Grammar Chapter 5 to 부정사 pp.64-71.


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Presentation transcript:

Grammar Chapter 5 to 부정사 pp.64-71

학습목표 to부정사의 부사적 용법 to 부정사를 필요로 하는 동사의 용례

to 부정사 To 부정사의 역할과 자리 명사 역할: 문장의 주어, 동사의 목적어, 보어 자리에 온다. (~하는 것) 주어 명사 역할: 문장의 주어, 동사의 목적어, 보어 자리에 온다. (~하는 것) 주어 To increase sales is the supervisor’s main objective. * 가주어 it

to 부정사 To increase sales is important. ->It is important to increase sales.

to 부정사 *동사의 목적어 Lennox Investments wants to reduce their production cost. 주격 보어 The role (of the team) is to create new online advertising strategies.

to 부정사 **목적격 보어 Dr. Jones asked Ms. Carter to deliver a speech at the conference.

to 부정사 2. 형용사 역할: 명사 뒤에서 꾸며준다. (~할) Mr. Bailey is the best candidate to replace the current supervisor.

to 부정사 *3. 부사 역할: 목적, 이유, 결과 등을 나타낸다. ‘목 적’을 나타내는 경우엔 to 대신 in order to를 쓸 수 있다. (~하기 위하여) 1) To V ~, S + V ~. =in order to V, so as to V

to 부정사 *2) 완벽한 문장 ___________ V + O *be + pp work 자동사 be + C (명사/형용사) * be + 감정표현 + to V (~해서)

to 부정사 3) ~해서…하다 -> 결과적으로 해석 목적 (In order) To qualify for the position, applicants must have strong computer skills.

to 부정사 이유 Mr. Larkin is pleased to announce the winner of this year’s advertising competition

C) even though D) in order that to 부정사 The city has repaved its street ______ find That pipes under the street need to be replaced. A) so as B) only to C) even though D) in order that

to 부정사 토익 실전 Check-up 2. (To prepare, Prepares) for the job interview, Diana Groves put together a portfolio.

C) has treated D) to treat Adoration Cosmetic’s product is used ___ dry facial skin and fight the effects of sunlight. A) treatment B) treats C) has treated D) to treat

to 부정사 To _____ their overseas guests, San Sebastian Hotel offers a variety of international menus. A) accommodate B) accommodation C) accommodating D) accommodates

to 부정사 After Mr. Cooper retires next month, the company’s vice president, Lisa Bain, will be chosen ______ him as CEO of the corporation. A) success B) to succeed C) successor D) successful

2. to 부정사의 의미상의 주어 to 부정사의 의미상의 주어가 필요한 경우, to 앞에 ‘for + 명사’ 또는 ‘for + 대명사의 목적격’ 을 쓴다. The aim of the seminar was for the employees to enhance communication skills.

2. to 부정사의 의미상의 주어 In order for us to update your information, please submit the required document. 토익 실전 Check-up 1. The purpose of the book club was (for, to) members to learn more about modern literature.

2. to 부정사의 의미상의 주어 토익 실전 Check-up 2. In order for (we, us) to serve you better, please take a few moments to complete this survey. 격문제

2. to 부정사의 의미상의 주어 It is necessary ______ all visitors to sign in at the security office before entering the research and development department. A) for B) to C) so D) that

3. To 부정사를 취하는 동사, 명사, 형용사 to 부정사를 목적어로 갖는 동사와 목적격 보 어로 갖는 동사 The firm’s associates plan to organize a welcome dinner for their overseas clients. -> V + to V want=would like fail / refuse

3. to 부정사를 취하는 동사, 명사, 형용사 to 부정사를 목적어로 갖는 동사와 목적격 보어 로 갖는 동사 -> V + O + to V -> be + pp + to V want=would like remind / schedule I asked my secretary * to copy the documents. *My secretary was (asked/asking) to copy the documents. 수동태

3. To 부정사를 취하는 동사, 명사, 형용사 The manager required me (to review, reviewing) the report. Mr. Ross would like the entire staff (to work, will work) on Saturdays. AutoPlus enables drivers _____ the nearest gas station if they run out of gas. reaches (B) reaching (C) reach (D) to reach

(C) are wearing (D) worn 3. To 부정사를 취하는 동사, 명사, 형용사 The company policy requires male employees _______ a tie for all meetings. (A) wearing (B) to wear (C) are wearing (D) worn

3. To 부정사를 취하는 동사, 명사, 형용사 All members are expected ______ in the planned event. (A) participate (B) participating (C) to participate (D) participation

3. To 부정사를 취하는 동사, 명사, 형용사 Employees are strongly _____ to attend the information session tomorrow. (A) encourage (B) encouraging (C) encouragement (D) encouraged

핵심 정리 to 부정사가 ‘~하기 위하여라고 해석될 때에는 To V ~, S+V+~. 완벽한 문장 ______~. * be + 감정표현 + to V ~. ~해서 ~하다. 2. to 부정사의 의미상 주어는 ‘for+명사로 표현됩니다. 3. ask + to V ask + O + to V be asked to V To 부정사를 목적어로 취하거나 목적격 보어 자리에 to 부정사를 취하는 여러 동사들은 반드시 암기해야 만 한다.