( ( A bad workman blames his tools.)  ④ A good medicine can taste more sweet than bitter  ( ( A good medicine tastes bitter.)  ⑤ two birds in the future are better than one in the hand  (A (A bird in the hand is better than two in the bush.) √

The film High Noon starring Gary Cooper

3. 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은 ?  There are some people (who have a brave heart), risking their own life to save helpless people.  자신의 생명을 무릅쓰다 의지할 곳 없는  One such character is Will Kane, (the sheriff in the movie High Noon), played brilliantly by Gary Cooper.  인물 보안관  Gunmen come to kill him, and everyone in town wants Kane to flee for different reasons. ... 가 ~ 도망치기를 원하다  Some want the gunmen to control the town so (that) business will be better.  통제하다 ~ 하기 위해서 ( 목적 )

The deputy wants Kane to leave because he wants his job. 보안관 대리 Kane's wife, a Quaker, wants him to run from the fight for religious reasons. 퀘이커교도 But Kane has to stay. It's who he is, having a personal code of behavior and following it. 행동규범 그의 사람됨됨이 ( 인격, 성품 ) 분사구문 Even when he's been deserted by all, when his life is on the line, 생명이 걸려있다 버려지다 he _______________________.

 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은 ?  ① remains true to his own principles  충실한 원칙  ② decides to sell his soul for safety  ③ becomes a threat to every citizen  ④ accept the recommendations of others  추천, 충고  ⑤ resorts to the government to solve his problems  =appeal to~ (~ 에 호소하다 ) √

1967 Boston Red Sox

4. 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은 ?  A friend of mine told me a story (about his son and the Boston Red Sox).  He had inherited a priceless baseball  물려받다 =invaluable( 아주 값비싼 )  (signed by all the players of the legendary 1967 team).  When his young son asked to play catch with him,  ~ 하라고 요청하다 캐치볼하다  he warned the boy [that they could never use that ball]. Upon being asked why, he realized  =On ~ing(~ 하자마자 ) =the reason  [that Carl Yastrzemski, Jim Lonborg and the rest of the 1967 Sox meant nothing/ to his son].

Instead of taking the time to explain, he simply told the boy [they could not use the ball/ "because it had writing all over it]." 글로 써놓은 것 A few days later, the boy once again asked his father to play catch. When his father reminded him [that they could not use … 에게 ~ 를 상기시키다 the ball with the writing], his son informed him [that … 에게 ~ 을 알리다 he had solved the problem: He had licked off the writing!] 핥아서 지우다 It reminded him that, (when teaching or parenting), he must always ____________________. 부모 노릇하다

 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은 ?  ① prove himself as a knowledgeable man  지식이 있는 ( 박식한 )  ② have the ability to teach his child morality  도덕성  ③ be willing to learn from his child’s wisdom  ④ give his child the drive to continue learning  동기 ( 動機 )  ⑤ try to explain things from the child’s point of view  관점 √