PART III The GROUP Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall, Professor Kichan PARK.


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Presentation transcript:

PART III The GROUP Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall, Professor Kichan PARK

Foundations of Group Behavior 집단행동의 기초 ⓒ Professor Kichan PARK 9-272



IX-1. Defining and Classifying Groups:정의  Two or more individuals interacting and interdependent, who have come together to achieve particular objectives 1) Formal Group: 공식 집단 ① Defined by the organization‘s structure with designated work assignments establishing tasks 2) Informal Group: 비공식 집단 ① Alliances that are neither formally structured nor organizationally determined ② Appear naturally in response to the need for social contact ③ Deeply affect behavior and performance 9-275

Which one would be Formal Group? 1 5 3 2 4 6 9-276

Subclassifications of Groups: 집단의 분류 공식: Formal Groups 비공식: Informal Groups 1. Command Group: 명령 1. Interest Group: 이익 ① A group composed of the ① Members work together individuals who report to attain a specific directly to a given objective with which each manager is concerned 2. Task Group: 과업 2. Friendship Group: 친교 ① Those working together to ① Those brought together complete a job or task in because they share one or an organization but not more common limited by hierarchical characteristics boundaries 9-277

Why People Join Groups ? – Social Identity 왜 사람들은 집단에 가입하는가? - 사회정체성이론 1. Uncertainty Reduction: 불확실성 감소 2. Distinctiveness: 차별 3. Similarity: 유사성 4. Status: 지위 9-278

IX-2. Five Stages of Group Development Model 9-279

Critique of the Five-Stage Model 집단발전단계이론에 대한 비판 1. Assumption: the group becomes more effective as it progresses through the first four stages  앞의 4단계 동안 발전한다는 가정 ① Not always true – group behavior is more complex ② High levels of conflict may be conducive to high performance ③ The process is not always linear ④ Several stages may occur simultaneously ⑤ Groups may regress 2. Ignores the organizational context:  실제 복잡성 무시 9-280

An Alternative Model for Group Formation 기학이 정해진 임시집단을 위한 대안모델 임시적 집단의 독특한 발전단계 (단속 평형 모델): Punctuated-Equilibrium Model 1. 전환기의 존재: Temporary groups under deadlines go through transitions between inertia and activity—at the halfway point, they experience an increase in productivity. 2. 발전단계 과정: Sequence of Actions : Setting group direction  First phase of inertia  Half-way point transition  Major changes  Second phase of inertia  Accelerated activity 9-281

IX-3. Group Properties: 집단의 속성 2 규범 3 지위 Norms 1 역할 Status Roles Group Performance 5 응집성 4 규모 Cohesiveness Group Size 9-282

Group Property 1: Roles 1. Role = Authority & Responsibility: A set of expected behavior patterns attributed to someone occupying a given position in a social unit 1) 역할 정체성 Role Identity • Certain attitudes and behaviors consistent with a role 2) 역할 지각 Role Perception • An individual‘s view of how he or she is supposed to act in a given situation – received by external stimuli 3) 역할 기대 Role Expectations • How others believe a person should act in a given situation • Psychological Contract: an unwritten agreement that sets out mutual expectations of management and employees 4) 역할 갈등 Role Conflict • A situation in which an individual is confronted by divergent role expectations 9-283

Zimbardo’s Prison Experiment: 짐바도의 죄수 실험 1. Faked a prison using student volunteers : 학생대상 가상실험 2. Randomly assigned to guard and prisoner roles: 역할연기 3. Within six days the experiment was halted due to concerns: 실제현상 발생 ① Guards had dehumanized the prisoners ② Prisoners were subservient ③ Fell into the roles as they understood them ④ No real resistance felt 9-284

IX-4. Group Property 2: Norms 규범 ① Acceptable standards of behavior within a group that are shared by the group‘s members 2. 규범의 분류 Classes of Norms ① 성과규범 Performance norms - level of acceptable work ② 외모규범 Appearance norms - what to wear ③ 사회적 조정규범 Social arrangement norms - friendships and the like ④ 자원 배분규범 Allocation of resources norms - distribution and assignments of jobs and material 9-285

Group Norms and the Hawthorne Studies A series of studies undertaken by Elton Mayo at Western Electric Company‘s Hawthorne Works in Chicago between 1924 and 1932  Logics of Sentiment ! 1.Research Conclusions ① Worker behavior and sentiments were closely related. ② Group influences (norms) were significant in affecting individual behavior. ③ Group standards (norms) were highly effective in establishing individual worker output. ④ Money was less a factor in determining worker output than were group standards, sentiments, and security. 9-286

Norms and Behavior: 규범과 행동 1. 준거집단 Reference Groups ① Important groups to which individuals belong or hope to belong and with whose norms individuals are likely to conform 2. 동조 Conformity ① Gaining acceptance by adjusting one‘s behavior to align with the norms of the group ② Asch Studies • Demonstrated the power of conformance • Culture-based and declining in importance 9-287

