표지 읽기 The title is _____________. This is written by ____________. What is this? Right. It’s _______. What are these? Right. They’re ______. What color.


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Presentation transcript:

표지 읽기 The title is _____________. This is written by ____________. What is this? Right. It’s _______. What are these? Right. They’re ______. What color is this? What is this _____ doing? Can you do this like _________? Let’s read this story.

Brown Bear, Brown Bear, what do you see? A brown bear is walking. (flying, walking, running, hopping, swimming..) The bear says “ growl, growl.” bird – tweet cat - meow duck – quack dog – woof/bowwow horse – neigh sheep - baa frog – croak fish - blub monkey - ooh

아이들이 나오는 장면 How many children can you see? Let’s count! How many boys(girls) are there? 모든 동물 나오는 장면 How many animals can you see? Can you remember all the animals?

Review What do you see? I see a ( ) ( ) looking at me. 읽은 후 활동 1. coloring 2. 색깔 바꾸기 (OHP 필름 ) 3. 노래와 율동 4. 막대인형 5. 기타 ( 책 참조 )

Nursery Rhyme 자장가, 줄넘기하며 부르는 동시, 놀이동 요, 수수께끼 대화 등 리듬과 가락이 어휘에 실려있어 쉽게 외 워짐 영어에 대한 언어감각을 자연스럽게 습 득

Five little monkeys jumping on the bed 표지 Look! What kind of animals are they? How many monkeys can you see? Let’s count together. What are they doing? Look at their faces. How do they feel? (They look very happy and have fun)

목욕 장면 What are they doing? They are in the bathtub. 옷 입는 장면 They are putting on their pajamas. How many boy monkeys? How many girl monkeys?

침대에 누워서 Little monkeys are on the same bed. They’ll be asleep in a little time. 침대에서 뛸 때 They are not asleep. What are they doing? Look at their faces. They look very happy and fun.

떨어졌을 때 Ouch! He fell off and he hit his head. He is crying. Are you OK, a little monkey? Here comes mom. 원숭이 안고 전화할 때 He(She) seems to be sick. “No more monkeys jumping on the bed.” 다음, How many monkeys are left?

다시 뛸 때 They are jumping again. 여자 원숭이 떨어졌을 때 Is it a girl monkey?

다 재운 후 Now all five monkeys are sleeping What is mama doing? 읽은 후 활동 1. 이야기 다시 들려주기 ( 낚싯줄, 하드보드지, 원숭이, 침대그림 ) 2. 뺄셈 개념 One monkey from five monkeys equals four monkeys.

Who am I? 표지 How many animals are there? Which animal do you like best? Whose legs are these? 본문 This animal carries a vase. This animal carries a plant. This animal carries cheese. This animal carries cheetah.

This animal is in the box. A bear is putting on a beautiful hat. This animal carries a lot of bread. An elephant is sitting at the table. This animal puts on a glove. A fox is standing with a bat.

This animal is lying on a tube. There are many fishes. This animal is hanging on the tree. There are two birds. They are dancing. It’s a cat!