<맞수–Chapter 3-7. 분사구문>


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Presentation transcript:

<맞수–Chapter 3-7. 분사구문> The shorter, the better = 경제성! = 그래서, <문장 + 문장> & 동일주어시 = 1.접속사가 있는 문장 속 주어를 삭제 2.접속사 삭제 (문장간 결합이 아니니) 3.삭제된 문장 속 문장동사 = Ring = 문장, Ring (시간/ 이유/ 조건)

<맞수–Chapter 3-7. 분사구문> A. 1. Workers disassembled the bridge in 1968, while they numbered the bricks. = Workers disassembled the bridge in 1968, while they numbered the bricks. = Workers disassembled the bridge in 1968, numbering the bricks.

2. Because they believe that everyone is watching them, teenagers are extremely self-conscious. = Believing that everyone is watching them, teenagers are extremely self-conscious.

<맞수–Chapter 3-7. 분사구문> A. 3. While he was carried to the shore in his arms, the boy could not even look at him. = While he was carried to the shore in his arms, the boy could not even look at him. = (Being) carried to the shore in his arms, the boy could not even look at him.

A. 4. The most basic reason, if it is put simply, is that America wants to be a part of the world economic system. = The most basic reason, if it is put simply, is that America wants to be a part of the world economic system. = 4. The most basic reason, (being) put simply, is that America wants to be a part of the world economic system.

<맞수–Chapter 3-7. 분사구문> B. 목적보어로 분사의 활용 수많은 동사 + O + OC 능동 Ring / 수동 PP = with + O + OC (Ring / PP)

<맞수–Chapter 3-7. 분사구문> B. with O + OC (Ring / PP) 1. Jaisalmer is the only fortress city in India still functioning, with one quarter of its population <live/ living/ lived> within the walls. = with one quarter of its population living within the walls.

<맞수–Chapter 3-7. 분사구문> B. with O + OC (Ring / PP) 2. He went away, leaving the man standing in the street with his tongue <hanging / hung> out. = with his tongue hanging out

<맞수–Chapter 3-7. 분사구문> B. with O + OC (Ring / PP) 3. Every man is born into the world with two bags <suspending/ suspended> from his neck. = with two bags suspended from his neck.

<맞수–Chapter 3-7. 분사구문> B. with O + OC (Ring / PP) 4. With his suitcase <packing/ packed>, Gerry is about to embark on a search in Ireland. = With his suitcase packed

<맞수–Chapter 3-7. 분사-문제> 1. 분사구문에 밑줄 & 해석 He snuck into the house, trying not to make a sound. = He snuck into the house, trying not to make a sound. 2. Offended by her words, he stormed out of the room. = Offended by her words, he stormed out of the room.

<맞수–Chapter 3-7. 분사-문제> 2. 올바른 것을 골라 문장 완성하기 1. (Designed, Designing) to keep the air cool and dry, the room is the perfect place for your family’s wine collection. = (Designed, Designing) to keep the air cool and dry, the room is the perfect place for your family’s wine collection.

<맞수–Chapter 3-7. 분사-문제> 2. 올바른 것을 골라 문장 완성하기 2. The little girl called out to her mother with tears (run/ running) down her face. = The little girl called out to her mother with tears (run/ running) down her face.

<맞수–Chapter 3-7. 분사-문제> 2. 올바른 것을 골라 문장 완성하기 3. Gloria was on the roller coaster, holding on to the handle with her eyes (closed, closing). = Gloria was on the roller coaster, holding on to the handle with her eyes (closed, closing).

<맞수–Chapter 3-7. 분사-문제> 3. 우리말 의미에 맞게 배열하자! 1. Many people have reported the appearance of “flying saucers,” (them/ to/ be/ believing) spaceships from outer space. = 많은 사람이 ‘비행접시’가 외계에서 온 우주선이라 믿고 그것의 출현을 보고해 왔다. = believing them to be

<맞수–Chapter 3-7. 분사-문제> 3. 우리말 의미에 맞게 배열하자! 2. Jenny sat next to the driver (buttoned, her, with, coat) up to her neck / to protect herself from the cold night air. = Jenny는 차가운 밤공기로부터 자신을 보호하기 위해 코트 단추를 목까지 채우고 운전자 옆에 앉았다. = with her coat buttoned

<맞수–Chapter 3-7. 분사-문제> 3. 우리말 의미에 맞게 배열하자! 3. When David and I played tennis, he arrogantly said he could beat me even (tied, with, hands, both) behind his back. = David와 내가 테니스를 했을 때, 그는 등 뒤로 양손이 묶인 채로도 나를 이길 수 있다고 거만하게 말했다. = with both hands tied

<맞수–Chapter 3-7. 분사-문제> 4. 어법상 틀린 부분 찾기 1. The detective brushed against a curtain, being sent a cloud of dust across the empty room. = The detective brushed against a curtain, sending a cloud of dust across the empty room.

<맞수–Chapter 3-7. 분사-문제> 4. 어법상 틀린 부분 찾기 2. It is said that, with more people to have more money to spend, spending on luxury goods is growing much faster than overall spending. = It is said that, with more people having more money to spend, spending on luxury goods is growing much faster than overall spending.