English Quiz Contest Then You Should Prepare For It. 빛나는 미래를 꿈꾸십니까?


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Presentation transcript:

English Quiz Contest Then You Should Prepare For It. 빛나는 미래를 꿈꾸십니까? Are You Dreaming of a Brilliant Future? Then You Should Prepare For It. 빛나는 미래를 꿈꾸십니까? 그렇다면 준비해야 합니다.

We’re Looking for a Global Leader in our School We’re Looking for a Global Leader in our School. I’m sure you can become another Ban Gi-moon.

영어 퀴즈대회 도전하는 사람이 아름답다

최우수 1팀(학교장상, 문화상품권 2장씩) 우수 2팀(학교장상, 문화상품권 1장씩) 장려 3팀(학교장상, 영어단어장 선물) 먼저 4문제를 맞추면 우승으로 확정됩니다. 3문제를 맞추면 준우승으로 확정됩니다. 확정된 학생은 경기에서 나갑니다. 입상하지 못해도 영어도서를 선물로 드립니다. 방청객도 영어도서를 상품으로 드립니다.

한 팀은 오로지 한번의 기회가 부여합니다. 두 번 손을 들면 반칙패입니다. 총 30여 개 문제가 있습니다. 자, 그러면 시작합니다.

그렇죠. unhappy polite 는 ? impolite 많이 아시는 군요. 자, 그러면 famous는? 1. 반대를 나타내는 말을 알아봅시다 happy은? 그렇죠. unhappy polite 는 ? impolite 많이 아시는 군요. 자, 그러면 famous는? infamous 악명 높은

화장, (배우의) 분장 메이크업 makeup 후원자, 보증인, 광고주 스폰서 sponsor 그러면 문제입니다. 2. 우리말처럼 사용되는 실용 영 단어를 알아봅시다. 화장, (배우의) 분장 메이크업 makeup  후원자, 보증인, 광고주 스폰서 sponsor 그러면 문제입니다. 집중조명, (세상의) 주목 스포트라이트 spotlight 

3. 다음 단어는 ? t n a r u e nature 자연

4. Anagram quiz? 단어의 순서를 바꾸어 다른 단어로 만들어 보는 퀴즈입니다. 자 .. 연습해볼까요? (food 관련어휘입니다) 1. coal cola 2. team meat 그렇다면 문제입니다. state taste (맛, 맛보다)

5. 동음이의어가 무엇인지 아시죠? 예를 들면 right write eight ate eat의 과거 먹었다 그렇다면 철자와 뜻도 정확히 말해야 합니다. way weigh 무게가 나가다

우리가 살아가는 모습과 서양인들이 살아가는 모습은 서로 비슷한 가봅니다. 속담에서 그것을 찾아 봅시다.

To kill two birds with one stone. 一石二鳥(일석이조) The more, the better. 6. 영어속담을 사자성어로 말해봅시다. To kill two birds with one stone. 一石二鳥(일석이조) The more, the better. 多多益善(많으면 많을 수록 좋다) 문제입니다. Matches made in heaven 天生緣分(천생연분)

요즘은 인터넷을 통해 외국인들과 대화하거나 글을 주고받는 일이 훨씬 잦아지고 있어요 요즘은 인터넷을 통해 외국인들과 대화하거나 글을 주고받는 일이 훨씬 잦아지고 있어요. 그런데 영어를 사용하는 네티즌들에게도 우리처럼 인터넷 약어가 있다는 사실을 아시나요? 여기서는 영어채팅이나 영어게시판 등에서 자주 볼 수 있는 약어들을 살펴 봅니다.

1. CU See you. 2. TY Thank you 문제입니다 1. CU See you. 2. TY Thank you 문제입니다. ASAP As Soon As Possible 가능한 빨리 (답장 줘)

8. 다음을 유추해 봅시다. Water is to swim as ice is to ___ A:B=C:D 그렇습니다. Skate Water is to swim as ice is to skate.

