English at your school Korean - English. English at your school 수고했다 Well done. I was very impressed!


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Presentation transcript:

English at your school Korean - English

English at your school 수고했다 Well done. I was very impressed!

English at your school 애써서 좋은 수업을 보여준 것에 감사한다. Thank you for the great lesson. It was very impressive!

English at your school 허용적인 분위기가 우수 했다. It was good to see you accommodating the student’s needs.

English at your school 부진한 학생들에게자신감을 주는 점이 우수했다. It was good to see you give equal opportunities to slower learners.

English at your school 학생 수준에 맞는 영어를 사용한 점이 우수했다. You were using English appropriate for the student’s level.

English at your school 깔끔한 옷차림이 좋았다. I like your professional look / attire!

English at your school 글씨를 정성껏 쓰는 점이 좋았다. You have neat handwriting.

English at your school 교재와 교구의 선정이 적절했다. Your use of teaching materials was good.

English at your school 학생 참여가 우수한 수업이었다. There was a lot of participation in class.

English at your school 학생들의 의사소통 능력이 많이 향상되었다. Student communication skills seemed to improve a lot.

English at your school 학생들이 즐겁게 참여한 수업이었다. The students seemed to enjoy the class a lot.

English at your school 학생들이 영어를 좋아하게 되었을 것이다. I believe students might become more interested in English with these lessons.

English at your school 학생들이 교사의 말을 얼마나 이해했다고 생각하나요 ? How much do you think students understand you?

English at your school 학생들에게 자신감을 주기 위해 어떻게 하나요 ? What do you do to give more encouragement to the students?

English at your school 학생들이 교사의 말을 이해하지 못할 때는 어떻게 하나요 ? What do you do when students have trouble understanding you?

English at your school 교재나 교구는 어떻게 선정하나요 ? How do you select your teaching materials?

English at your school 학습 집단 ( 모둠활동, 짝 활동, 개인 활동 등의 선택 방법 ) 의 조직은 어떻게 하나요 ? How do you conduct group work?

English at your school 학생들이 좋아하는 활동에는 어떤 것들이 있나요 ? What are some of the student’s favorite activities?

English at your school 학생들의 듣기 능력 향상을 위한 교수용어 사용 계획이 있나요 ? Do you have plans to use specific language to improve student’s listening competence?

English at your school 자신의 수업을 매시간 스스로 평가하나요 ? Do you self evaluate each of your lessons?

English at your school 한 시간의 수업을 위해 얼마나 준비하나요 ? How long do you prepare for one hour lesson?

English at your school 원어민 교사 수업의 강점이 무엇이라고 생각하나요 ? What do you think are the advantages of having a native language instructor at Korean public schools?

English at your school 한국인 협력교사와의 협력에 문제점은 없나요 ? Is there any concern you would like to tell me related to your Korean co-teacher?

English at your school 좀더 효과적인 수업을 위해 어떤 지원이 더 필요한가요 ? What additional support would you want to make your teaching more effective?

English at your school 첨가 시킬것이 더 있나요 ? Do you have anything else to add?

English at your school ……. 을 어떻게 느끼세요 ? How do you feel about ……?

English at your school ……. 학교에서 즐겁게 일하나요 ? Are you enjoying your time here at …….. school?

English at your school 좀 더 나은 선생님이 되기위해 무엇을 할 것인가요 ? What will you do in the future to become a better teacher?

English at your school ……. 학교에서 무엇이 가장 좋았나요 ? What do you like best about …………..school?

English at your school 선생님으로서 가장 큰 도전은 무엇인가요 ? What’s your biggest challenge here, as a teacher?

English at your school ……. 학교에서 가르침에 있어 가장 좋은것은 무엇인가요 ? What do you enjoy most about teaching at …….. school?

English at your school 시간 내줘서 감사드리고 항상 행복하세요 ! Thank you for your time and good luck!

Keep Learning. Have Heart!