municipala. 지방자치의 Municipal elections will be held twice a year.
must-seen. 꼭 봐야 하는 것 The movie featuring the man is a must-see.
out of printphr. 절판되어 ant. in print 출판되어 The fiction by Howard Cha is out of print.
periodicaln. 정기 간행물 The periodical features the most precious inventions of our time.
publicationn. 간행물, 출판물 Several photos will be included in the publication.
showingn. 상영 We attended the premiere showing of the movie.
subscriptionn. 구독 subscribe v. 구독하다 I want to get a subscription to the Weekly Harvard.
transferablea. 양도할 수 있는 The ticket is not transferable.
upcominga. 다가오는 syn. forthcoming 다가오는 A reporter is supposed to speak to a candidate about the upcoming election.