Managing the flow of technology: Technology transfer and the dissemination of technological information within R&D organization - Chapter3 (p. 35-57)


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Presentation transcript:

Managing the flow of technology: Technology transfer and the dissemination of technological information within R&D organization - Chapter3 (p. 35-57) - - 기술혁신 세미나 - 박사 과정 함 경선 석사 과정 최 은정 Allen, T. J. (1977)

Scientist와 Engineer 개념의 혼용 Many social scientists still view the two groups as essentially the same and feel no need to distinguish between them. This approach totally neglect the vast differences between the two professions. It is just that failure to recognize the distinction that has resulted in so much misdirected policy.

Scientist와 Engineer의 차이(1) Krulee and Nadler(1960) Independence Learning (education) Career>Family +Management Success Professional preparation (means to end) Family>career Ritti(1971) Reputation outside the company Activities within On top of all of this lies the most important difference : level of education. Engineer- baccalaureate level, some master, no college degree Scientist-almost doctorate

Scientist와 Engineer의 차이(2) 공통점 Cumulative manner 차이점 Recorded in literature Publish less Less time to reading Information Transfer “invisible colleagues” Close association with co-workers Bureaucratic Organization Free to choose communicated with research community Employed by organization Interest to his employer refrain from disclosure Impact of Localism on communication Proprietary must be protected Cannot be published Informal documentation system the effect of turnover Carries some knowledge of the employer’s

Science와 Technology의 의사소통 패턴의 차이

Science와 Technology 사이의 관계

Science와 Technology 사이의 정보 흐름

Why do firms do basic research with their own money? Rosenberg. N. (1990)

Economic theory의 입장 Typically, no reasonable expectation that these expenditures will begin to generate a cash flow in the next few years or so. Private enterprise economy fails to provide adequate incentives for investment in knowledge production. [Arrow and Nelson] Why, then?

Economic theory의 입장 Reason1. Reason2. inherently a high degree of uninsurable risk and uncertainty Reason2. knowledge, once produced, … was freely available to all

Basic Research와 Applied Research fuller knowledge or understanding of the subject under study, rather than a practical application thereof Applied research knowledge or understanding necessary for determining the means by which a recognized and specific need may be met The distinction between basic research and applied research is highly artificial and arbitrary. It is likely to be most effective when it is highly interactive with the work, or the concerns, of applied scientists and engineers.

Basic Research의 필요성 Understand better how and where to conduct research Making effective decisions / Evaluating the outcome That must be a major reason “On the shelf” Requires a substantial research capability to understand, interpret and to appraise knowledge The cost of maintaining this capability is high, because it requires a cadre The firm must be willing to let them perform basic research

Basic Research를 가능하게 하는 요소들

Appropriability Research is socially desirable precisely because it often generates such widespread and indiscriminate benefits. First-mover advantage acquire valuable assets consolidate their market position through patent protection. Late-mover could gain the same knowledge at a lower cost while, … avoiding the major mistakes that the first-mover made en route.

Size and Market Power The potential payoff to basic research is so long term, only firms that were reasonably confident of being around in the long term would be likely to consider the possibility of making such commitments. 1. The most successful basic research labs have been in firms with strong market position. 2. small firms … are difficult to patent and hence the flow of payoffs cannot be capitalized.

Spillover Effect The existence of this enormous market obviously influence the R&D decisions of private firms that want to improve their visibility and their eligibility for government military procurement contracts. In the past there have been specific civilian technological systems that have realized substantial benefits from military R&D.

그 밖에… diverse range of products strong marketing distribution networks 그렇다면, 사이즈가 작고, Market Power도 약한 회사의 경우는?

Anomalous Case-Biotechnology First-mover advantages or an expectation that first-mover advantages … extension of the law must certainly strengthen the incentives to do basic research.

생각해봅시다 과학-기술-산업을 바라보는 분야들 기술경제학 기술경영학 과학기술정책학 과학기술사회학

생각해봅시다 모델 신사업 국가 간 자금 과학-기술-산업의 관계를 설명하는 모형들이 각 학문분야별로 산재 정보통신기술, 바이오기술, 나노기술, 인지과학기술 등 신기술 출현 신사업 국가간의 협력모델 개발 필요 국가 간 자금 자금제공(funding)의 문제 [출처] 과학기술 지식흐름과 기술혁신의 연계분석모델 탐색, 박현우(한국과학기술정보연구원), 2007


생각해봅시다 회사명 : 테슬라 모터스 C E O : 앨런 머스크 CEO (1971년 생) 설 립 : 2003년, 실리콘밸리 설 립 : 2003년, 실리콘밸리 앨런 머스크의 3대 have to do 인터넷, 우주항공 그리고 대체에너지


생각해봅시다 여러분들이 생각하는 통합모형(integrated model) 은? 국가 간 신사업 자금 모델