Medical Administration


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Presentation transcript:

Medical Administration Listening Part II Professor Hwang Medical Administration Youngsan University

Main-verb (excluding be) : 문장의 의미 중심을 이루는 일반동사 Interrogatives 1 Statement Subject Verb ~ ~ ~ . Interrogatives Verb Subject ~ ~ ~ ? Main-verb : Be-Verb Auxiliary Verb: Be (진행, 수동), Have (완료), Modals (will, can, may, must …) 2 Statement Subject Verb ~ ~ ~ . Interrogatives Do-Verb Subject Verb® ~ ~ ~ ? Main-verb (excluding be) : 문장의 의미 중심을 이루는 일반동사

Interrogatives 1. Yes/No 의문문: 사실의 진위 / Yes나 No로 대답할 수 있다 조동사나 Be-verb로 의문문 시작 2. 의문사 의문문: 구체적 정보 / Yes나 No로 대답하지 못한다 Wh-word로 의문문 시작 3. 부정 의문문: Aren’t you ~? / Don’t you ~? 일반 Yes/No 의문문의 대답과 같다. 4. 선택 의문문: A or B ? / 대체로 A나 B 중 하나가 답 5. 부가 의문문: He is kind, isn’t he? / 주로 동의를 구한다. 6. 평서문 형태: 정보 전달, 제안, 의견 등 Let’s ~ / I can give you a ride. / That was an excellent presentation. 7. 질문이 아닌 관용적 표현: 조언, 요청, 부탁, 의견, 제안 Why don’t you ~? / How about ~? / May I ~? / Would you ~?

Listening Part 2: 의문사 What (무엇, 어떤) 형태와 의미 What + Aux + 주어 + 본동사 ~? : 행위나 의견 or 명사 답 What + *명사 + Aux + 주어 + 본동사 ~? : *명사의 종류 선택 질문 & 답 1. 명사 : 사물, 직업 등의 명사의 답을 묻는다. What do you do for a living? – I’m a secretary. What is he working on? – He’s working on a report. 2. 행위나 의견, 문제 (문장을 답으로 요구) What are you going to do? – I’m going to visit him. What’s wrong with this copy machine? – It’s out of order. 3. 종류나 유형 선택 What kind of bag do you want? – Something small.

Listening Part 2: 의문사 Who (누구, 직책) 형태와 의미 Who(m) + Aux + 주어 + 본동사 ~? / Who + 동사구 ~? 회사명, 부서명, 직책명 / 이름, 관계 (가족, 친구 질문 & 답 1. 신분, 직책 Who made this delicious pasta? - My husband did. Who did you visit in Seoul? - My supervisor. 2. 인명, 관계 Who’s in charge of marketing? - Brian. Who called this morning? - Mr. Alex and Ms. Kate. Who is that man? - His uncle.

Listening Part 2: 의문사 When (언제) 형태와 의미 When + *Aux + 주어 + 본동사 ~? *Aux의 시제에 주의 특정 시점 (시간, 날짜, 요일 등)이나 시기 / 빈도 불확실한 대답: sometime / not until / within / after / as soon as / while / during 시 제 일 치 1. 과거 When did you speak with Tiffany? - A month ago. 2. 현재 When is the meeting supposed to begin? - Within 30 minutes. When do you leave for Japan? - As soon as possible. 3. 미래 When will your flight depart? - Tomorrow morning.

Listening Part 2: What, Who, When TOEIC Practice (Wake-Up p. 30) 1. What are they doing? -- (B) They are talking. 2. Who is the man with Clara? -- (A) Oh, that’s her brother, Marty. 3. When will you start your new job? -- (A) Next Monday. 4. What time are we meeting James? -- (A) At six, in the lobby. 5. Who will take over Mr. Boyd’s place? -- (B) It hasn’t been announced yet. 6. When is your math test? -- (B) At 2 o’clock. 7. Who’s going to lead the tour? -- (B) Mr. Kevin will. 8. When did you get back from Australia? -- (C) Three days ago.

Listening Part 2: 의문사 Where (장소, 출처) 형태와 의미 Where + Aux + 주어 + 본동사 ~? 특정 장소, 지명, 위치, 출처, 방향 * 장소의 부사구(전치사구) : On the 3rd floor / at the bank 질문 & 답 1. 장소 / 지명 Where is the meeting being held? - In the conference room. Where are you working now? – At the public library. 2. 방향 Where is the parking lot? – Right over there. 3. 출처 Where can I get a financial report? – From Daniel.

Listening Part 2: 의문사 Why (장소, 출처) 형태와 의미 이유 Why + *Aux + 주어 + 본동사 ~? 권유, 제안 Why don’t you/we~? 질문 & 답 1. 이유 / 원인: for + 명사, to 부정사, because + 절 2. 변명: no chance, busy, out of town, on business trip Why are you so late? - Sorry, I had a car accident. Why did you cancel the flight – Because meeting was canceled. Why is that door open? – It’s really hot in here. 3. 권유 / 제안: sounds great!, good! Why don’t you take a taxi? – Sounds great.

Listening Part 2: 의문사 How (어떻게, 정도) 형태와 의미 상태/방법 How + Aux + 주어 + 본동사 ~? 정도 How + 형용사/부사 ~ ? * How many (수), How much (양, 가격), How far (거리), How long (기간), How often (횟수) 질문 & 답 1. 상태 How do you like the new house? - It’s much more spacious. 2. 방법 How do I get information? - You have to become a member. 3. How + 형용사 / 부사 How long have been here? - For almost 5 years. How often do you visit the branch office? – Two times a week.

Listening Part 2: 의문사 Where, Why, How TOEIC Practice! (Wake-Up p. 38) 1. Where do you live ? -- A) I live in New York. 2. Why is it so hot in here? -- B) The air conditioner is not working. 3. How do I get to the subway station? -- C) If you want, I can show you the way. 4. Where did you go? -- B) I went to the hospital. 5. How long will it take to get there? -- A) One hour. 6. Where will the meeting be held? -- C) In the conference room. 7. Why didn’t you go to the store? -- C) I was too busy. 8. How many students are there in your class? -- C) There are about 30.