Administrative things …


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Presentation transcript:

Administrative things … 다음 주 퀴즈 = 3 장 오늘 목요일 12시 이후부터 팀별 주제 신청 시작 팀 대표 한 명이 신청 선착순 제1선호 이슈, 제2선호 이슈 함께 12시 이전 신청은 무효! Again, “No In & Out” Policy + “No Phones on the Desk” Policy !!!

the definition of politics? 정치란 무엇인가? How do we define the definition of politics? 개념을 통해? 경험을 통해?

왜 정치가 필요한가? I 정치의 양면성 갈등 해소로서의 정치 (Politics as Conflict- Resolution) Community-Building) 사회 존속 사회화 과정이 중요 사회 유지 반사회적 행위 통제 사회 진보 이상적인 사회창조를 위한 능동적 집단행위

왜 정치가 필요한가? II Those who control the political system make decisions that govern your everyday lives (정치와 선택의 문제) Will they take us to war in a foreign land? Who might have to fight in that war? (전쟁과 평화의 문제) Will they alter the tax code to favor certain citizens and corporations? Who will have to pay in taxes what others avoid paying? (경제발전 및 분배의 문제)

제왕학 (“Master Science”)으로서의 정치학 According to Aristotle, politics is “the master science” Almost everything happens in a political context Politics determines “who gets what, when and how” (Harold Lasswell) Political decisions set up government structures and determine how the economic system operates 정치학은 _______을 가장 직접적으로 다루는 사회과학

정치학: 이론과 예측 Why scientific knowledge and research?  For “prediction power,” among others Can we predict which party is going to win presidential elections? Any “scientific” indicators, if you will, to better predict presidential electoral outcomes? Policy achievements? momentum? likeability? presidential debates? campaign finance? vice-presidential pick? negative campaign? Southern Baptist? etc

Relevance, relevance, relevance ...

“Economic Voting Theory” (경제투표이론) One scientific theory on presidential election is “economic voting” theory Voting for or against the incumbent party based on the conditions of the economy  If the economy is good (bad), the incumbent party candidate is likely to be elected (lost) for elections. Retrospective voting vs. Future expectations? “Are we better off today than four years ago?” “Which party do you think is better handling the problem?” Presidential elections vs. midterm elections?

Economic Voting Theory (rewarding?)

Economic Voting Theory (punishing?)

Scientific Approach and Prediction Power “Predicting electoral outcome” = should consider many other factors about the influence of money, race, gender, turnout, campaign, policy, candidate characters, etc In short, no theory is “perfectly” predicting political outcomes. Still, we understand politics better when we have a scientific theory that helps us predict political dynamics.

정치학에서 법 혹은 법칙으로 불리우는 현상? “Duverger’s Law” the “law of supply and demand” in economics What about in political science? Any law-like axiom in politics? “Duverger’s Law” A French political scientist Maurice Duverger (1951) A law-like impact of electoral system on coalition- building pattern in elections “First-past-the-post” (plurality, “winner-takes-it- all”) electoral system brings about two-party system.”

기타 사회과학 및 인문학과의 관계 역사학 History 경제학 Economics 사회학 Sociology 언론정보학 Communication Studies 심리학 Psychology Any others?