제 1 강 토양의 기능
식물생장을 위한 배지 토양동물의 서식처 양분 및 C 의 순환고리 물의 순환 및 정화 인프라 구축의 기반
토층 (Soil horizon) 이 란 토양생성과정을 통 해 생성인자의 작용에 의하여 분화 / 발달한 층 위로 지질적 퇴적 층위 와는 다름
Namwon series - Medial, thermic family of Pachic Melanudands - Black volcanic ash soil - Mostly used for upland crops
Haengwon series - Medial over cindery, thermic family of Typic Melanudands - Black volcanic ash soil with high gravel content
Ara series - Medial over cindery, thermic family of Typic Fulvudands - Very dark brown volcanic ash soil with high gravel content
Tosan series - Medial, mesic family of Acrudoxic Fulvudands - Brown forest soil
Songak series - Medial, thermic family of Typic Hapludands - Volcanic ash soil at parasitic volcanos
Noro series - Medial, mesic family of Typic Hapludands - Brown forest soil
18 - Fine, mixed, thermic family of Aeric Umbric Endoaqualfs - Clayey rice paddy soil Haean series
19 - Fine, mixed, thermic family of Ultic Hapludalfs - Clayey upland soil, good for garlic cultivation Youngrak series