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Presentation transcript:

2012년 제주 자연보전총회 권고 채택의 의의와 위상 서 영 배 · 김은식 - 2012년 제주 WCC 권고 155 - 마르형 제주 하논분화구의 복원과 보전 The Congress consists of two parts: A public Forum open to the general public with hundreds of events offered over several days. Here people share their knowledge and experience, working together to reach agreement on how we want to put ideas into action. IUCN Members, Commissions, partners and Secretariat staff can showcase their work and run workshops and other activities at the Forum. and the Members’ Assembly, which is the highest decision-making body of IUCN, where governmental and NGO Members take decisions to guide the future of IUCN. In addition to these 2 main elements, a series of exhibitions and pavilions showcasing the work of the Union will run throughout the Congress. 서 영 배 · 김은식

2012 제주 세계자연보전총회 요약 2012. 9. 6 – 15 참가자: 157개국 약 만 명 * 공식 대회 등록인원 6,571 명 550개 이상 주행사 및 60 여 개의 부대행사 100개 이상 회사 대표자 참여 This is where Members come together to make decisions for the future of IUCN. As the highest decision-making body of IUCN, the Assembly will approve the 2013-2016 Programme and the financial plan elect the IUCN Council, and vote on motions.

2012 제주 세계자연보전총회 요약 포럼 행사 44 보전캠퍼스 105 지식 카페 149 파빌리온 132 포스터 51 친목행사 146 워크숌 5 세계지도자대화 This is where Members come together to make decisions for the future of IUCN. As the highest decision-making body of IUCN, the Assembly will approve the 2013-2016 Programme and the financial plan elect the IUCN Council, and vote on motions.

2012 제주 세계자연보전총회 요약 제주에서 채택된 결의 및 권고 WCC 역사상 최대 규모 183 의제 - 137 결의 - 46 권고 This is where Members come together to make decisions for the future of IUCN. As the highest decision-making body of IUCN, the Assembly will approve the 2013-2016 Programme and the financial plan elect the IUCN Council, and vote on motions.

제주에서 채택된 결의 및 권고 68% 전세계 대상 31% 지역 대상  하논분화구 복원 및 보전! 10% 국가/국내지역 대상 31% 지역 대상  하논분화구 복원 및 보전! 10% 국가/국내지역 대상  하논분화구 복원 및 보전! This is where Members come together to make decisions for the future of IUCN. As the highest decision-making body of IUCN, the Assembly will approve the 2013-2016 Programme and the financial plan elect the IUCN Council, and vote on motions.

“ ” 이행을 촉구 효과 및 추진력 담보 IUCN 회원 기구의 요구 국제적인 영향 및 정책 수립 의제 채택의 의의 이행을 촉구 효과 및 추진력 담보 IUCN 회원 기구의 요구 국제적인 영향 및 정책 수립 “ 결의 및 권고는 IUCN 2013-2016 프로그램과 함께 IUCN 업무의 기초를 구성하고, IUCN 임무의 달성을 촉진하는 수단이다. ” The Congress consists of two parts: A public Forum open to the general public with hundreds of events offered over several days. Here people share their knowledge and experience, working together to reach agreement on how we want to put ideas into action. IUCN Members, Commissions, partners and Secretariat staff can showcase their work and run workshops and other activities at the Forum. and the Members’ Assembly, which is the highest decision-making body of IUCN, where governmental and NGO Members take decisions to guide the future of IUCN. In addition to these 2 main elements, a series of exhibitions and pavilions showcasing the work of the Union will run throughout the Congress.

IUCN 목적을 달성하는데 관련된 중요 사항 결의: IUCN 자체의 이행을 촉구 권고: 제 3자의 행동 및 처리를 요구 의제 채택의 의의 IUCN 목적을 달성하는데 관련된 중요 사항 결의: IUCN 자체의 이행을 촉구 권고: 제 3자의 행동 및 처리를 요구 The Congress consists of two parts: A public Forum open to the general public with hundreds of events offered over several days. Here people share their knowledge and experience, working together to reach agreement on how we want to put ideas into action. IUCN Members, Commissions, partners and Secretariat staff can showcase their work and run workshops and other activities at the Forum. and the Members’ Assembly, which is the highest decision-making body of IUCN, where governmental and NGO Members take decisions to guide the future of IUCN. In addition to these 2 main elements, a series of exhibitions and pavilions showcasing the work of the Union will run throughout the Congress.

