Standardized Testing and Reporting (STAR) Program Program Presentation Zames bAnd Ltd® By Zames Kim
찰혜 개요 중요성 시험형태 작문 (Writing Test) 리포트 Q&A Zames bAnd Ltd®
개요 1997 년 CA 의 STAR 승인 1998s 년 Stanford 9 시험 시작 매년 3-5 월 사이 2-11 학년 대상 Zames bAnd Ltd®
중요성 공립학교 교육과정 표준 성취도 평가 CA 학교와 교육구의 신뢰성 있는 도구 결과를 통해 GATE student 선발 카운티나 학교 단위로 집계, 발표됨 학교와 학군의 실력 상호비교의 지표 API (Academic Performance Index) 의 기준 CST 를 의식한 수업 Zames bAnd Ltd®
시험형태 CA 교육부 출제 객관식 (Multiple Choice) 과목 : English & Math - 8, 9, 11: History-Social Science - 5, 8, 11: Science - 4, 7: Writing Test 시간 제한 없음 ( 예상시간 ) 문항수 - 2~3: 65 문항 - 4~11: 75 문항 Zames bAnd Ltd®
작문 (Writing Test) 대상 : 4 & 7 학년 시기 : 3 월중 CST in writing Topic 은 당일 발표 형태 : - 4 학년 : 'Narrative (Story)' ' Response to Literature' 'Summary of a Reading Passage‘ - 7 학년 : 'Fictional Narrative (Story)' 'Response to Literature' 'Persuasive Essay' 'Summary of Reading Passage' 채점 : 1~4 점 기출문제 Zames bAnd Ltd®
작문 (Writing Test) 4 학년 : "Who can break a bad habit?" (Response to Literature) 내용이해, 좋은 예, 정확한 문법 7 학년 : Persuasive Writing( 설득작문 ) 내용 : 학교시설보수비의 사용 1. 정원 페인트칠 학교미화작업 2. 학교도서관에 컴퓨터 와 도서를 구입하는 계획 3. 학교운동팀에 새로운 장비를 구입 학생의 입장, 근거와 예, 모든 논쟁과 의견, 올바른 작문의 형태 Zames bAnd Ltd®
리포트 Zames bAnd Ltd® ❶ ❷ ❸ 학년에 따라 이 부분의 내용이 달라짐 ❹ ❺
리포트 Zames bAnd Ltd® ❻ ❼ ❽ 자녀의 학년에 따라 이 부분의 내용이 달라질 것입니다. ❿ ❾
Resources Zames bAnd Ltd® Standardized Testing and Reporting (STAR) 주정부 사이트 STAR Test Results stTestType=C&lstCounty=30&lstDistrict= &lstSchool= &lstGroup=1&lstSubGroup= Through 2008 CST Released Test Questions 주정부 권장 Reading List(California Reading List) EEE9A5DC4ADF16 샘플문제 기출문제 (2003~2008)
Q&A( 질의 및 응답 ) Zames bAnd Ltd®
Gifted And Talented Education(GATE) Program Program Presentation Zames bAnd Ltd® By UJ Namkung
선발기준 (Criteria) Zames bAnd Ltd® AreaIdentification Criteria Service Options General Intellectual Grades 3-8 A student must obtain a total score of 98%ile or above on a nationally normed cognitive abilities test. Teacher observation of exceptional classroom performance and/or ability, along with observations of characteristics of a gifted child contribute to this identification 1) Special Day Class 2) Discover Cluster 3) Part-time grouping High Achievement Grades 4-8 A student must obtain a total score of 95%ile or above on a nationally normed cognitive abilities test AND California Standards Test scores in the high Advanced range in English Language Arts and Math over a period of two years. Teacher observation of exceptional classroom performance, along with observations of characteristics of a gifted child contributes to this identification. 1) Special Day Class 2) Discover Cluster 3) Part-time grouping
선발기준 (Criteria) Zames bAnd Ltd® AreaIdentification Criteria Service Options Multi- Dimensional Grades 3-8 A student must be close to meeting test score criteria in the General Intellectual or High Achievement categories. This category is provided to ensure equal opportunity for students from varying linguistic, economic and/or cultural backgrounds and for students with learning disabilities. Students are evaluated according to a combination of factors. These include District Benchmarks, intellectual ability, achievement, student portfolio, and observations of gifted characteristics. 1) Special Day Class 2) Discover Cluster 3) Part-time grouping Project- Discover Grades 3-6 A student attending a Title 1 school must demonstrate exceptional classroom performance and excellence in critical thinking, creativity and problem solving ability as measured by three or more of the following: Alternative Identification Project Assessments including a student portfolio, Alternate Ranking Process, Slocumb/Payne Teacher Perception Inventory, FSD appraisal of gifted characteristics, achievement tests, verbal or nonverbal ability tests, and District Benchmarks exams. 1) Discover Cluster 2) Pullout for selected students enrolled in cluster groups
선발기준 (Criteria) Zames bAnd Ltd® AreaIdentification Criteria Service Options Specific Academic Grades 6-8 A student must obtain California Standards Test scores in the high Advanced range in English Language Arts and Math over a period of two years. Portfolios of student work, teacher observation of special talent, and outstanding classroom performance in the specific subject area are also used to assist in the identification process. 1) Part-time grouping 2) Acceleration within and among sites (e.g., 6th graders to JHS) Visual and Performing Arts Grades 7-8 A student in 7th or 8th grade must demonstrate exceptional talent in visual and/or performing arts as measured by teacher recommendation and audition and/or student portfolio. 1) Advanced Orchestra 2) Advanced Choir 3) Advanced Band 4) Art II 5) Design II
GATE FAQ What are the steps to identifying my child as GATE? What criterion qualifies my child? Who administers the tests for GATE identification? What is the timeline for GATE testing? How many tests will my child need to take? GATE TESTING
GATE FAQ What happens if my child does not meet GATE identification criteria? How many times may I have my child tested? Is it possible to see my child’s results after the test? What kind of test is the GATE identification test?
GATE FAQ What is the difference between Ability Tests and Achievement tests? Does my child lose identification if he/she does not attend a GATE school? Is private testing accepted for identification? If my child was identified in another school district, may he/she be identified in thisdistrict? IDENTIFICATION
GATE FAQ How are students identified for the Project Discover-GATE Program? What is the Project Discover-GATE instructional program? Do you have GATE classes in Junior High? What happens to my child’s GATE identification when he/she enters high school? PROJECT DISCOVER-GATE JUNIOR HIGH-HONORS
GATE FAQ If my child is identified as GATE, which school would he/she attend? If my child is identified as Project Discover-GATE, which school would he/she attend? What if we want our GATE identified student to stay at their home school? PLACEMENT
GATE SCHOOLS Students Home School Designated GATE School Acacia, Commonwealth, *Fisler, Maple, Raymond, *Rolling Hills, Woodcrest Acacia Golden Hill, Fern Drive, Orangethorpe, Pacific Drive, Valencia Park, Richman Golden Hill Beechwood, *Fisler, Hermosa Drive, *Rolling HillsHermosa Drive Laguna Road, Sunset Lane Laguna Road GATE identified students may decide to remain in attendance at their home school * Depending on enrollment numbers