WORK BOOK Collaborative Study “Would you make WORK BOOK “Would you make only one book in the world?” Team: Organization: Name:
Visual images of action learning activities
Action learning activities Learning together as a team
Action learning activities Utilizing any space as a learning space
Action learning activities Learning by tool
Action learning activities Knowledge sharing thru team presentation
Action learning model PRE Main Post Agenda design Empowerment ceremony => Team building 근본원인 규명 Identify Root causes Define Problem Clarify Problem Find Solutions Priotize Action Plan Implement Reflection Main Post Reflecting whole program process Evaluating artifact
Action Learning Process Team building 근본원인 규명 Identify Root causes Define Problem Clarify Problem Find Solutions Priotize Action Plan Implement
Team Building Team Name Team Slogan Grounded Rules Team ceremony Team member role Member Name Reason of Selection Team leader
Simple Team building (example)
1. Define problem
Define problem Did you examine enough your organization/systems? As you make lists of problematic situations, define problems. 13
CATWOE Root definition of your system of interest C = CUSTOMERS A = ACTORS T = TRANSFORMATION PROCESS W =WORLD VIEW O = OWNER E = ENVIRONMENT C: The ‘customers of the system’ , clients or System Beneficiaries. A: The ‘actors’, meaning those who would actually carry out the activities envisioned in the system being defined. Actors transform inputs into outputs.
Root Definition of your system of interest CATWOE C = CUSTOMERS OR CLIENTS A = ACTORS OR AGENTS T = TRANSFORMATION PROCESS W =WELTANSCHAUUNG or WORLD VIEW O = OWNERS E = ENVIRONMENT T: The ‘transformation process’. What does the system do to the inputs to convert them into the outputs? W: world view that lies behind the Root Definition. Putting the system into its wider context can highlight the consequences of the overall system.
Focusing on results: Backward thinking Process view of a system What Image, value? Environment boundary Environment Transformation Facilitation skill instructional methods Input Output -Learning goal Curr, professors, learners Learning facilities - Learning outcomes assessment Best practice sharing & dissemination Supporting process - Admin - Consulting Focusing on results: Backward thinking
CATWOE C = CUSTOMERS OR CLIENTS A = ACTORS OR AGENTS T = TRANSFORMATION PROCESS W =WELTANSCHAUUNG or WORLD VIEW O = OWNERS E = ENVIRONMENT O: The person(s) who has commissioned the system and who has sufficient formal power over the system to stop it E: The environmental constraints. These include things such as ethical limits, regulations, financial constraints, resource limitations, and so on.
For example, a High educational system Example of CATWOE For example, a High educational system C – Students A – Teachers, admin staff T – Curriculum and instructional method & Extra curr W – Developing learners who are globally competitive and practical O – The University Governing Body or Top Management E –Accreditation Standards and Requirements. A System owned by O to achieve W by A by means of T for C given the constraints of E .
1. Identify root causes
Lotus Blossom technique
