Conflict and Negotiation 갈등과 협상


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Presentation transcript:

Conflict and Negotiation 갈등과 협상 ⓒ Professor Kichan PARK 14-415



XIX-1. Conflict Defined 1. A process that begins when one party perceives that another party has negatively affected, or is about to negatively affect, something that the first party cares about ① That point in an ongoing activity when an interaction ―crosses over‖ to become an interparty conflict 2. Encompasses a wide range of conflicts that people experience in organizations ① Incompatibility of goals ② Differences over interpretations of facts ③ Disagreements based on behavioral expectations 14-418

XIV-2. Transitions in Conflict Thought 갈등에 대한 사상의 변천 14-419

Continued Transitions in Conflict Thought 1. Traditional View of Conflict ① The belief that all conflict is harmful and must be avoided ② Prevalent view in the 1930s-1940s 2. Conflict resulted from: ① Poor communication, Lack of openness, Failure to respond to employee needs 3. Human Relations View of Conflict ① The belief that conflict is a natural and inevitable outcome in any group ② Prevalent from the late 1940s through mid-1970s 4. Interactionist View of Conflict ① The belief that conflict is not only a positive force in a group but that it is absolutely necessary for a group to perform effectively 5. Current view  관리된 갈등: 갈등은 관리의 대상이지 해소의 대상이 아니다! 14-420

Forms & Types of Interactionist Conflict 상호작용적 갈등의 형태와 유형 기능적 갈등 FORM Functional Conflict • Conflict that supports the goals of the group and improves its performance 역기능적 갈등 Dysfunctional Conflict • Conflict that hinders group performance TYPE 1. 업무갈등 Task Conflict •Conflicts over content and goals of the work •Low-to-moderate levels of this type are FUNCTIONAL 2. 관계갈등 Relationship Conflict •Conflict based on interpersonal relationships •Almost always DYSFUNCTIONAL 3. 과정갈등 Process Conflict •Conflict over how work gets done •Low levels of this type are FUNCTIONAL 14-421

XIV-3. The Conflict Process: 갈등과정 14-422

Stage I: Potential Opposition or Incompatibility 1. 의사소통 Communication: Semantic difficulties, misunderstandings, over communication and “noise” 2. 구조 Structure ① 업무의 규모와 전문화 Size and specialization of jobs ② 담당 영역의 명확/불명확성 Jurisdictional clarity/ambiguity ③ 멤버-목표의 적합/부적합성 Member/goal incompatibility ④ 리더십 유형 Leadership styles (close or participative) ⑤ 보상체제 Reward systems (win-lose) ⑥ 집단간 의존/상호의존성Dependence/interdependence of groups 3. 개인적 변수 Personal Variables: Differing individual value systems & Personality types 14-423

Stage II: Cognition and Personalization 1. 인지갈등 Perceived Conflict: Awareness by one or more parties of the existence of conditions that create opportunities for conflict to arise 2. 감지갈등 Felt Conflict: Emotional involvement in a conflict creating anxiety, tenseness, frustration, or hostility 14-424

Stage III: Intentions 1. Intentions Note: behavior does not always ① Decisions to act in a given way ② Note: behavior does not always accurately reflect intent 2. Dimensions of conflict-handling intentions: ① Cooperativeness • Attempting to satisfy the other party‘s concerns ② Assertiveness • Attempting to satisfy one‘s own concerns 14-425

Stage IV: Behavior • Conflict-Intensity Continuum: Conflict Management: The use of resolution and stimulation techniques to achieve the desired level of conflict • Conflict-Intensity Continuum: 14-426


Stage V: Outcomes  기능적 결과 Functional  역기능적 결과 Dysfunctional ① 집단성과: Increased ① 불만증대: Development of group performance discontent ② 의사결정: Improved ② 집단효과성 약화: Reduced quality of decisions group effectiveness ③ 창의혁신: Stimulation of ③ 소통지연: Retarded creativity and communication innovation ④ 집단응집력 감소: Reduced ④ 관심:Encouragement of group cohesiveness interest and curiosity ⑤ 목표보다 내부싸움: Infighting ⑤ 문제해결: Provision of a among group members medium for problem overcomes group goals solving  기능적 갈등관리 Creating ⑥ 환경조성: Creation of an Functional Conflict environment for self- ① 이견의 조장: Reward dissent evaluation and change and punish conflict avoiders