WCC 채택 결의 및 권고의 결과: - 생물다양성협약(193개국 정부간협약) - 유엔기후변화협약(186개국) 의제 채택의 의의 및 위상 WCC 채택 결의 및 권고의 결과: - 생물다양성협약(193개국 정부간협약) - 유엔기후변화협약(186개국) - 나고야의정서 (*생물다양성이용에 대한 전통지식의 중요성) The Congress consists of two parts: A public Forum open to the general public with hundreds of events offered over several days. Here people share their knowledge and experience, working together to reach agreement on how we want to put ideas into action. IUCN Members, Commissions, partners and Secretariat staff can showcase their work and run workshops and other activities at the Forum. and the Members’ Assembly, which is the highest decision-making body of IUCN, where governmental and NGO Members take decisions to guide the future of IUCN. In addition to these 2 main elements, a series of exhibitions and pavilions showcasing the work of the Union will run throughout the Congress.

IUCN: - 유엔 총회의 영구 업저버 자격 획득 의제 채택으로 인한 국제적 위상 - 환경분야에서 세계적으로 가장 영향력 있는 국제환경기구로 발돋움 The Congress consists of two parts: A public Forum open to the general public with hundreds of events offered over several days. Here people share their knowledge and experience, working together to reach agreement on how we want to put ideas into action. IUCN Members, Commissions, partners and Secretariat staff can showcase their work and run workshops and other activities at the Forum. and the Members’ Assembly, which is the highest decision-making body of IUCN, where governmental and NGO Members take decisions to guide the future of IUCN. In addition to these 2 main elements, a series of exhibitions and pavilions showcasing the work of the Union will run throughout the Congress.

IUCN에 의한 결의 및 권고: - 과학적 증거 및 합리적인 해결 방안 의제로서의 기본적인 요건 The Congress consists of two parts: A public Forum open to the general public with hundreds of events offered over several days. Here people share their knowledge and experience, working together to reach agreement on how we want to put ideas into action. IUCN Members, Commissions, partners and Secretariat staff can showcase their work and run workshops and other activities at the Forum. and the Members’ Assembly, which is the highest decision-making body of IUCN, where governmental and NGO Members take decisions to guide the future of IUCN. In addition to these 2 main elements, a series of exhibitions and pavilions showcasing the work of the Union will run throughout the Congress.

이명박 대통령이 2012년 WCC 개회사에서 하논분화구 복원의 중요성을 언급. 하논분화구 복원 사업의 중요성 이명박 대통령이 2012년 WCC 개회사에서 하논분화구 복원의 중요성을 언급. The Congress consists of two parts: A public Forum open to the general public with hundreds of events offered over several days. Here people share their knowledge and experience, working together to reach agreement on how we want to put ideas into action. IUCN Members, Commissions, partners and Secretariat staff can showcase their work and run workshops and other activities at the Forum. and the Members’ Assembly, which is the highest decision-making body of IUCN, where governmental and NGO Members take decisions to guide the future of IUCN. In addition to these 2 main elements, a series of exhibitions and pavilions showcasing the work of the Union will run throughout the Congress.

하논분화구 복원 마르형 제주 하논분화구의 복원과 보전 2012 제주 WCC 권고 155 1. IUCN 사무총장은 우리 주변에서 파괴되어 가고 있는 중요한 생태계에 대한 복원사업이 자연과 자연자원 보전의 핵심사업이 되고, 이러한 생태계복원사업이 여러 국가, 지역 및 전 세계적으로 파급되어 나갈 수 있도록, 모니터링 등 6개 IUCN위원회(Commissions)들의 활동과 연계하여 하논분화구 복원․보전프로젝트가 효과적으로 추진될 수 있도록 요청(REQUESTS) 2. 대한민국 정부에게 자연환경복원 종합대책을 수립․시행하고, 보전대상지가 더 이상 훼손이 가속화되지 않도록 하며, 시민환경단체, 지역주민, 학계전문가 등 다양한 사람들이 공동으로 참여하는 보호관리프로그램 및 환경교육 등 친환경적 활용프로그램을 마련하고 운영할 것을 제안(CALLS) 3. 아울러, 하논과 유사한 기후권의 마르분화구가 분포하고 있는 한국, 중국 및 일본의 중앙정부, 연구기관 및 환경단체는 동북아시아 지역 몬순기후의 변화과정을 규명함으로써 미래기후변화 예측에 기여하기 위한 학술 및 교육 활동에서 상호 협조와 교류가 극대화 될 수 있도록 지속적으로 노력할 것을 권고(FURTHER URGES) The Congress consists of two parts: A public Forum open to the general public with hundreds of events offered over several days. Here people share their knowledge and experience, working together to reach agreement on how we want to put ideas into action. IUCN Members, Commissions, partners and Secretariat staff can showcase their work and run workshops and other activities at the Forum. and the Members’ Assembly, which is the highest decision-making body of IUCN, where governmental and NGO Members take decisions to guide the future of IUCN. In addition to these 2 main elements, a series of exhibitions and pavilions showcasing the work of the Union will run throughout the Congress.

