Arch pain 조익래
목차 What is arch pain? How dos it occur What are the symptoms? How is it diagnosed? How is it treated? When can I return to my sport or activity? How can I prevent arch pain? Rehabilitation Exercises
What is arch pain? Transverse arch Longitudinal arch
How does it occur? 평발 과한 활동 갑작스런 운동으로 인한 인대의 째짐
What are the symptoms? The symptom is pain along the arch of the foot
How is it diagnosed? Foot for pain and tenderness along the arch
How is it treated? 얼음 팩 약 보정기구
When can I return to my sport or activity? 모든 범위의 움직임을 가진다. 100% 의 힘을 가진다. 흔들 때, 전력질주 시, 점프할 때 아픔, 어려움, 발 절임 등이 없어야 한다.
Rehabilitation Exercises Towel stretch Standing calf stretch Plantar fascia Frozen can roll Towel pickup Sitting toe raise
Rehabilitation Exercises Resisted Dorsiflexion Resisted Plantarflexion Resisted Inversion Resisted eversion