Classroom English How do you say _________ in Korean? _________ 는 한국어로 뭐예요 ?


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Presentation transcript:

Classroom English How do you say _________ in Korean? _________ 는 한국어로 뭐예요 ?

Classroom English How do you say _________ in English? _________ 는 영어로 뭐예요 ?

Classroom English I have a question. 질문 있어요.

Classroom English 예를 들어 줄 수 있니 ? Can you give me an example?

Classroom English 이름을 부르면 here 이라고 말하세요. When I call your name, please say “here”.

Classroom English 그 ( 녀 ) 는 오늘 결석했어요. He / she is absent.

Classroom English 학습지를 앞으로 보내세요. Please pass your papers forward.

Classroom English 종이에 이름을 적으세요. Please write your name on your paper.

Classroom English 잘했어요 ! Good job!

Classroom English 일어서서 1 번을 읽어보세요. Please stand up and read number 1.

Classroom English How do you spell __________? ______ 의 철자가 뭐예요 ?

Classroom English 다섯명씩 그룹을 만들어 대화를 연습하세요. Please get into groups of 5, and practice the dialogue.

Classroom English 조용히 하세요. Please be quiet.

Classroom English 불을 켜세요. Please turn on the light.

Classroom English 불을 끄세요. Please turn off the light.

Classroom English 돌아서서 앞을 보세요. Turn around and face the front of the classroom.

Classroom English 먼저 단락을 읽고 모르는 모든 단어에 동그라미하세요. First, read the paragraphs and circle all the words that you don’t know.

Classroom English 모르는 단어에 대해 짝과 함께 상의해 보세요. Then, with your partner, answer the questions about the words that you don’t know.

Classroom English 치우세요 ! Put that away!

Classroom English 도움이 필요하면 선생님께 물어보세요. If you need help, ask the teacher.

Classroom English 도움이 필요하면 짝에게 물어보세요. If you need help, ask your partner.

Classroom English 나가기 전에 의자를 집어넣으세요. Push your chairs in before you leave.

Classroom English 나가기 전에 쓰레기를 주우세요. Pick up the garbage before you leave.

Classroom English 질문있어요 ? Any questions?

Classroom English 이해하세요 ? Does that makes sense?

Classroom English 페이퍼를 제출하세요. Please turn in your papers.

Classroom English 페이페를 내지 말고 그냥 가지세요. Please keep your papers.

Classroom English 맨 위에 이름을 쓰세요. Put your name at the top of your paper.

Classroom English 여기 보세요 ! Look up here!

Classroom English 구석으로 가서 서 있어요 ! Go stand in the corner!

Classroom English What does _________ mean? _________ 는 무슨 뜻입니까 ?

Classroom English 왜 수업에 늦었나요 ? Why were you late to class?

Classroom English 수업 시간에 늦지 마세요. Please be on time to class.

Classroom English 당신의 펜은 어디 있나요 ? Where is your pen?

Classroom English 이리와서 칠판에 답을 쓰세요. Come here and write the answer on the board please.

Classroom English 2 번 답을 말해보세요. Give me the answer to number 2.

Classroom English 주말 어땠어요 ? How was your weekend?

Classroom English 당신은 몇 학년인가요 ? What grade are you in?

Classroom English 당신은 몇 반 인가요 ? What class are you in?

Classroom English 다 했습니까 ? Are you finished?