하논분화구 복원 마르형 제주 하논분화구의 복원과 보전 2012 제주 WCC 권고 155 1. IUCN 사무총장은 우리 주변에서 파괴되어 가고 있는 중요한 생태계에 대한 복원사업이 자연과 자연자원 보전의 핵심사업이 되고, 이러한 생태계복원사업이 여러 국가, 지역 및 전 세계적으로 파급되어 나갈 수 있도록, 모니터링 등 6개 IUCN위원회(Commissions)들의 활동과 연계하여 하논분화구 복원․보전프로젝트가 효과적으로 추진될 수 있도록 요청(REQUESTS) The Congress consists of two parts: A public Forum open to the general public with hundreds of events offered over several days. Here people share their knowledge and experience, working together to reach agreement on how we want to put ideas into action. IUCN Members, Commissions, partners and Secretariat staff can showcase their work and run workshops and other activities at the Forum. and the Members’ Assembly, which is the highest decision-making body of IUCN, where governmental and NGO Members take decisions to guide the future of IUCN. In addition to these 2 main elements, a series of exhibitions and pavilions showcasing the work of the Union will run throughout the Congress.

하논분화구 복원 마르형 제주 하논분화구의 복원과 보전 2012 제주 WCC 권고 155 2. 대한민국 정부에게 자연환경복원 종합대책을 수립․시행하고, 보전대상지가 더 이상 훼손이 가속화되지 않도록 하며, 시민환경단체, 지역주민, 학계전문가 등 다양한 사람들이 공동으로 참여하는 보호관리프로그램 및 환경교육 등 친환경적 활용프로그램을 마련하고 운영할 것을 제안(CALLS) The Congress consists of two parts: A public Forum open to the general public with hundreds of events offered over several days. Here people share their knowledge and experience, working together to reach agreement on how we want to put ideas into action. IUCN Members, Commissions, partners and Secretariat staff can showcase their work and run workshops and other activities at the Forum. and the Members’ Assembly, which is the highest decision-making body of IUCN, where governmental and NGO Members take decisions to guide the future of IUCN. In addition to these 2 main elements, a series of exhibitions and pavilions showcasing the work of the Union will run throughout the Congress.

하논분화구 복원 마르형 제주 하논분화구의 복원과 보전 2012 제주 WCC 권고 155 3. 아울러, 하논과 유사한 기후권의 마르분화구가 분포하고 있는 한국, 중국 및 일본의 중앙정부, 연구기관 및 환경단체는 동북아시아 지역 몬순기후의 변화과정을 규명함으로써 미래기후변화 예측에 기여하기 위한 학술 및 교육 활동에서 상호 협조와 교류가 극대화 될 수 있도록 지속적으로 노력할 것을 권고(FURTHER URGES) The Congress consists of two parts: A public Forum open to the general public with hundreds of events offered over several days. Here people share their knowledge and experience, working together to reach agreement on how we want to put ideas into action. IUCN Members, Commissions, partners and Secretariat staff can showcase their work and run workshops and other activities at the Forum. and the Members’ Assembly, which is the highest decision-making body of IUCN, where governmental and NGO Members take decisions to guide the future of IUCN. In addition to these 2 main elements, a series of exhibitions and pavilions showcasing the work of the Union will run throughout the Congress.

