4강 글의 주제.


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Presentation transcript:

4강 글의 주제

유형 Scientists should be careful to reduce bias (in their experiments). A bias occurs [when what the scientist expects changes how the results are viewed]. reduce 삭감하다 bias 편견 Occur 발생하다 result 결과 view 보다

This expectation might cause a scientist to select a result from one trial over those from other trials. Scientists can lessen bias (by running as many trials as possible) and (by keeping accurate notes of each observation (which is) made). Expectation 기대 select 선택 result 결과 Trial 시도 lessen 감소시키다 trial 시험,실험 Accurate 정확한 observatioin 관찰

Valid experiments also must have data [that are measurable] Valid experiments also must have data [that are measurable]. This allows others to compare the results to data (that) they obtain from a similar experiment. Valid 유효한 measurable 잴수 있는 Allow 허락하다 compare 비교하다 Obtain 얻다

Most importantly, the experiment must be repeatable Most importantly, the experiment must be repeatable. Findings are supportable /when other scientists perform the same experiment and get the same results. Repeatable 반복가능한 Supportable 지지되는, 참을수 있는 Perform 수행하다 result 결과

4-1 At present, attempts are being made by the US Federal Government to develop an efficient machine for “credibility assessment,” in other words, a perfect lie detector, as a means to improve the nation’s security level in its war on terrorism. Attempt 시도 Credibility 신뢰성

This quest to make the country safer, however, may have implications for our everyday lives in the most unexpected ways. Quest 추구, 탐색 Implication 관련, 함축

How will the newly developed device be able to tell [which are truly dangerous lies] and [which are lies that are harmless and kind-hearted, or self-serving without being dangerous]? Device 기계 kind-hearted 친절한 Self-serving 자기 잇속만 차리는

What happens /if one day we find ourselves (with instruments)[ that can detect untruth] not only in the struggle against terrorism but also in situations [that have little to do with national security: job interview, tax inspections, classrooms, bedrooms]? Untruth 거짓말 have little to do with 관계가 조금 있다 Inspection 감사

A perfect lie-detection device would turn our lives upside down.

학습목표 운동게임의 좋은 점을 말할 수 있다. 탄소 배출 세금 법의 현황을 말할 수 있다.

4-2 Sociality 사회성 keep rule 규칙을 지키다 Effect 영향 ① various ways to develop sociality ② the importance of keeping to rules ③ effects of games on the physical health ④ what we can learn through playing games ⑤ improving school performance through games Sociality 사회성 keep rule 규칙을 지키다 Effect 영향

4-2 [Playing games] is usually strongly encouraged (in schools). This is partly [because it strengthens the muscles and uses up surplus physical energy]. Encourage 격려되다, 권장되다 Surplus 잉여의, 남는

Team games are especially believed [to improve social skills] Team games are especially believed [to improve social skills]. The essence (of team game) is [to balance selfishness, the desire to shine and triumph, with sociality, the desire to help one's team win. Essence 본질, 핵심 desire 욕구 Triumph 승리하다 sociality 사회성

This balance is also one (of the most difficult things to achieve) in much of social life. [When to keep the ball] and [when to pass it to another] is an art [that stretches out into many of our activities]. Achieve 성취하다 stretch out 뻗어있다

The balance (between cooperation and self-assertiveness) is well taught (within the structural environment of the rules of a game). Cooperation 협동 self-assertiveness 자기주장 assert 주장하다 assertiveness자기주장 Structural 구조적인

It is also believed [that games enable people to learn <how to demarcate their lives>]. While the game is on, we abide by certain rules. Enable 가능하게 하다 Demarcate 한정하다, 경계를 정하다 Abide by 따르다, 살다