Job Interview – Business English 사공 철 교수 Job Interview – Business English 항공 관광 면접영어 Answering Questions from the Audience. Chapter 06.


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Presentation transcript:

Job Interview – Business English 사공 철 교수 Job Interview – Business English 항공 관광 면접영어 Answering Questions from the Audience. Chapter 06

Job Interview – Business English Lecture 01 The Four Basic Types of Audience Questions. ( 청중들의 기본 적인 질문 유형 4 가지 ) Chapter 06 Answering Questions from the Audience. ( 청중의 질문에 이렇게 답하자 !)

Job Interview – Business English 항공 관광 면접 영어 6 주 1 강 개요 학습목표 학습목차 Chapter 06 Answering Questions from the Audience. Lecture 01 The Four Basic Types of Audience Questions. ( 청중들의 기본적인 질문 유형 4 가지 ) ■ “ 청중들의 기본적인 질문 유형 4 가지 ” 를 학습하고 익힐 수 있다. 1. 프레젠테이션에 있어서 예상되는 청중들의 기본적인 질문 유 형 네 가지를 살펴보고 청중들로부터 질문을 받아 능숙하게 답할 수 있는 방법을 알 수 있다. 2. 관련 표현 및 대화들을 익힐 수 있다.

Job Interview – Business English 청중들의 기본적인 질문 유형 네 가지 What types of questions are you likely to be asked during a question-and-answer session ? Obviously, the questions you receive will depend in large part on the content of your presentation and on the composition of your audience. There are four types of questions that are commonly asked by an audience at a business presentation : detail questions, confirmation questions, logic questions, and prior-experience questions. It is thus a good idea for you to prepare to answer questions from each one of these categories. A detail question, as its name implies, is a request for specific information about some aspect of your presentation. Because detail questions ask for facts, they can often be answered in a few words. This is an example of a detail question : “What is your most important overseas market ?” Similarly, a confirmation question can often be answered succinctly because it will frequently be phrased in yes-or-no form. An audience member will ask a confirmation question to make sure that he or she has completely understood one of your points. You can expect a confirmation question to be phrased in a form such as this : “What you seem to be saying is that you expect sales to increase in Asia. Is that correct ?” A logic question is one that points out a supposed logical flaw in your argument or asks you to defend one of your conclusions, so you may have to respond at length to answer this type of question. An audience member might phrase a logic question this way : “How can you say that you consider America to be our most important market and then go on to advocate a major expansion in Asia ?” Finally, a prior-experience question is one in which an audience member makes the point that one of your strategies may already have been attempted without success and thus will probably not work. This is an example of a prior-experience question : “When we tried to expand in Asia five years ago, we failed miserably. Why do you believe that we will be more successful this time ?” Needless to say, if an audience member asks you a prior-experience question like this one, you will need to respond in a confident manner and provide specific information to back up your argument. A question-and-answer session might run from five to thirty minutes, depending on the length of the presentation and the size of the audience. Thus, when you are writing your prepared text, you need to be sure that your presentation allows enough time at the end for questions. If you want to get an idea of the kinds of questions you will receive from audience members, you should rehearse your presentation in front of a friend or colleague beforehand and ask that person for honest feedback. Even if you will be holding a formal question-and-answer session at the end of your presentation, you should still allow audience members to ask questions during the presentation itself. If your audience members remain after the presentation to ask you questions, it means that they most likely found your presentation to be helpful, interesting, and enjoyable. What types of questions are you likely to be asked during a question-and-answer session ? Obviously, the questions you receive will depend in large part on the content of your presentation and on the composition of your audience. There are four types of questions that are commonly asked by an audience at a business presentation : detail questions, confirmation questions, logic questions, and prior-experience questions. It is thus a good idea for you to prepare to answer questions from each one of these categories. A detail question, as its name implies, is a request for specific information about some aspect of your presentation. Because detail questions ask for facts, they can often be answered in a few words. This is an example of a detail question : “What is your most important overseas market ?” Similarly, a confirmation question can often be answered succinctly because it will frequently be phrased in yes-or-no form. An audience member will ask a confirmation question to make sure that he or she has completely understood one of your points. You can expect a confirmation question to be phrased in a form such as this : “What you seem to be saying is that you expect sales to increase in Asia. Is that correct ?” A logic question is one that points out a supposed logical flaw in your argument or asks you to defend one of your conclusions, so you may have to respond at length to answer this type of question. An audience member might phrase a logic question this way : “How can you say that you consider America to be our most important market and then go on to advocate a major expansion in Asia ?” Finally, a prior-experience question is one in which an audience member makes the point that one of your strategies may already have been attempted without success and thus will probably not work. This is an example of a prior-experience question : “When we tried to expand in Asia five years ago, we failed miserably. Why do you believe that we will be more successful this time ?” Needless to say, if an audience member asks you a prior-experience question like this one, you will need to respond in a confident manner and provide specific information to back up your argument. A question-and-answer session might run from five to thirty minutes, depending on the length of the presentation and the size of the audience. Thus, when you are writing your prepared text, you need to be sure that your presentation allows enough time at the end for questions. If you want to get an idea of the kinds of questions you will receive from audience members, you should rehearse your presentation in front of a friend or colleague beforehand and ask that person for honest feedback. Even if you will be holding a formal question-and-answer session at the end of your presentation, you should still allow audience members to ask questions during the presentation itself. If your audience members remain after the presentation to ask you questions, it means that they most likely found your presentation to be helpful, interesting, and enjoyable.

