II. Congress as an exciting place  Making all the laws governing the United States  Having debated and passed widely applauded or sometimes criticized.


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Presentation transcript:

II. Congress as an exciting place  Making all the laws governing the United States  Having debated and passed widely applauded or sometimes criticized bills ( Medicare/Medicaid Act in 1965 vs. Obama Care in 2009)  Diverse set of policies over national security, civil rights, economy, immigration, trade, welfare, etc  Basic Profile of Lawmakers’ Roles  Representation/ Lawmaking/ Investigating  Taking stands? 공동발의, 대정부질문, 본회의 발언, 표결 등 Why is taking stands (position taking) important? 1

Taking Stands for Electoral Connection?  Congress: the Electoral Connection by Mayhew (1974, 117) “We can all point to a good many instances in which congressmen seem to have gotten into trouble by being on the wrong side in a roll call vote, but who can think of one where a member got into trouble by being on the losing side?”  Some examples of MCs “willing to be on the losing side”  Southern Democrats and civil rights bills in the 1960s  Rep. Joseph Cao (R-LA) and health care reform final passage in the House (2009) 2

III. Congress as a frustrating place 3 Congressional Approval Rating “All Time Low”  9% (Nov 12, 2013)

아시아국가의 의회신뢰도 순위 ( 제도적 발전과 정치적 효능감 efficacy) 4

Congress as a “frustrating place”: Why? 1. Legislative process itself (“Laws are like sausages, it is better not to see them being made.” by Otto von Bismarck) 2. Gridlock/stalemate  August recess without an energy bill in 2008, Debt-ceiling debate in 2011  Truman’s 1948 strategy of calling the 80 th Congress “Do-nothing Congress” 3. Corruption and scandals Wright (‘89, book royalties), Packwood (‘95, sexual harassment), Rostenkowski (‘95, illegal cash), Kim (‘98, illegal campaign money), Cunningham (‘05, bribes), DeLay (‘06, money laundering), Foley (‘06, sexual s to congressional pages), Ney (’06, Abramoff scandal), Jefferson (’06 bribes), Rangel (’2010) 5

IV. Congress as a changing place  A remarkably permeable institution, bringing new members, new majority, new issues, and new ideas  New members  1958/1964/1974 elections = northern liberal Democrats & “Watergate Babies”  1994/2010 elections = conservative Republicans & “Tea Party” members  New majority coalitions  = Democratic House and Democratic Senate (40 years)  = GOP House & GOP Senate  = Dem House & Dem Senate (Nancy Pelosi, the first female Speaker)  present = GOP House & Dem Senate  New issues = the war on terror, global warming, stem-cell research, environmental protection, consumer rights, trade with China, etc 6

General trends: Size of the House

한국국회 : 전국구 vs. 지역구 8

Women in the U.S. Congress,

Ch 6. 당정관계 ( 강원택 ) 10  한국의 대통령을 “ 제왕적 대통령 ” 이라 보기 어려운 근거 ?  인사청문회, 5 년 단임제와 레임덕, 여소야대, 집권당자율성  정치역사상 처음으로 “ 여소야대 ” 현상을 겪은 대통령 ?  노태우  바람직한 대의회 관계와 당정관계를 위한 제언들 중 비판 ?