“ IUCN은 대한민국정부와 제주특별자치도가 2012 제주 WCC에서 채택된 하논분화구 복원을 포함한 의제들을 효율적으로 실행하기를 권고하며, 하논분화구 복원사업을 위하여 필요시 국제적 전문가의 참여 방안을 검토하도록 하겠다. 2013. 8. 9 하논분화구범국민추진위원회 대표단 면담회의에서 Ms. Julia Marton-Lefebre, IUCN 사무총장 ” The Congress consists of two parts: A public Forum open to the general public with hundreds of events offered over several days. Here people share their knowledge and experience, working together to reach agreement on how we want to put ideas into action. IUCN Members, Commissions, partners and Secretariat staff can showcase their work and run workshops and other activities at the Forum. and the Members’ Assembly, which is the highest decision-making body of IUCN, where governmental and NGO Members take decisions to guide the future of IUCN. In addition to these 2 main elements, a series of exhibitions and pavilions showcasing the work of the Union will run throughout the Congress.

“ ” 어떻게 이룰 것인가? 하논분화구 복원 The Congress consists of two parts: A public Forum open to the general public with hundreds of events offered over several days. Here people share their knowledge and experience, working together to reach agreement on how we want to put ideas into action. IUCN Members, Commissions, partners and Secretariat staff can showcase their work and run workshops and other activities at the Forum. and the Members’ Assembly, which is the highest decision-making body of IUCN, where governmental and NGO Members take decisions to guide the future of IUCN. In addition to these 2 main elements, a series of exhibitions and pavilions showcasing the work of the Union will run throughout the Congress.

하논분화구 복원 지식을 통한 달성! 영향력을 통한 달성! 이행을 통한 달성! The Congress consists of two parts: A public Forum open to the general public with hundreds of events offered over several days. Here people share their knowledge and experience, working together to reach agreement on how we want to put ideas into action. IUCN Members, Commissions, partners and Secretariat staff can showcase their work and run workshops and other activities at the Forum. and the Members’ Assembly, which is the highest decision-making body of IUCN, where governmental and NGO Members take decisions to guide the future of IUCN. In addition to these 2 main elements, a series of exhibitions and pavilions showcasing the work of the Union will run throughout the Congress.

- IUCN과 협력하여 국제적 사회의 공감대 조성 이행을 통한 달성! 참여와 노력의 수반 하논분화구 복원 지식을 통한 달성! 연구를 통한 과학적 자료 확보 영향력을 통한 달성! - IUCN과 협력하여 국제적 사회의 공감대 조성 이행을 통한 달성! 참여와 노력의 수반 The Congress consists of two parts: A public Forum open to the general public with hundreds of events offered over several days. Here people share their knowledge and experience, working together to reach agreement on how we want to put ideas into action. IUCN Members, Commissions, partners and Secretariat staff can showcase their work and run workshops and other activities at the Forum. and the Members’ Assembly, which is the highest decision-making body of IUCN, where governmental and NGO Members take decisions to guide the future of IUCN. In addition to these 2 main elements, a series of exhibitions and pavilions showcasing the work of the Union will run throughout the Congress.

하논분화구의 현재 모습 The Congress consists of two parts: A public Forum open to the general public with hundreds of events offered over several days. Here people share their knowledge and experience, working together to reach agreement on how we want to put ideas into action. IUCN Members, Commissions, partners and Secretariat staff can showcase their work and run workshops and other activities at the Forum. and the Members’ Assembly, which is the highest decision-making body of IUCN, where governmental and NGO Members take decisions to guide the future of IUCN. In addition to these 2 main elements, a series of exhibitions and pavilions showcasing the work of the Union will run throughout the Congress.

하논분화구 원래 모습으로의 복원 감사합니다! The Congress consists of two parts: A public Forum open to the general public with hundreds of events offered over several days. Here people share their knowledge and experience, working together to reach agreement on how we want to put ideas into action. IUCN Members, Commissions, partners and Secretariat staff can showcase their work and run workshops and other activities at the Forum. and the Members’ Assembly, which is the highest decision-making body of IUCN, where governmental and NGO Members take decisions to guide the future of IUCN. In addition to these 2 main elements, a series of exhibitions and pavilions showcasing the work of the Union will run throughout the Congress.