Job Interview – Business English [1] Focus on Presentation Expressions I’d be happy to take your questions now. ■ 이제 기꺼이 여러분의 질문을 받도록 하겠습니다. That’s a very important question. ■ 그것은 매우 중요한 질문입니다. I hope that answers your question. ■ 질문에 답변이 되었길 바랍니다. 청중들의 기본적인 질문 유형 네 가지 Are there any other questions ? ■ 다른 질문 있으십니까 ?

Job Interview – Business English ① overseas : 해외로, 해외에서 [2] Key on Presentation Dialogues Did you go overseas when you were in the army? A: No. I wanted to, but all my assignments were stateside. B: 너 군 복무 시절에 해외에 간 적이 있니 ? A: 아니. 그러고 싶었지만, 내 임무는 국내에서만 있었어. B: 청중들의 기본적인 질문 유형 네 가지

Job Interview – Business English ② eventually : 결국, 최종적으로 [2] Key on Presentation Dialogues I don’t think we’ll ever catch Osama Bin Laden. A: I do. It might take a while, but eventually we’ll find him. B: 난 결코 오사마 빈 라덴을 잡을 수 없을 것 같아. A: 잡을 수 있을 거야. 시간은 걸리겠지만, 결국에는 그를 찾아 낼 거 야. B: 청중들의 기본적인 질문 유형 네 가지

Job Interview – Business English ③ point out : 지적하다, 언급하다 [2] Key on Presentation Dialogues Molly likes to point out her art collection to anyone and everyone who comes to her house. A: B: 몰리는 집에 오는 모든 사람들에게 자신의 미술 수집품을 보여주 는 걸 좋아 해. A: 그녀를 탓하진 않겠어. 나도 마티스 작품이 있다면 자랑했을 테니 까. B: 청중들의 기본적인 질문 유형 네 가지 I don’t blame her. If I had a Matisse, I’d brag about it, too.

Job Interview – Business English Biz – Quiz English Quiz – A : ■ Select the word or phrase from the following list that correctly completes each sentence. eventually / overseas / point out 1.Great Britain is one of America’s most important allies. 2. If you are tempted to run up your credit-card debt, just remember that you will have to pay it all back with interest. 3. I hope you don’t mind if I a serious flaw in your reasoning.

Job Interview – Business English Biz – Quiz English Quiz – B : ■ Translate the following Korean sentences into English. 1. 이제 기꺼이 여러분의 질문을 받도록 하겠습니다. 2. 질문에 답변이 되었길 바랍니다. 3. 질문이 있으시면, If you have any questions, ① 언제든지 말씀해 주십시오. ② 서슴지 말고 질문해 주십시오. ③ 발표가 끝날 때까지 기다려 주십시오.

Job Interview – Business English Biz – Joke English A sales manager encouraged his staff to reach their quotas. As an incentive, he offered the use of his shoreline cottage to employees who achieved 100 percent. “I didn’t know, you had a beach house,” said one salesman. “I don’t,” the manager replied. “But if all of you make your quotas, I’ll be able to buy one.” A sales manager encouraged his staff to reach their quotas. As an incentive, he offered the use of his shoreline cottage to employees who achieved 100 percent. “I didn’t know, you had a beach house,” said one salesman. “I don’t,” the manager replied. “But if all of you make your quotas, I’ll be able to buy one.” I’ll be able to buy one.