XIX-4. Negotiation 협상 1. Negotiation (Bargaining) ① A process in which two or more parties exchange goods or services and attempt to agree on the exchange rate for them  분배적 교섭 Distributive Bargaining • Negotiation that seeks to divide up a fixed amount of resources; a win-lose situation  통합적 교섭 Integrative Bargaining • Negotiation that seeks one or more settlements that can create a win- win solution 14-430

XIV-5. Distributive versus Integrative Bargaining 제로-섬 게임 윈-윈 게임 Integrative Yours Mine Yours Mine Distributive 14-431

XIX-6. The Negotiation Process: 협상과정  협상결과에 대한 최고대안 BATNA: The Best Alternative To a Negotiated Agreement • BATNA는 협상 당사자가 협상 결과로 받아들이려고 하는 최소한의 가치를 결정한다. • 상대방의 BATNA보다 더 나은 제안을 할 수 없으면 협상을 성공시키기 힘들다 14-432

XIV-7. Individual Differences in Negotiation Effectiveness 협상 효과성의 개인차 1. Personality Traits: 개방적/호의적인 사람이 분배적 협상에서 불리! ① Extroverts and agreeable people weaker at distributive negotiation ② Intelligence is a weak indicator of effectiveness 2. Mood and Emotion: 분배적 교섭에는 성깔, 통합적 교섭에는 감성! ① Ability to show anger helps in distributive bargaining ② Positive moods and emotions help integrative bargaining 3. Gender: 여성에 대한 고정관념/자기예언/상동적 태도로 남자를 선호! ① Men and women negotiate the same way, but may experience different outcomes. Women and men take on gender stereotypes in negotiations: tender and tough. Women are less likely to negotiate 14-433

XIV-8. Third-Party Negotiations: 제3자 협상  Four Basic Third-Party Roles ① 중재자 Mediator • A neutral third party who facilitates a negotiated solution by using reasoning, persuasion, and suggestions for alternatives ② 재결자 Arbitrator • A third party to a negotiation who has the authority to dictate an agreement. ③ 조정자 Conciliator • A trusted third party who provides an informal communication link between the negotiator and the opponent ④ 상담자 Consultant • An impartial third party, skilled in conflict management, who attempts to facilitate creative problem solving through communication and analysis 14-434

XIV-9. Global Implications 1. 갈등과 문화 Conflict and Culture  미국은 경쟁기법을 사용하는데 비해 일본인은 타협과 기피 시용 - U.S. managers are more likely to use competing tactics while Japanese managers are likely to use compromise and avoidance 2. 협상에서의 문화적 차이 Cultural Differences in Negotiations  협상방식에 대한 문화간 차이 연구 Multiple cross-cultural studies on negotiation styles, for instance: • 미국인은 초기의 제안에 집착: American negotiators are more likely than Japanese bargainers to make a first offer • 설득방법으로 미국인은 사실에 입각, 아랍인은 감성, 러시아인은 이상적인 방안을 강조: North Americans use facts to persuade, Arabs use emotion, and Russians use asserted ideals • 브라질 사람은 미국이나 일본인들보다 ‘No‘를 자주 사용: Brazilians say ―no‖ more often than Americans or Japanese 14-435

Summary and Managerial Implications 1. 갈등의 긍정성과 부정성- Conflict can be constructive or destructive 2. 지나친 갈등의 감소방안- Reduce excessive conflict by using: ① 경쟁 Competition ② 협동 Collaboration ③ 회피 Avoidance ④ 수용 Accommodation ⑤ 절충 Compromise 3. 장기적 방법으로는 통합적 교섭이 유리-Integrative negotiation is a better long-term method 14-436

PRO CON 14-437