Defying Norms: Deviant Workplace Behavior 9-288 1. 일탈적 직장행동 ① Also called antisocial behavior or workplace incivility ② Voluntary behavior that violates significant organizational norms and, in doing so, threatens the well-being of the organization 2. 일탈의 유형 Typology: ① Production – working speed ② Property – damage and stealing ③ Political – favoritism and gossip ④ Personal Aggression – sexual harassment

Group Influence on Deviant Behavior 9-289 ① 집단규범 자체의 위험: Group norms can influence the presence of deviant behavior ② 단순가입자의 위험: Simply belonging to a group increases the likelihood of deviance ③ 가식적 표현의 위험: Being in a group allows individuals to hide – creates a false sense of confidence that they won‘t be caught

Group Property 3: Status 1. 사회적 서열: A socially defined position or rank given to groups or group members by others – it differentiates group members Important factor in understandingbehavior Significantmotivator 2.지위특성이론 Status Characteristics Theory Statusderived from one of threesources: ①권력: Power a person has over others ②능력: Ability to contribute to group goals ③개성: Personal characteristics 9-290

Status Effects 지위의 효과 1. 예외적 특권 On Norms and Conformity ① High-status members are less restrained by norms and pressure to conform ② Some level of deviance is allowed to high-status members so long as it doesn‘t affect group goal achievement  1000원짜리 고스톱 사련 2. 독단적 주장 On Group Interaction ① High-status members are more assertive ② Large status differences limit diversity of ideas and creativity  항공사 외환관리 전문가 사련 3. 지위 부조화 On Equity ① If status is perceived to be inequitable, it will result in various forms of corrective behavior. 9-291

IX-5. Group Property 4: Size 규모 1. Group size affects behavior 2. Size: 12명 이상의 대집단 vs. 7인 이하의 소집단 ① Twelve or more members is a ―large‖ group ② Seven or fewer is a ―small‖ group 3. Best use of a group: Attribute Small Large • Speed X • Individual Performance X ProblemSolving X DiverseInput X Fact-findingGoals X • Overall Performance X 9-292

Issues with Group Size 1. 사회적 태만 Social Loafing  The tendency for individuals to expend less effort when working collectively than when working individually  Ringelmann‘s Rope Pull: greater levels of productivity but with diminishing returns as group size increases  Caused by either equity concerns or a diffusion of responsibility (free riders) 2. 시사점 Managerial Implications  Build in individual accountability  Prevent social loafing by: ① 목표: Setting group goals ② 경쟁: Increasing intergroup competition ③ 평가:Using peer evaluation ④ 보상: Distributing group rewards based on individual effort 9-293

IX-6. Group Property 5: Cohesiveness 응집성 Degree to which group members are attracted to each other and are motivated to stay in the group 시사점 Managerial Implication  To increase cohesiveness: 응집력 강화방앆 ① Make the group smaller. ② Encourage agreement with group goals. ③ Increase time members spend together. ④ Increase group status and admission difficulty. ⑤ Stimulate competition with other groups. ⑥ Give rewards to the group, not individuals. ⑦ Physically isolate the group. 9-294

IX-7. Group Decision Making vs. Individual Choice 1. Group Strengths: 보다 완전한 정보와 지식의 창출 ① Generate more complete information and knowledge ② Offer increased diversity of views and greater creativity ③ Increased acceptance of decisions ④ Generally more accurate (but not as accurate as the most accurate group member) 2. Group Weaknesses: 시간의 소요와 집단의 압력 ① Time-consuming activity ② Conformity pressures in the group ③ Discussions can be dominated by a few members ④ A situation of ambiguous responsibility 9-295

Group Decision-Making Phenomena 1. 집단사고 Groupthink: 소수의견과 성과를 저해 ① Situations where group pressures for conformity deter the group from critically appraising unusual, minority, or unpopular views ② Hinders performance 2. 집단이동 Groupshift: 보다 극단적인 의사결정 ① When discussing a given set of alternatives and arriving at a solution, group members tend to exaggerate the initial positions that they hold. This causes a shift to more conservative or more risky behavior. 9-296


Group Decision-Making Techniques 집단 의사결정 기법 1. Brainstorming ① An idea-generating process designed to overcome pressure for conformity 2. Nominal Group Technique (NGT): 명목집단 ① Works by restricting discussion during the decision-making process ② Members are physically present but operate independently 3. Electronic Meeting: 전자회의 ① Uses computers to hold large meetings of up to 50 people 9-298

IX-8. Evaluating Group Effectiveness 집단 효과성에 대한 비교평가 Interacting Electronic 9-299

IX-9. Global Implications 1. 지위와 문화 Status and Culture 2. 사회적 태만 Social Loafing 3. 집단 다양성 Group Diversity ① Increased diversity leads to increased conflict ② May cause early withdrawal and lowered morale ③ If the initial difficulties are overcome, diverse groups may perform better!  모자이크식에서 합금식 집단으로 9-300

Summary and Managerial Implications 1. Performance: 고성과 집단구조의 특성  Typically, clear role perception, appropriate norms, low status differences and smaller size, more cohesive groups lead to higher performance 2. Satisfaction: 만족 증대의 조건  Increases with: ① High congruence between boss and employee‘s perceptions about the job ② Not being forced to communicate with lower-status employees ③ Smaller group size 9-301
