주의해야 할 It~that 강조용법 Who interviewed you?


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Presentation transcript:

주의해야 할 It~that 강조용법 Who interviewed you? KEY POINT∥ 의문문, 종속절 등의 It~that 강조용법 1. 의문문의 it ~ that 강조구문 Who interviewed you? = [It was who that interviewed you.] R3-4-22 = Who was it that interviewed you?

주의해야 할 It~that 강조용법 He decided to return because he was ill. KEY POINT∥ 의문문, 종속절 등의 It~that 강조용법 2. 종속절의 it ~ that 강조구문 He decided to return because he was ill. = It was because he was ill that he decided to return. R3-4-22

주의해야 할 It~that 강조용법 It is not money but love that matters. KEY POINT∥ 의문문, 종속절 등의 It~that 강조용법 3. It is not A but B that ~ ~한 것은 A가 아니라 B이다 It is not money but love that matters. = It is not money that matters but love. R3-4-22

WARNING ◎ it ~ that 강조구문과 it ~ that 가주어구문의 차이 강조구문 It was yesterday that I met him. (I met him yesterday.) (O) 가주어 It is true that she is ill. (She is ill true.) (X) R3-4-22

① Was it yesterday that we went shopping? 1. 다음 중 문법적으로 어색한 것은? ① Was it yesterday that we went shopping? ② It is not the children but the man that are to blame. ③ It was three years ago that he went to America. ④ It was this fountain pen that he gave to me. ⑤ It is not baseball gloves that he wants to buy but balls. R3-5-3 정답 ② (are → is)

① What was it that he wanted? 2. 다음 중 문법적으로 어색한 것은? ① What was it that he wanted? ② It is for his laziness that we dislike him. ③ When is it that you are leaving? ④ Whom is it that you want to meet? ⑤ It was me that fed the dog. R3-5-3 정답 ⑤ (me → I)

① It is next year that she wants to go to London. 3. 다음 중 밑줄 친 부분의 용법이 다른 것은? ① It is next year that she wants to go to London. ② It was a mail-box that he made. ③ It is strange that he should meet the girl again. ④ It was at the party that I felt sick. ⑤ It was a number eight bus that I took. R3-5-3 정답 ③ (가주어 it; 나머지는 it ~ that 강조용법)

① It's not easy to get out of a bad habit. 4. 다음 중 밑줄 친 부분의 용법이 다른 것은? ① It's not easy to get out of a bad habit. ② It is in summer that we feel hot. ③ It was last year that the war broke out. ④ It was on Sunday that she gave me a present. ⑤ It is the teacher that is important, not the kind of school children learn in. R3-5-3 정답 ① (가주어 it; 나머지는 it ~ that 강조용법)