Unit 2. No Time for Exercise?


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 2. No Time for Exercise? 전남고등학교 2학년 English I

Unit Guide 의사 소통 기능 Set the weight here with this pin. Try ten kilograms first. I’m afraid I can’t. I’m studying right now. I want to lose some weight. What would you advise me to do? 언어형식 Exercise offers not just physical benefits but also personal growth. In time, you will reap what you sow.

Language Awareness A. Do you want both? Exercise offers physical benefits. It also offers personal growth. Exercise offers both physical benefits and personal growth. Exercise offers physical benefits. It offers personal growth as well. Exercise offers not just physical benefits but also personal growth. Exercise offers personal growth as well as physical benefits.

Language Awareness 1. Regular exercise keeps you fit and mentally alert. (as well) ☞ Regular exercise keeps you fit and mentally alert as well. 2. Kids should build endurance and strength. (both, and) ☞ Kids should build both endurance and strength. 3. Jack is very active and has a sense of responsibility. (not just, but also) ☞ Jack is not just very active but also has a sense of responsibility.

Language Awareness B. What Does WHAT Mean? In time, you will reap what you sow. They want to know what you sowed. He didn’t do what I had told him. I don’t know what the doctor recommended.

Language Awareness 1. Despite intense research, experts haven’t yet found what might cure cancer. 2. The beggar was so hungry that he began to eat what seemed like a mountain of food. 3. I don’t know why, but many people fail to do What they think is right.

동사 + 목적어 + to 부정사 want A to B : I want you to keep your promise. ask A to B : He asked me not to drive so fast. tell A to B : I told him to finish his homework. allow A to B : My dad allowed me to go abroad. force A to B : They forced me to follow them. encourage A to B : He encouraged us to read as many good books as possible.

관계대명사 1. 관계대명사란? 관계대명사는 두 문장을 연결하는 접속사의 역할과 앞에 나온 명사를 가리키는 대명사의 역할을 한다.    ■ I have the letter. + He wrote the letter.   → I have the letter which he wrote. 2. 관계대명사의 종류 선행사 주격 소유격 목적격 사람 who whose whom (who) 사물, 동물 which of which, whose 사람, 사물, 동물 that  

  ■ There lived a king who was very stupid.      The man whose father is a doctor is John.      The girl whom he met is my cousin.    ■ She has a house which is very expensive.      Look at the house of which the roof is blue.         = Look at the house the roof of which is blue.      This is the movie which I like most.   ※ 관계대명사 which는 앞 문장의 일부나 전체를 대신할 수 있다.    ■ He said he had lost his bicycle, which was untrue.

3. 관계대명사 that 1) 선행사가 사람, 사물, 동물에 모두 쓸 수 있다. 2) that을 주로 쓰는 경우   1) 선행사가 사람, 사물, 동물에 모두 쓸 수 있다.   2) that을 주로 쓰는 경우     ① 선행사가 -thing으로 끝나거나 「사람+사물(동물)」일 때     ② 선행사가 최상급, 서수, all, every, any, no, the only, (the) very 등의 수식을 받을때    ■ Man is the only animal that can speak.   3) 전치사 다음이나 계속적 용법에서는 쓸 수 없다.★    ■ He has no house in that he can live. (X)       He has no house in which he can live. (O)       He has no house which he can live in. (O)    ■ She said nothing, that made him angry. (X)       She said nothing, which made him angry. (O)

4. 관계대명사 what what은 선행사를 포함한 관계대명사 「the thing which ~」또는 「all that ~」로 바꾸어 쓸 수 있다. 해석은 ‘~하는 것, ~하는 모든 것’이라고 한다. ■ He ate what they gave him. = He ate all that they gave him.. ■ You will reap what you sow. = You will reap the thing which you sow.

기출문제 다음 글에서 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 것은? [2003] 다음 글에서 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 것은? [2003]   Schubert spent his whole life ① in poverty. But he had one noble purpose in life. That was ② to write down the beautiful musical thoughts which seemed to flow from his brain in an endless rush of melody. As ③ one of the most productive composers, Schubert wrote music ④ as freely as one would write a friendly letter. He just produced ⑤ which was in him, and brought us a rich treasure of music.