Job Interview – Business English 항공 관광 면접 영어 6 주 1 강 정리 Lecture 01 The Four Basic Types of Audience Questions. ( 청중들의 기본적인 질문 유형 4 가지 ) 평가문제 학습정리 ■ Which of the following statements about question-and-answer sessions is NOT true? ① A question-and-answer session should be a minimum of thirty minutes long. ② Audience members who stay for your question-and-answer session have probably enjoyed your presentation. ③ A friend or colleague may be able to help you prepare for your question-and- answer session ④ It is not a good idea to restrict audience questions during your question-and- answer session ■ 6 주 1 강 “ 청중들의 기본적인 질문 유형 4 가지 ” 를 학습하고 익힌다. ①프레젠테이션에 있어서 예상되는 청중들의 기본적인 질문 유형 네 가지를 살펴보고 청중들로부터 질문을 받아 능숙하게 답할 수 있는 방법을 알 수 있다. ②관련 표현 및 대화들을 익힐 수 있다.

Job Interview – Business English Lecture 02 Audience Management. ( 청중관리는 이렇게 하자 !) Chapter 06 Answering Questions from the Audience. ( 청중의 질문에 이렇게 답하자 !)

Job Interview – Business English 항공 관광 면접 영어 6 주 2 강 개요 학습목차 Chapter 06 Answering Questions from the Audience. Lecture 02 Audience Management. ( 청중 관리 ) ■ “ 청중 관리 ” 하는 방법을 학습하고 익힐 수 있다. 1. 프레젠테이션의 성공은 발표자의 원고뿐만 아니라, 청중을 어떻게 관리하느냐에 달려 있으므로 청중 관리 방법을 알 수 있다. 2. 청중들을 효과적으로 대응하는 방법을 알 수 있다. 3. 관련 표현 및 대화들을 익힐 수 있다. 학습목표

Job Interview – Business English 청중 관리 The success of a business presentation depends not only on the presenter’s script but also on how he or she manages the audience at the presentation. What are the keys to successful audience management ? The first is to know your audience. This does not mean getting to know them during the presentation, but rather finding out as much as you can about them in advance of the presentation. What is the expected size of your audience ? Their average age ? Their cultural makeup ? Their familiarity with the subject of your presentation ? Once you have ascertained this information, you can begin to plan how you will manage the audience at your presentation. Two of the most important factors with regard to audience management are the average age of your audience and their level of seniority relative to your own. If you are older than or more senior to the people in your audience, you can expect them to be respectful and perhaps even deferential during your presentation. This can be a problem, though, if the audience members feel reluctant to ask you challenging questions because of your position of authority. Conversely, if you are younger or less experienced than your audience, you may face tough questions and a degree of skepticism, which you will have to overcome through your performance. Of course, dealing with an older audience means that you will need to speak in a respectful fashion; however, you do not want to appear intimidated or act in an obsequious manner just because you are younger than your audience. Whatever the makeup of your audience, there are some basic guidelines about audience management that apply to all presentations. First, always try to involve your audience in your presentation as much as possible. If your audience seems to be uninvolved in your presentation or is not asking you any questions, try asking questions of them. This tactic will usually help energize an audience. In addition, when you are speaking you should focus on the center of the audience, while still making frequent eye contact with lndividual audience members. It is also usually beneficial to use humor in your presentation, especially at the beginning when you need to break the ice. Most important, remember that much of the interaction with your audience will come in the form of their questions to you and your responses to these questions. If your presentation is going to take place in a large room, it is a good idea to have a microphone available for audience members to use when asking questions. In general, you should try to answer questions in a concise manner. If you do not know the answer to a question, be honest and admit this to your audience. Do not try to improvise an answer on the spur of the moment. If you need to look back at your notes in order to answer a question, do not be reluctant to do so. The success of a business presentation depends not only on the presenter’s script but also on how he or she manages the audience at the presentation. What are the keys to successful audience management ? The first is to know your audience. This does not mean getting to know them during the presentation, but rather finding out as much as you can about them in advance of the presentation. What is the expected size of your audience ? Their average age ? Their cultural makeup ? Their familiarity with the subject of your presentation ? Once you have ascertained this information, you can begin to plan how you will manage the audience at your presentation. Two of the most important factors with regard to audience management are the average age of your audience and their level of seniority relative to your own. If you are older than or more senior to the people in your audience, you can expect them to be respectful and perhaps even deferential during your presentation. This can be a problem, though, if the audience members feel reluctant to ask you challenging questions because of your position of authority. Conversely, if you are younger or less experienced than your audience, you may face tough questions and a degree of skepticism, which you will have to overcome through your performance. Of course, dealing with an older audience means that you will need to speak in a respectful fashion; however, you do not want to appear intimidated or act in an obsequious manner just because you are younger than your audience. Whatever the makeup of your audience, there are some basic guidelines about audience management that apply to all presentations. First, always try to involve your audience in your presentation as much as possible. If your audience seems to be uninvolved in your presentation or is not asking you any questions, try asking questions of them. This tactic will usually help energize an audience. In addition, when you are speaking you should focus on the center of the audience, while still making frequent eye contact with lndividual audience members. It is also usually beneficial to use humor in your presentation, especially at the beginning when you need to break the ice. Most important, remember that much of the interaction with your audience will come in the form of their questions to you and your responses to these questions. If your presentation is going to take place in a large room, it is a good idea to have a microphone available for audience members to use when asking questions. In general, you should try to answer questions in a concise manner. If you do not know the answer to a question, be honest and admit this to your audience. Do not try to improvise an answer on the spur of the moment. If you need to look back at your notes in order to answer a question, do not be reluctant to do so.

