참고 서적-웹 Buddhist Cosmology


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Presentation transcript:

참고 서적-웹 Buddhist Cosmology Dr. C. George Boeree Shippensburg University

만다라, 건축 양식 이차원 평면화 : 만다라 삼차원 입체화 : 건축 사차원 : 유한량, 유한수 시간 추가 오차원 : 무한량, 무한수 추가 육차원 : 초월 추가 칠차원 : 무화 추가 팔차원 : 선정락 추가 구차원 : 정각 계속 무한 차원으로 진입

불교의 신들 Brahma -- the supreme deva, who convinced Buddha to teach. 범천 Indra -- a major deva, originally the Hindu sky god. 제석 Prajña -- goddess of knowledge.  Buddhas’ mother was considered an incarnation. 마야 부인

Mara -- a deva associated with death and hindrances to enlightenment Mara -- a deva associated with death and hindrances to enlightenment.  It was Mara who tempted Buddha under the bodhi tree. 마라, 마왕 파순 Yama -- the king of the 21 hells 야마, 지옥신 Nagas -- great serpents (or dragons, or water creatures). The king of the Nagas protected Buddha from a storm. 용왕 Gandharvas -- angelic beings who provide the gods with music 건달바 (음악의 신)


불교 우주관과 건축 양식

앙코르 왓 (ANGKOR WAT) 중앙 탑 – 수미산 (Mount Meru 우주의 중심) - 부처님을 모심 수미산을 둘러싼 황금산 – 사방의 탑

중앙 탑의 부처님

층별 구조 최상층 – 왕의 목욕실 (신인 합일) 천상계 다음층 – 신하들의 목욕실 아래층 – 평민들 아수라계 : 선신과 악신의 싸움 - 마하바라타 (1층 오른쪽) - 라마야나 (1층 왼쪽) 축생계 지옥계

천녀 Apsara





삼신불 (Trikaya) 1.  Nirmanakaya -- The earthly Buddhas (and Bodhisattvas), especially as personified by Siddhartha Gautama.  In Tibet, the intentional human embodiment of a reborn master. 화신불 (육신으로 태어나신 부처님)

보신불 (수행하는 부처님) 2.  Sambhogakaya -- Buddhas in their heavens, the result of accumulated merit.  Or, in Zen, enlightenment.  In Tibetan buddhism, this refers to the means of achieving the Dharmakaya, i.e. the power of meditation on the various visualized dieties called yidams which are archetypal symbols of different qualities of enlightenment.

법신불 (실제의 부처님) 3.  Dharmakaya -- The teachings of the Buddha, and the true nature of the Buddha, which is everything.  Buddha mind, or Shunyata. In Tibet, they also refer to the body, speech, and mind of a master.  And they are represented by the mudra, the mantra, and the mandala, respectively.

부처님의 화현 1.  Vairochana -- center, white, tathagata family, ignorance and wisdom, the primordial Buddha. 우주의 중심-비로자나불 (부동불) 2.  Akshobhya --  east,  blue,  vajra (diamond) family, aggression and mirrorlike wisdom. 동방 아촉불 – 다섯 지혜. 3.  Ratnasambhava -- south, yellow, ratna (jewel) family, pride and equanimity. 남방 보적불 – 보석을 쌓아 놓음.

4.  Amitabha -- west,  red,  padma (lotus) family, passion and discriminating awareness, governs the present age. 서방 아미타불 5.  Amoghasiddhi -- north, green, karma family, envy and all-accomplishing wisdom. 북방 성취여래 – 금강보살, 샥티(여성적 힘)

부처님과 보살 1. Samantabhadra – Krakucchanda 보현 2.  Vajrapani – Kanakamuni 금강, 대일 3.  Ratnapani – Kashyapa 보수보살 4.  Avalokiteshvara (Kuan Yin) 관음 Shakyamuni (Siddhartha Gotama) 5.  Vishvapani - Maitreya 미륵 (the future Buddha)

부처님 1  Amitabha is the transcendent Buddha of the Western Pure Land.  Amitabha rules over this period of time. 아미타불 2  Avalokiteshwara (Chenrezi, Kwan Yin, Kwannon) is the boddhisattva of compassion.  Avalokiteshwara is often represented by a female figure, or an ambiguous one, in the  Mahayana tradition.  (See image at right) 관세음보살

- 타라, 관음보살의 현신 (백의 관음, 녹의 관음) The Taras are a set of 21 female saviors, born from Avalokiteshvara’s tears.  Green Tara and White Tara are the best known. - 타라, 관음보살의 현신 (백의 관음, 녹의 관음) 3  Maitreya is the future Buddha, who will be born 30,000 years from now.  The Chinese monk called Pu-tai (Ho-tei in Japanese) - the laughing buddha - is considered a pre-incarnation of Maitreya. -포대 화상, 미륵불


불교와 힌두교의 융합


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