What Do Political Parties Do?


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Presentation transcript:

What Do Political Parties Do? 1. Recruit and train leaders, foster political participation, and teach new citizens democratic habits and practices. 2. Link citizens and leaders together in electoral and policy coalitions. 3. Allow citizens to hold their elected agents collectively responsible for what the government does.

What Do Political Parties Do? 4. Help channel and constrain political conflicts, promoting their peaceful resolution. 5. Organize the activities of government, facilitating the collective action necessary to translate public preferences into public policy. In short, parties make democracy possible. “Modern democracy is unthinkable save in terms of parties.” (E.E. Schattschneider)

“WHY PARTIES”? (정당의 의회내적 기원) 1. “Organization pays.” When collective choices are made by voting. When action requires winning majorities on a continuing basis in multiple settings. 2. Organized competition for votes in the legislature leads directly to: Organized competition for votes in elections.

“WHY PARTIES”? (정당의 의회내적 기원) 3. This requires negotiating and maintaining electoral alliances: legislative parties expanded into electoral coalitions 4. Party labels offer a shorthand cue that keeps voting decisions cheap and simple: As long as the labels are informative…. 위의 순서를 잘 살펴보면 대의민주주의와 정당의 발전에 관한 dynamic을 이해할 수 있음 From an “elite group” to a “mass party”

정당의 의회 외적 기원 (교과서 p.20) 선거나 의회와는 관계없는 분야에서도 정당이 출현 가능 (외부로부터의 창당) 선거나 의회와는 관계없는 분야에서도 정당이 출현 가능 (외부로부터의 창당) 노동조합  사회주의정당  영국 노동당 제대군인 단체  파시스트 정당 기업인 혹은 상인단체  캐나다 보수당, 한국 통일국민당 (1992년) 국민통합 21 (2002년) 보다 더 중앙집권적이고, 이념적 응집력이 강하며, 정당규율이 엄함

Political Parties: Three Major Topics Three dimensions of political parties Party-in-government, an alliance of current officeholders cooperating to shape public policy. (PIG) (공직수준 정당) Party-in-the-electorate, composed of those voters who identify with the party and regularly vote for its nominees. (PIE) (유권자 수준 정당) Party-as-organization, dedicated to electing the party’s candidate. (PO) (조직 수준 정당)

Big Questions for this semester Q1. “PIG, PIE, PO” (Korean & Comparative Politics) How do they work in democracies and non- Democracies? Policymaking and Governance (PIG) Campaigns and Elections (PIE) Organizational Change (PO) Q2. Are Parties in Decline? Still useful? Or Useless?

Are Parties in decline? Parties and party systems are rooted in their countries’ history, society, and institutions. Yet, parties are not what they used to be; in most democracies, party membership is down and voters are less loyal. What about in Korea? Are parties fading? What should be a “right” question regarding parties in Korea?

2014년 정당 지지도 세대차

2014년 정당 지지도 변화 추이

역대 대통령 직무 수행 긍정률 (approval ratings)

“Is the Party Over?” Still, expediency persists Today, candidates are the focus of campaigns. Parties are there to “serve” the candidates, not control them. Yet, parties still “useful,” as basic pattern of party competitions continue. Still important cues for voters and still important mechanisms for political entrepreneurs.