Active 3: Unit 5. Celebrations Around the World


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Presentation transcript:

Active 3: Unit 5. Celebrations Around the World Professor Hwang Department of English Youngsan University

Chapter 1. Wedding Customs [1] vary v. 서로 다르다, 달라지다 n. variety (여러가지, 다양성) / variation (변화,변형) a. variable (가변적인) / various (다양한) from place to place 이곳 저곳, 이리저리 [2] it is ~ for ~ to 부정사 : for가 to 하는 것은 ~ 하다 customary : 관례적인, 습관적인 innocence : 결백, 천진, 순수 the tradition of 동명사구 : ~ 하는 전통 be afford to 부정사 : ~할 (시간적, 경제적) 여유가 되다 a variety of + 복수 명사: 다양한 have + 목적어 + 과거 분사 : 서비스를 받다 tailor v. 맞추다, 조정하다 n. 재단사 uncommon : 흔치 않은, 대단한

Chapter 1. Wedding Customs [3] eternal : 영원한 union : 노조, 결합 have rings engraved with ~ : 반지에 ~를 새기다 vise versa : vein : 정맥 It was believed that ~ : ~라고 믿기어 졌다 (가주어 it) [4] play a role in ~ : ~에서 역할을 하다 A was thought to 부정사 : A는 ~라고 믿겨졌다 everlasting : 영원한, 변하지 않는 garland : 화관, 화환 in addition to + 명사 : ~ 에다가 well wishers : 행복을 비는 사람, 지지자

Chapter 1. Wedding Customs [5] newlyweds : 신혼부부 rather than + 동명사 : ~하는 대신에, ~ 하는 것 보다는 instead : ad. 대신에 unwrapped : 포장을 풀린 (unwrap : v. 포장을 풀다) [6] integrate traditions from different cultures : 다른 문화의 전통을 통합하다 with so many interesting practices to choose from * with + 목적어 + 목적격 보어 : 이유, 동시 상황, 동시 동작 occasion : 행사, 때

Progression/ progress Chapter 1. Wedding Customs (p. 85) Vocabulary Skill : Word Families A. Word Families [Noun] symbol decoration custom Progression/ progress Choice Integration popularity [Verb] Symbolize Decorate * customize Progress Choose Integrate popularize [Adjective] Symbolic Decorative Customary Progressive Chosen / choosy Integrated popular

Chapter 2. Travel Diary (p. 87) [2] After spending some time with family in Taipei celebrating Chinese NY, * spend + 시간/돈 + ~ing [3] The people decided to ask the war god, Guan Yu, to come and drive away ~. * ask + 목적어 + to 부정사 legend : 전설 plague : 전염병, 역병 evil spirits : 악령 drive away : 몰다, 쫓다 impress + 목적어 + with ~ : ~로 감동시키다 in return : 보답으로, 반응으로

Chapter 2. Travel Diary (p. 87~88) [4] ~, we saw many preparations being made for the festival, which starts after sunset and goes on all night. * 지각동사 (see) + 목적어 + being pp (목적격 보어) : ~가 ~되어지고 있는 것을 보다 notice + 목적어 + stuffing be greeted by : 맨 먼저 소리, 광경 등이 먼저 귀, 눈 등에 들어오다 beehive : 벌집, 벌통 be filled with ~: ~로 가득 차다 protect + 목적어 + from ~ : ~로부터 목적어를 보호하다 [5] nevertheless : 그럼에도 불구하고 light – lighted / lit – lighted / lit prayer : 기도 collide with : 충돌하다, 부딪치다 All I could smell was ~ : 내가 맡을 수 있는 냄새는 ~ 뿐이었다 My heart was racing : 심장이 빨리 catch my breath : 숨을 돌리다, 고르다

Chapter 2. Travel Diary Vocabulary Comprehension (p. 90) legend drive away in return stuff (v.) nevertheless worship collide explosion B. 1. I was in a hurry so I stuffed my books in my bag. 2. The legend of Atlantis involves a wealthy city that sank to the bottom ~ . 3. There was a small explosion when the student mixed the wrong ~. 4. My boss gave me two extra days off in return for my working overtime. 5. Even though the food at that restaurant is good, the service is bad enough to drive away customers. 6. People are required to be quiet in places of worship as a sign of respect. 7. The driver lost control of the car and it collided with a motorcycle. 8. It rained all morning. Nevertheless, we went ahead with our football ~

Chapter 2. Travel Diary Vocabulary Skill : Homophones (동음어) (p. 91) B. Complete the sentences 1. Birds with ~ are normally able to soar in the air for much longer. 2. When my dad got too busy with work, he had to hire an assistant. 3. I forgot to pay the rent ad now it’s overdue. 4. My legs are sore from running in a marathon yesterday. 5. When I travel by air, I like to sit by the aisle and not the window. 6. My childhood dream was to play guitar in a rock band. 7. I never work out ~ for more than one hour. I don’t want to overdo it 8. From the ship, we could see a small isle covered with trees. 9. Even though wages are rising, the cost of living is much higher than before. 10. He’s been banned from entering the hotel as he caused so much ~.