Lotus Blossom technique 빈번한 시험 제도 변경 중장기적 인력운영 계획 미흡 창의적 승격제도 도입 의지 부재 직원 직무 평정권한 낮음 상사에게 절대적으로 복종하는 문화 직원과의 소통시간 부족 부하직원의 시간외 근무 기피 및 반발 차장능력에 대한 상사의 지나친 기대감 능력있는 차장에게 업무집중 정부정책에 민감하게 반응 일관성 낮은승 격 제 도 경영진 관심 부족 강력한 노조의 힘 차장의 권위하락 실무지식이 낮은 차장, 직원 리드 못하는 차장 차장위주의 업무 집중 차 장 의 권한 대비 책임 높음 상위 간부직 임파워먼트기피 잦은 시험 제도변경으로 수험생 혼란 합리적인 평가Tool 미흡 시험일정 잦은 변경 중간자 위치로 발언권이 낮음 연공서열 중시한 인사평정 차장 고유 업무추진비 부재 잘못한 일에 대한 과도한 책임추궁 상사의 책임전가 업무회피 소수직군의 승진제한 격무에 시달리는 경영진에 대한 존경심 낮음 문제발생시 책임회피 차 장 의 개인 취미에 관심많은 20~30대 정시출근 정시퇴근 안됨 일과 삶의 균형 추구하는 사회 분위기 회사 경영 환경 악화 간부에 대한 비전 부재 고위직 승진관련 불합리한 관행 초급간부 기피 WHY ? 자기 삶을 문화 확산 승진보다 개인 능력향상 추구 추구하는 문화 확산 상사퇴근 눈치보기 상사와의 소통 어려움 간부되는 순간 고생길에 들었다는 인식 회사의 비젼과 나의 비전의 불일치 구심점 부 재 가중된업무 낮은 보상 회사에만 집중하는 문 화 차장승격시 타 지역으로 이동 가능성 지나친 회식 문화 상존 회사만이 모든 것이라는 상위간부 생각 격무에 시달려 다른 생각 못함 동호회 설립의지 부재 및 억제 리더역할을 할 통큰 차장 부재 본연의 업무 외적인 일 과다 불필요한 내부평가 과다 간단한 업무도 보고서 만들기 아침회의 조기출근 다수 출장, 워크숍 등 증가 대외기관의 과도한 자료제출 요구 차장급 구심력 없어 단결력 부재 노조설립 실질적 불가능 모든 업무 집중 실질적인 O/T 신청제한 원하지 않는 교육,봉사활동 요구 문화 부재 동호회 설립시 불이익발생 우려 무관심 동호회 관련 상호 소통부재로 비효율적인 일처리 근무시간 실적급 지급 제한 경평 위주의 업무수행 워커홀릭을 원 하 는 상위건부 잦은 회의 주말에도 근무할 수 있다는
Lotus Blossom technique
Beginning with Hong, each person talks about solution within 15 min. Round Robin Occasion: When you need as many new ideas as possible Role: One of the members of the team will be the scribe. Rule: Never criticize ideas. Procedure: 1) Decide who will be the scribe. 2) Decide who will go first. (The members will take turns clockwise.) 3) Think of the possible solutions of the given problem 4) Taking turns, talk about solution within 15 seconds. 5) If one cannot begin to talk in 10 seconds, the next person gets his turn to talk. 6) Proceed until a new idea comes up 20. “Begin here.” Hong (scribe) BaWi Vin Chung Lee June Beginning with Hong, each person talks about solution within 15 min. If Chung does not suggest anything in 10 seconds, Lee gets his turn to talk.
1. Clarify problem
● What Is a Fishbone Diagram? ① A fishbone diagram, called such because of its appearance, is a diagram that represents the procedure where the fundamental cause or causes of a problem are sought. To make such a diagram, first categorize the processes that build up towards the result, then list all the potential causes that could exist in each process. Finally, seek out the possible main causes. ② Example of the use of a fishbone diagram: Process of extracting the cause of the decrease of the sale of Bestville (a flooring material) Outdated product Limited product line Quality problem Wrong message in ad Not enough ads High profit margin of the distributor Negative distributor Demotivated distributor Conflicting goals Late delivery Product development takes too much time Unsatisfactory solution of the customers’ problems Decrease in customer satisfaction Product Promotion Place Process
<Fishbone diagram > Cause Effect
<Fishbone diagram > 비 전 회사비전과 나의 비전 불 일 치 회 사 비상경영 문 화 저녁이 없는 삶 회사가 전부라고 생각하는 상급자 환 경 출퇴근시간 불 확 실 경평 위주 업무수행 구심점 부 재 사 람 차장위주 업무집중 제 도 공감대 낮은성과연봉제 일관성 낮은 승격제도 물 질 근무시간 실적급 지급 제한 가중된 업무 낮은 보상 “초급"간부승진 기피 WHY?
1. Find solutions
step 1 step 2 step 3 step 4 step 5 step 6 Collaborative Study step 1 step 2 step 3 step 4 step 5 step 6 Solutions List . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 29
Selecting 10 Solutions using Stickers.
1. Prioritize solutions
Decision-making Grid Impact high middle Low Middle High Feasibility
Decision-making Grid Impact 상 7 12 1, 2 중 4 8 10 3 5, 6 하 11 9 실현가능성
1. Design action plan
How can we design actions? Design ideas vs. Design actions
Systemic vs. Systematic
Elements for action 5W 1H
Gantt Chart
Design action plan
Action Plan (blueprint) 1. Solution(what) name: 2. Action step N Step Who When Where PRE Main Post
Action Plan (blueprint) 1. Solution(what) name: Reason why: 2. Action step N Step(How) Who When Where PRE Having a meeting with director All team members 2015. 9.1/ 10 Director room Main Analyze Needs for workers in a Org. Outsourcing Based on their needs, Design the Course layout Tea member A Start training 2016/5 - 8 Evaluate learner’s response POST
Here is space of putting on your BEST photo. WORKBOOK COMPLETION. Good Job ! Here is space of putting on your BEST photo. 42