Unit 10. What if there were no spiders? 만약 거미가 없다면 어떨까 ? 가정법 / Elder Examples.


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 10. What if there were no spiders? 만약 거미가 없다면 어떨까 ? 가정법 / Elder Examples

 뜻 : 만약 ~ 라면, ~ 할 텐데....  If + 주어 + 과거형 /were,  주어 + 조동사 과거형 (would/should/could/might)  + 동사원형

 If you called me, I would come.  ( 네가 나에게 전화한다면, 내가 갈 텐데.)  가정법 과거 / 직설법  As you don’t call me, I won’t come.  가정법 / 직설법 현재

 If I were not so tired, I could finish the work.  가정법 ( 과거 ) / 직설법  As I am so tired, I can’t finish the work.  가정법 / 직설법 ( 현재 )

 뜻 : 만약 ~ 했더라면, ~ 했을 텐데...  If + 주어 + had + 과거분사 (p.p),  주어 + 조동사 과거형 (would/should/could/might) + have + 과거분사 (p.p)

If you had called me, I would have come. ( 네가 나에게 전화했더라면, 내가 갔을 텐 데.) 가정법 과거완료 / 직설법 As you didn’t call me, I wouldn’t come. 가정법 / 직설법 ( 과거 )

If we had known her address, we could have found her house. ( 우리는 그녀의 주소를 알아서, 그녀 집을 찾을 수 있었다.) 가정법 과거완료 / 직설법 As we didn’t know her address, we could not find her house. 가정법 / 직설법 ( 과거 )

 1. As she is sick, she can’t go to school today.  직설법 ( 현재 ) – 가정법 ( 과거 )  ➞ If she (is/were) not sick, she (can/could) go to school today.

 2. Maybe the weather will be fine tomorrow. We will go on a picnic.  단순 조건문 ( 미래내용 )  ➞ If the weather (is/will be) fine tomorrow, we (go/will go) on a picnic.

 3. As I didn’t have enough money, I couldn’t lend her any.  직설법 과거 – 가정법 과거완료  ➞ If I (had/had had) enough money, I could (lend/have lent) her some.

 4. You don’t ask for my help, so I don’t help you.  직설법 현재 – 가정법 과거  ➞ If you (will ask/asked) for my help, I (will help/would help) you.

 You didn’t tell me, so we couldn’t do anything about it.  직설법 과거 – 가정법 과거완료  ➞ If you (told/had told) me, we could (do/have done) something about it.

 4. You don’t ask for my help, so I don’t help you.  직설법 현재 – 가정법 과거  ➞ If you (will ask/asked) for my help, I (will help/would help) you.

 Without her advice, I would fail.  ( 그녀의 조언이 없다면, 나는 실패할 것이다.)  = But for her advice, I would fail.  = If it were not for her advice, I would fail.  Without her advice, I would have failed. ( 그 녀의 조언이 없었다면, 나는 실패했을 것이다.)  = But for her advice, I would have failed.  = If it had not been for her advice, I would have failed.

 If people lived to be 200, then they would take better care of themselves.  Today it is not hard to find people who live to be 100. But it is rare to find them still active and happy.  It does not mean, however, that they cannot do fun and amazing things.

 1) 비행기에서 뛰어 내린 100 세 할머니  One lady said that with a little help, she could jump from an airplane. And that is what she did when she was 100 years old. In 2004 she strapped herself onto another person and then jumped from a plane over Denmark.

 If she had felt more brave, she said she would have jumped without a partner.  2) 98 세에 석사학위를 받은 할머니  Another woman, 98, received her master’s degree in May * master’s degree 석사학위  With help and support, anyone can finish what they start, she believes.

 3) 하루 16 시간 동안 자선모금을 위 해 수영한 70 세 할아버지  One seventy-year-old man, (who was a retired police officer,) swam for sixteen hours to raise money for charity.  retire: 은퇴하다  swim- swam – swum  raise money 돈을 모으다  charity 자선  He raised thousands of dollars that day.

 Too many people wish that they had accomplished something special in their lives.  accomplish 성취하다  It is never too late. If you were to take care of yourself now, then you could maintain good health (into your old age) (like these fine leaders. )  maintain 유지하다