지역사회경찰활동 (Community Policing) - 개념과 구성요소 -


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Presentation transcript:

지역사회경찰활동 (Community Policing) - 개념과 구성요소 -

1. 개념 트로야노비치의 정의 - 경찰과 시민이.. - 범죄를 비롯한 지역사회 문제를 해결하기 위해.. - 창조적으로 협력하는.. - 새로운 경찰활동의 철학

2. 구성요소 1) 기본 방향 (1) 적극적/능동적 접근

전통적 경찰활동: 범죄대응 위주, 차량순찰, 사후 수사활동 중심 => 수동적

지역사회경찰활동: 범죄의 사전예방, 지역사회의 다양한 문제를 사전에 해결 => 능동적 - crime fighter → 서비스제공자 - 문제해결을 위한 사회활동가

Proactive policing is the practice of deterring criminal activity by showing police presence and engaging the public to learn their concerns, thereby preventing crime from taking place in the first place. In contrast, responding to a complaint after a crime has been committed is reactive policing. Proactive policing is closely related to the practice of community policing. Community policing's goal is "problem solving." Community policing emphasizes proactive enforcement that proposes street crime can be reduced through greater community involvement and integration between citizens and police. Community policing departments and officers must commit time to develop a "partnership" with the community to: 1) Prevent and counter crime; 2) Maintain order; and 3) Reduce the fear of crime. Police organization is decentralized with every police officer and detective having a neighborhood to patrol with agreed upon goals and objectives to solve. Police officers must feel integrated with the majority of the citizens of the community where they patrol, and that they perceive themselves as sharing similar values and beliefs so they are confident in their decision making ability. Each police officer must get out of their cars (not just drive by and grin and wave) to visit with citizens and businesses to learn the residents concerns and show they're a friend and protector---in contrast to "strict law enforcement" or "reactive policing" which doesn't view the citizens as customers.

“policing by the people” (2) 시민참여 활성화 경찰활동의 과정에 시민이 참여할 수 있는 여건 조성 “policing by the people”

경찰서비스의 공동생산(coproduction) - 시민이 경찰서비스 생산과정에 참여 - 협력치안의 일종

(3) 맞춤 서비스(personalized services) 지역사회의 치안 수요, 규범, 가치관에 부합되는 경찰서비스

2) 구체적 요소 (1) 경찰역할의 확대 법집행, 범죄사건 해결에 그치지 않고 역할 확대 - 범죄 두려움 감소, 삶의 질 개선

(2) 시민과의 유대와 협력 편협한 전문직업주의(professionalism) 탈피 시민과의 우호적인 관계 형성 범죄의 예방뿐 아니라 해결에도 시민의 역할 중요 African-American Civil Rights Movement (1954–68) Civil Rights March on Washington

Community policing seeks the input and talents of all members of the community in the effort to safeguard our neighborhoods. Law enforcement has long recognized the need for cooperation with the community it serves. Officers speak to neighborhood groups, participate in business and civic events, consult with social agencies and take part in education programs for school children. Foot, bike and horse patrols bring police closer to the community.

미국의 전국이웃감시협회 (National Association of Town Watch; NATW)

외국의 주민 자율방범 조직 사례 Block Parent Program (Canada) Citizen Observer (United States) Crimestoppers (United States, United Kingdom and Australia) Guardian Angels (United States) National Neighborhood Watch Program (United States) National Night Out (United States) Natteravnene (Norway) Neighbourhood Watch (United Kingdom) Inminban (North Korea) PubWatch (United Kingdom) Senkom Mitra Polri (Indonesia) Shomrim (United States and United Kingdom) Voluntary People's Druzhina (Soviet Union) Sign on a pub in London

(3) 신뢰 증진 신뢰는 사회자본의 핵심요소 신뢰는 COP의 필요조건인 동시에 효과 (사회자본: 상호신뢰, 상호협력기대, 참여) 신뢰는 COP의 필요조건인 동시에 효과

Trust Is the Heart Establishing and maintaining mutual trust is the central goal of community partnership. Trust will give the police greater access to valuable information that can lead to the prevention of and solution of crimes. It will also engender support for police activities and provide a basis for a productive working relationship with the community that will find solutions to local problems.

(4) 경찰활동의 분권화 시민 의견/요구 대응 위해 조직유연성과 권한위임(empowerment) 필요

(5) 문제지향적 경찰활동 단편적인 사건해결 탈피, 총체적인 문제해결에 초점 경찰 = “거리의 범죄학자”

Problem solving identifies the specific concerns that community members feel are most threatening to their safety and well-being. These areas of concern then become priorities for joint police-community interventions.

(6) 지역사회경찰관 트로야노비치의 정의 범죄와 싸우는 자(crime fighter) 지역사회 구성원(community member) 문제해결자(problem solver)

CPO(community policing officer)의 역할 - 자율치안 지원 - 담당구역 치안 책임자(작은 서장) - 타기관 의뢰 - 범죄예방 전문가 - 접근성 개선

CPO의 조건 - 주민과의 유대, 지속적 관계 - 의사소통기술 - 고객지향 태도 Mbc포토에세이 사람, 2003.7.17. “이웃집 경찰관아저씨 안병찬 경장(6분) 사이버경찰청 pbn-pbn리포트. 세일즈경찰관(6분)

(7) 전담 관할구역 시간적 책임성이 아닌 장소적 책임성 관할구역 장기근무, 도보순찰 단, 부패 경계