Baseball is to throw as soccer ball is to ______ kick 문제입니다. 자, 그렇다면 시작해 볼까요? 하나 해볼까요? Baseball is to throw as soccer ball is to ______ kick 문제입니다. Foot is to big toe as hand is to _________ thumb (엄지 손가락)

Wednesday succeed embarrassed experiment seperately 9. 다음 중 철자가 잘못된 것을 찾아 바로 말하세요. Wednesday succeed embarrassed experiment seperately

Wednesday succeed February experiment Seperately separately(0)

1. eter tree 2. psoh shop 문제입니다. stnrpees presents 선물 10. These words are about Christmas. But they are scrambled. So unscramble them. 1. eter tree 2. psoh shop 문제입니다. stnrpees presents 선물

이제 10문제 풀었습니다. 중간점수를 살펴봅시다. Are you nervous? Get relaxed~ 그러면 난센스 문제 하나 풀어봅니다. 물론 점수 들어가지요.

Why? s+(mile=1.6km)+s 이므로 ㅋㅋ 다음 중 가장 긴 단어는 무엇일까요? 그리고 그 이유를 말하시오. imagination misunderstanding foreigners smiles independent Smiles Why? s+(mile=1.6km)+s 이므로 ㅋㅋ

돈에 관련된 문제입니다. 아이들이 좋아하는 돈 할-머니((Money) 계란 살 때 지급한 돈 에그-머니(Money) 하나 더 해볼까요? 돈에 관련된 문제입니다. 아이들이 좋아하는 돈 할-머니((Money) 계란 살 때 지급한 돈 에그-머니(Money) 도둑이 훔쳐간 돈 슬그-머니(Money) 문제입니다~ 생각만 해도 찡한 돈 어-머니(Mother)

11. 다음 약어(줄임말)는 무엇을 뜻하는 가? NG? No good (연기) 실수 VIP ? Very important Person 그러면 문제입니다. PC Personal Computer 개인 컴퓨터

12. What is it? This is a curved band. We can see this in the sky. We see this after when the rain stops. It has seven colors. rainbow

13. What expression(표현)? It is an expression about the weather. It means “It rains very hard.” We say like this. “It rains _______and __________. “ It rains cats and dogs. 비가 억수같이 온다.

1. Shakespeare's _______s 14. 다음 빈칸에 공통으로 들어갈 말은? 1. Shakespeare's _______s 2. Would you check where the movie is _______ing? 3. He enjoys _____ing with his children. 4. He _______s soccer on Sundays. 1. 연극 2. 상영하다 3. 놀다 4. 축구 하다 Answer : play

15. What animal is it? I live by a pond. I have a long tongue. I can walk, jump and swim. I am good at catching flies and bugs. frog

This is too slow for people who wait. 16. What’s this? This cures all. This heals old wounds. * wounds ; 부상 This is too slow for people who wait. This and tide wait(s) for no man. 세월은 사람을 기다려주지 않는다. Answer : time

2. It was first cultivated in Korea in 1980. 17. What fruit is it? 1. It was first cultivated in South Asia. *cultivate; 경작하다 2. It was first cultivated in Korea in 1980. 3. It has a lot of sugar and vitamin A. 4. If you keep it in the refrigerator, it goes bad quicker. 5. Monkeys like it very much. Answer : Banana

18.What machine is it? 영어로 답하시오. It looks like a salesperson. It works for 24 hours a day and doesn't sleep. 3. You can buy things without saying a word. 4. You can often see them in public places. 5. You can buy coffee, drinks and ramyun from it. Answer :  vending machine(자동 판매기)

19. What am I ? 1. I am living in this classroom. 2. I am hanging on the wall. 3. I am made of paper. 4. I can only live for one year. 5. I have twelve months and 365 days. Calendar

1. I’m not ready to _____ yet. 2. Arrange your room in ______ 20. 다음 ____에 알맞은 말은? 1. I’m not ready to _____ yet. 2. Arrange your room in ______ 3. The names are listed in alphabetical _____. 4. She got up early in ____ to catch the train. order ;주문하다, 정돈, 순서, ~하기 위해

Answer : green No. 21 What color is this? If you mix red and blue, you get purple.  If you want to make orange, mix red and yellow.  Then if you mix blue and yellow, what color do you get? Answer : green

No. 22우리말과 순서가 다른 영어 표현 우리말에서는 ‘밤낮’이라고 하지만 영어는 day and night 라고 하는 것처럼 영어와 우리말에는 나열 순서가 서로 다른 표현들이 있습니다. 좌우 right and left 신사숙녀 여러분! Ladies and gentlemen! 그러면 문제입니다. 동서남북 north, south, east and west

