제 12 장 분사 (Participle) 분사의 성질 현재분사용법 과거분사용법 분 사 구 문 형 성 평 가
1. 분사의 종류 및 쓰임새 분사의 종류 현재분사 ( 동사원형 +ing) : 진행형, 형용사 과거분사 ( 동사원형 +ed) : 수동태, 완료시제 분사의 쓰임새 형용사처럼 명사를 수식하거나, 주격보어, 목적보어, 분사구문 등에 쓰인다.
2. 현재분사의 용법 명사수식 : 형용사의 역할 A rolling stone gathers no moss. The boys (who are) playing baseball over there are my friends. 보어 : 주격보어, 목적격 보어 She sat reading a magazine.( 주격보어 ) Jane saw a boy walking in the street. ( 목적보어 )
명사를 수식 : 형용사 역할 ( 수동의 뜻 ) 3. 과거분사의 용법 We are planning to buy a used car. There are a lot of goods (which were) made in Korea. 보어 : 주격보어, 목적격보어 You look tired. ( 주격보어 ) He never heard my name called. ( 목적격 보어 )
have+ 목적어, 사물 +p.p: - 시키다, 하다 I had my watch fixed. ( 시키다 ) She had her bag stolen. ( 당하다 ) with+ 명사 + 분사 :- 을 -- 한 채, -- 하고 She was standing with her eyes closed. =She was standing closing her eyes. 3. 과거분사의 용법
1) 개념 : 종속절의 ( 접속사 + 주어 ) 가 생략되고 동사가 분사 ( 현재분사, 과거분사 ) 로 바뀐 문장 2) 분사 구문 만들기 a. 접속사 생략 b. 종속절과 주절의 주어와 같으면 주어 생략 c. 현재분사 ( 과거분사 ) 로 문장 시작 4. 분사구문
1) 분사구문의 종류 a) 때 (when, while, after) When I opened the door, I found him sleeping. Opening the door, I found him sleeping. b) 원인. 이유 (because, as, since) Because I live in an island, I have few visitors. Living in an island, I have few visitors. 1/3
3) 양보 (though, even if) Though I know that he is short, I still like him. Knowing that he is short, I still like him. 4) 조건 (if) If you turn right, you will find the station. Turning right, you will find the station. 2/3
5) 연속 동작 We started early this morning and arrived there before dark. We started early this morning, arriving there before dark. 6) 부대상황 : 같은 동작이 동시에 일어남 Walking along the street, he read the letter. 3/3
a) 부정문을 분사구문으로 고칠 때, 조동사 빼고 not 은 분사 앞에 놓는다 As I didn’t know what to do, I asked her for help. 2) 주의할 분사구문 b) 부사절과 주절의 주어가 다를 때, 그 주어는 분사 앞에 놓는다. As the day was hot, we decided to go swimming. Not knowing what to do, I asked her for help. The day being hot, we decided to go swimming 1/2
3) 부사절의 주어가 일반인일 경우 생략. If we speak generally, Korean players are good. 4) 형용사나 과거분사 앞, 진행형에서 being 은 생 략가능 (Being) curious, I asked him his age. Generally speaking, Korean players are good. 2/2
다음 문장의 ( ) 에 들어갈 말을 고르시오. 1. The girl ( ) by the piano is Jane. sing sang sung to sing singing 2. I found the gate ( ). close to close closed closing is closing singing closed 형 성 평 가 (1)
( ) 에 낱말을 알맞게 고쳐 넣으시오. 1. My brother had an old camera ( ). (repair) 2.The boys came ( ) to meet us. (run) repaired running 형 성 평 가 (2)
분사, 분사구문을 사용하여 고쳐 쓰시오. 1. When he had finished his work, he went home. 2. Our train started at five, and arrived in London at nine. Our train started at five, arriving in London at nine Having finished his work, he went home. 형 성 평 가 (3)