“Grammar to Explain” 시간 관계를 나타내는 부사절을 이끄는 접속사에는 when, while, after, since, before, instantly 등이 있다. 1. when (∼할 때, ∼하면) =As I'll tell her when she comes.


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Presentation transcript:

“Grammar to Explain” 시간 관계를 나타내는 부사절을 이끄는 접속사에는 when, while, after, since, before, instantly 등이 있다. 1. when (∼할 때, ∼하면) =As I'll tell her when she comes home. (그녀가 집에 오면 그녀에게 말하겠다.) When he was a boy, he was very smart. (소년시절에, 그는 아주 영리했다.) 2. while (∼하는 동안에, ∼하는 사이에) Please be quite while I am speaking. (내가 말할 때는 조용히 주세요.) While I was walking along the river, I met him. (강을 따라 거리를 걷다가 나는 그를 만났다.) 3. before (∼하기 전에, ∼보다 앞서서) I went to bed before the sun set. (나는 해가 지기 전에 잠자러 갔다.) I had not waited long before she came. (얼마 기다리지 않아 그녀가 왔다.) It won't be long before we meet again. (조만 간에 다시 만나겠군요.) 4. after (∼한 후에) After he left, they did their best. (그가 떠난 후에 그들은 최선을 다했다.) I can go out after Dad comes home. (나는 아버지께서 집에 오신 후에 나갈 수가 있다.) 5. till/until (∼할 때까지) Do not start till I give the order. (내가 명령할 때까지 출발하지 마라.) They kept standing untill I sat down. (내가 앉을 때까지 그들은 계속 서 있었다.) 6. since (∼한 이후로, ~부터 계속해서) ~한 이후로, ~부터 의미로 주로 현재완료형에 쓰인다. 이 경우 since 다음에는 과거시제 I have lived in Busan since I was born. (나는 태어난 이후로 줄곧 부산에서 살았다.) Twenty years have passed since he died. (그가 죽은 지 20년이다.) =He died twenty years ago.=It is twenty years since he died. =It has been twenty years since he died.= My hometown has changed a lot since I left there.

Maxims Introduced by Teacher Those who wept as they went out carrying the seed will come back singing for joy as they bring in the harvest. Psalms (시편) 126 : 6 When peace has been broken anywhere, the peace of all countries everywhere is in danger. Franklin Delano Roosevelt A boy becomes an adult three years before his parents think he does, and about two years after he thinks he does. Lewis B. Hershey Never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you.

Maxims Translated by Student Until justice is blind to color, until education is un- aware of race, until opportunity is unconcerned with the color of men's skins, emancipation will be a pro- clamation but not a fact. L. B. Johnson, the 36th president of USA Nothing ever becomes real till it is experienced. Even a proverb is no proverb to you till your Life has illu- strated it. John Keats, 영국 시인 Make hay while the sun shines. / Strike while an iron is hot. / Hoist your sail when the wind is fair. Don't cry before you hurt.

“My Maxim” Activity When X speaks, Y listens는 X의 영향력이 커 하는 구조이다. 여러분도 다음 말처럼 여러분 이 존경하는 사람의 영향을 받고 있다고 고백 해 보세요. When the venerable historian John Hope Franklin speaks, I listen.