1. here and ______ here and there 여기저기에 2. Ins and _____ No. 23 . 다음은 함께 사용되는 두 낱말입니다. __에 알맞은 말은 ? 답을 말하고 우리말로 그 뜻도 말해야 합니다. 1. here and ______ here and there 여기저기에 2. Ins and _____ ins and outs 안팎 문제입니다. Lost and ____ Lost and Found 분실물 보관소

This person was born in England on April 16, 1564. No 24. Who is this person? This person was born in England on April 16, 1564.  By the age of 35, he was already a well-known writer.  He wrote many famous plays. Among them, his tragedies are very famous. They are Hamlet and Macbeth. Answer : Shakespeare

If you break it enough, you can get into the Guiness Book. No. 25. What’s this? When you break it, it’s broken and when you break it again, it’s broken, too. If you break it enough, you can get into the Guiness Book. Sports field stars train hard to break this. It also means grades or an album. Answer : record

Answer : Cinderella My mother died when I was young. No. 26 Who am I ? My mother died when I was young. So I had to live with my step mother and sister. They mistreated me. * mistreat; 학대하다 But my life changed 180 degrees when a fairy and prince came into my life. Answer : Cinderella 

2. Appearance means outward looks. * outward looks; 겉모습 No. 27 What is this? 1. Many people think that appearance is the most important in our lives. 2. Appearance means outward looks. * outward looks; 겉모습 3. Appearance makes discrimination. * discrimination ; 차별 Answer : Lookism 외모지상주의

28. 다음 설명하는 단어는 무엇일까요? A type of writing that expresses emotions, experiences, and ideas, especially in short lines using words that rhyme. poem ; 시

What do western people say to a person who sneezes in America? No. 29 What expression? What do western people say to a person who sneezes in America? western people; 서양사람들 (God) Bless you.

What body part pumps blood around the body? heart 심장 30. What body part is it? What body part pumps blood around the body? heart 심장

1. This person is a woman. She is the female king of a country. No. 31. Who is this person? 1. This person is a woman. She is the female king of a country. She is the wife of a king. Queen (여왕)

Which country is the Great Wall located in? * Great wall : 만리장성 China No. 32. Which country? Which country is the Great Wall located in? * Great wall : 만리장성 China

이제 끝났습니다. 누가 최우수, 우수, 장려인지 알아봅시다. 동점일 때는 문제를 더 풀어야 합니다. 동점자를 위한 문제입니다.

자, 이래도 어렵습니까? 자, 그러면 도전하십시오

10. What am I ? I have stripes. I have black seeds. I'm green outside and red inside. I’m more popular in summer. What am I? watermelon

What part is it? You use this part of your body to hear sounds. There is one on each side of your head. What is it?

What part is it? This is an electronic device that is used for calling people and talking to them. What is this?

자, 그렇다면 시작해 볼까요? Ex)1. Shower is to bathroom as dishwasher is to ________ kitchen 문제입니다. Baseball is to throw as soccer ball is to ______ kick 하나 더 Ink is to pen as lead is to _______ pencil (lead : 연필심)

12. 다음 ___에 공통으로 들어가는 말은? 1. ____ off your coat when you are indoors. 2. Now an airplane is going to _____ off. take * take off : ~을 벗다, 이륙하다

13. Who am I ? I can stand with my two feet and jump well. I have a long and strong tail. I carry my baby in front of me. I live in Australia. Who am I? kangaroo

grammar choice bicycle accident calender 다음 중 철자가 잘못된 것을 찾아 바로 말하세요. grammar choice bicycle accident calender

16. What organization ? 1) It's an international organization created in 1970. 2) It's headquarters is in Amsterdam, Netherlands 3) and there are branches in America, Canada and Australia. 4) It was first made to oppose France's nuclear testing in the South Pacific. 5) It's also know as an organization that protects whales Answer : Green Peace

No. 23 common sense In 1966 there was a tailor who was really busy with orders from his many customers. In his haste he mistook an for an 8 for a 3 and cut the clothing too short. Of course, the customer got angry. But when the tailor saw the customer's legs he got a good idea. He made the clothing even shorter  and it became a popular clothing for women. It has something to do with dieting. What is this piece of clothing? Answer : Miniskirt

Q14. Who am I ? I’m an American culture critic. My latest work ‘Power Shift’ was about the move from the industrial age to the information age. I also wrote ‘Future Shock’ and ‘The Third Wave’ among others. I especially received a big applaud for my presentation of a new world in ‘ The Third Wave’. Answer : Alvin Toffler