Job Interview – Business English [1] Focus on Presentation Expressions I’m sorry. Could you repeat that a bit more slowly? ■ 죄송합니다. 조금만 더 천천히 다시 한 번 말씀해 주시겠습니까 ? I’m sorry. I couldn’t hear you clearly. Could you speak a little louder, please? ■ 죄송합니다. 잘 들리지가 않네요. 조금만 더 크게 말씀해 주시겠습니까 ? I’m sorry. I didn’t completely understand the question. ■ 죄송합니다. 질문을 완전히 이해하지 못했습니다. Please one at a time. ■ 한 번에 한 분씩만 질문해 주십시오 청중 관리 I’m sorry, but I don’t have that information offhand. ■ 죄송합니다만, 지금 당장은 그 정보를 갖고 있지 않습니다.

Job Interview – Business English ① offhand : 즉석에서, 사전 준비 없이 [2] Key on Presentation Dialogues How can I attach a document to an in Hotmail? A: I don’t use Hotmail, so I can’t tell you offhand. B: 핫메일에서는 이메일에 문서를 어떻게 첨부하지 ? A: 난 핫메일을 사용하지 않아서 지금 바로 얘기해 줄 수가 없구나. B: 청중 관리

Job Interview – Business English ② net : 순 ( 純 ), 최종적인 [2] Key on Presentation Dialogues Our revenues went up in 2003, but our net profit was lower. A: That’s because of the $20 million charge we took after we closed our Chicago plant. B: 2003 년에 우리의 총 수입은 상승했지만 순 이익은 더 낮았어요. 그건 시카고 공장을 폐쇄하고 나서 지게 된 2 천 만 달러의 부채 때 문이요. B: 청중 관리 A:

Job Interview – Business English ③ tariff : 관세 [2] Key on Presentation Dialogues Why did President Bush eliminate the tariff on imported steel? A: I think he wanted to avoid a trade war with the European Union. B: 부시 대통령이 수입 철강에 대한 관세 를 폐지한 이유가 뭐죠 ? A: 유럽 연합과의 무역 전쟁을 피하고 싶어서겠죠. B: 청중 관리

Job Interview – Business English Biz – Quiz English Quiz – A : ■ Select the word or phrase from the following list that correctly completes each sentence. net / offhand / tariff 1.The new on foreign cars is expected to help American manufacturers compete with the likes of Toyota and Honda. 2.I can’t give you the answer to that question, so let me do some research on it and get back to you Our revenues of $2 million coupled with our operating expenses of $2.5 million resulted in a loss of $500,000.

Job Interview – Business English Biz – Quiz English Quiz – B : ■ Translate the following Korean sentences into English. 1. 죄송합니다. 질문을 완전히 이해하지 못했습니다. 2. 죄송합니다만, 지금 당장은 그 정보를 갖고 있지 않습니다. 3., 새로 알게 된 사실들에 대해 구체적으로 말씀드리고자 합니다. I’d like to elaborate on the new findings. ① 이들 원칙에 대해 자세히 설명하기 전에 ② 다음 내용으로 들어가면서, ③ 반면

Job Interview – Business English Biz – Joke English After a wealthy man died, his will was read by his lawyer. “To my cousin, Henry, I leave my stock portfolio, to my faithful cook, Betty, I leave my house, and to my nephew, George, who always argued that health is more important than wealth, I leave my jogging shoes and sweat socks.” After a wealthy man died, his will was read by his lawyer. “To my cousin, Henry, I leave my stock portfolio, to my faithful cook, Betty, I leave my house, and to my nephew, George, who always argued that health is more important than wealth, I leave my jogging shoes and sweat socks.” A wealthy man’s will

