2006 Int’l ASTD Conference Career Planning & Talent Management


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Presentation transcript:

2006 Int’l ASTD Conference Career Planning & Talent Management 2006/5/11 서울대학교 이 찬 교수

Career Planning & Talent Management

순서 1. Introduction 2. Leader’s Role in Growing Other Leaders 3. Q & A W200 (LEGEND) by Dr. Beverly Kaye 3. Q & A

BZ Case for CD 세계 정상급 팀을 유인 스타급 유지 인력 기술 & 사업 전략 매치 브랜드와 호응 Attract a world-class team Retain the stars Match workforce skills to bz strategy Communicate your brand Provide employee “voice” power Acknowledge managerial legacy 세계 정상급 팀을 유인 스타급 유지 인력 기술 & 사업 전략 매치 브랜드와 호응 직원에 여론 권한 부여 경영 전통에 감사

Bldg a Dev. Culture 관리자는 지원을 제공 직원은 스파크를 제공 조직은 시스템을 제공 The manager provides the Support The Employee provides the Spark The Organization provides the System 관리자는 지원을 제공 직원은 스파크를 제공 조직은 시스템을 제공

Bldg a Dev. Culture 관리자는 지원을 제공 직원은 스파크를 제공 조직은 시스템을 제공 The manager provides the Support The Employee provides the Spark The Organization provides the System 관리자는 지원을 제공 직원은 스파크를 제공 조직은 시스템을 제공

Must-Do’s for the Dev.-Minded Leader Listen: pay attention to abilities and talents Level: Provide feedback “Plus” Look Ahead: Talk realistically about the future Leverage: Discuss options Link: Suggest learning opportunities 경청하기 피드백하기 앞서 보기 추진하기 연결하기

Listen 기술 / 역량 관심 / 재미 가치 / 몰입 Skills / Competence Interests / Enjoyment Values / Commitment 기술 / 역량 관심 / 재미 가치 / 몰입

Level Observation + Judgment Label = Reputation 관찰 + 판단 낙인 = 평판

Look Ahead Your Job + Your Org. Your Profession Your Industry 직무 + 회사 Vs. Your Profession Your Industry 직무 + 회사 Vs. 직업 산업 Global Economy

Leverage Right Person Right Place Right Time 적재 (適材) 적소 (適所) 적시 (適時)

Link An Observation An Assignment A Course A Mentor/Coach A Peer Group 관찰 임무 과정 코치 동료

Are Managers Prepared to provide Support? To listen hard so they understand employee capabilities? To level about ways employee can increase their effectiveness? To jointly look ahead to see how the direction of the company and their converge? To help them leverage the choices available to them? To link them to the appropriate resources?

Are Employees Prepared to provide the Spark? To Say … these are my talents To Ask… are we in agreement about my capabilities? To Propose…here’s where I fit in this organization’s future To Offer…these career options excite me To Recommend…here’s what I want to learn

Is your Organization Prepared to Provide the System? Competency profiling? Performance Management? Strategic staffing? Succession planning? Training and development?

The Retention Punchline: Development Me or I’m History Will you utilize the full rage of my talents? Will you provide on-going performance feedback? Will you clue me into the future direction of this organization? Will you explore multiple avenues for my career growth? Will you assure my continued learning?

Q & A

ASTD 2006~ Now, Let’s Think Bigger! 그간 수고 많으셨습니다 뵙게 되어 반가왔습니다 이찬 드림