“Grammar to Explain”  <주어로서의 용법> 부정사구를 뒤로 보내고 주어 자리에 형식주어 it를 주로 쓴다.       It is desirable to keep one's promise.(←To keep one's promise is desirable.)


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Presentation transcript:

“Grammar to Explain”  <주어로서의 용법> 부정사구를 뒤로 보내고 주어 자리에 형식주어 it를 주로 쓴다.       It is desirable to keep one's promise.(←To keep one's promise is desirable.) <목적어로서의 용법>    ※타동사의 목적어   He planned [hoped/wished/expected/decided/wanted/refused] to help me.                 부정사 to help가 <~하기를 원하는(결심하는/거부하는)동사의 목적어     She managed [failed] to finish the task. (끝내기 성공하다/끝내지 못하다)     I promised my son to take him to the zoo. (동물원에 데려갈 것을 약속....)               부정사 to take 이하는 수여동사 promise의 직접목적어    ※진[실질]목적어    to부정사가 불완전타동사의 목적어로 쓰일 때는 반드시 이 부정사구를 문장의 뒤로 보내고 그 빈자리에 형식목적어 it를 쓴다. 뒤로 간 부정사가 진(짜) 목적어인 셈이다.     I think to tell a lie wrong. (×) 나는 거짓말하는 것은 나쁘다고 생각한다.     I think it wrong to tell a lie.(○)=I think it is wrong to tell a lie.  ※전치사의 목적어    ‘~를 제외하고’의  의미인 except, but, save의 목적어로 쓰임    They decided to take all the measures except to give him cigarettes.             (그들은 그에게 담배를 제공하는 것을 제외한 모든 조치를 시행하기로 결정했다.)    The little boy had no choice but to follow his uncle.             (=The little boy couldn't help but follow his uncle.(따라가지 않을 수 없었다) <명사와 동격인 경우>  We Koreans have one dream, to reunify our land peacefully. (꿈=재통일)  <주격보어(명사보어)로서의 용법>   When we start the car, the first thing is (to) turn the key.

Maxims Introduced by Teacher It took me three tries to pass into Sandhurst. Winston Churchill To be prepared for war is one of the most effectual means of preserving  peace. George Washington, 1st President of USA   It is useful, first of all, to see national poverty as the product of a plurality of causes. from John K. Galbraith's “The Poverty of Nations” I don't want to steal my victory. I will win my Victory by fair play.    Alexander the Great (356-323 BC)

Maxims Translated by Student Anyone can sympathize with the sufferings of a friend, but it requires a  very fine nature to sympathize with a friend's success. La Bruyere (1645-1695) French writer Draw things that have some meaning to you. The object of art is not to  make pictures you can sell. It is to save yourself. Sherwood Anderson To fear love is to fear life, and those who fear life are already dead. B. Russell, English philosopher, writer, & mathematician

“My Maxim” Activity 뮤비무환을 영어로! 1. It is best to prepare for a rainy day. 2. <학생영작사례> It is best to carry an umbrella when it is cloudy.