Job Interview – Business English 항공 관광 면접 영어 6 주 2 강 정리 Lecture 02 Audience Management. ( 청중 관리 ) 평가문제 학습정리 ■ Choose the correct answer form among the four choices given. Which of the following statements about audience management is true? ① A presenter should never ask questions of the audience at a presentation. ② When you are speaking, you should focus on the back row of the audience. ③ Most audiences will not appreciate your using humor during a presentation. ④ You should involve your audience in your presentation as much as possible. ■ 6 주 2 강 “ 청중 관리 ” 하는 방법을 학습하고 익힌다. ①프레젠테이션의 성공은 발표자의 원고뿐만 아니라, 청중을 어 떻게 관리하느냐에 달려 있으므로 청중 관리 방법을 알 수 있다. ②청중들을 효과적으로 대응하는 방법을 알 수 있다. ③관련 표현 및 대화들을 익힐 수 있다.

Job Interview – Business English Lecture 03 Responding to Hostile Questions. ( 적대적인 질문에 대응하기 ) Chapter 06 Answering Questions from the Audience. ( 청중의 질문에 이렇게 답하자 !)

Job Interview – Business English 항공 관광 면접 영어 6 주 3 강 개요 학습목차 Chapter 06 Answering Questions from the Audience. Responding to Hostile Questions. Lecture 03 Responding to Hostile Questions. ( 적대적인 질문에 대응하기 ) ( 적대적인 질문에 대응하기 ) ■ “ 적대적인 질문에 대응하는 방법 ” 을 학습하고 익힐 수 있다. 1. 청중의 공격적인 질문에 요령 있게 답하는 방법을 알 수 있다. 2. 기밀 정보를 묻는 질문에 답변을 거부하는 방법을 알 수 있다. 3. 반감이나 비난하는 말에 대처하는 방법을 알 수 있다. 4. 관련 표현 및 대화들을 익힐 수 있다. 학습목표

Job Interview – Business English 적대적인 질문에 대응하기 No one enjoys having to face hostile questions at a business presentation, but they are always a possibility and thus you should be prepared to deal with them. One interesting fact about hostile questions is that they can be asked by any type of audience, even an audience composed of people at your own company. Indeed, you are probably more likely to face hostile questions from your business associates at a weekly company presentation than from the general public at an annual conference or convention. The reason for this is that a public audience will usually observe certain standards of decorum, but your colleagues, especially if they are your superiors, may feel much less reticent about asking pointed questions and making highly critical remarks. You should, therefore, not assume that your business associates will offer only unqualified praise and support during your presentation. In fact, they can often be your worst critics. Whether an antagonistic question comes from a colleague or from an anonymous audience member, there are certain tactics you can use to respond in a tactful but effective manner. First and most important, you must remain calm, courteous, and respectful to an aggressive questioner. Maintain a professional demeanor at all times; if you lose your temper, you will also lose all credibility with the audience. Becoming angry may also cause you to respond without thinking when what you really need to do is to take a moment to compose a measured, deliberate reply. Do not provide a detailed response to a question of relatively minor importance, especially when there are other audience members waiting to ask questions. If only one particular audience member is being actively and repeatedly hostile during your presentation, you should try to get the rest of the audience on your side. You cannot accomplish this by starting an argument with the hostile audience member, so do not take his or her criticism of your presentation as a personal affront. Instead, give this person the opportunity to express his opinion. After he has done so, acknowledge the point he has made and try to emphasize any areas of agreement you may have with him. If you can find some common ground between your viewpoints, you can help defuse some of the tension between you and your antagonist. Hostile questions from the audience are usually aimed at your presentation itself, not at you personally. Thus, when you respond to a hostile question you should deal with the question directly without attacking the motives of the questioner. No one enjoys having to face hostile questions at a business presentation, but they are always a possibility and thus you should be prepared to deal with them. One interesting fact about hostile questions is that they can be asked by any type of audience, even an audience composed of people at your own company. Indeed, you are probably more likely to face hostile questions from your business associates at a weekly company presentation than from the general public at an annual conference or convention. The reason for this is that a public audience will usually observe certain standards of decorum, but your colleagues, especially if they are your superiors, may feel much less reticent about asking pointed questions and making highly critical remarks. You should, therefore, not assume that your business associates will offer only unqualified praise and support during your presentation. In fact, they can often be your worst critics. Whether an antagonistic question comes from a colleague or from an anonymous audience member, there are certain tactics you can use to respond in a tactful but effective manner. First and most important, you must remain calm, courteous, and respectful to an aggressive questioner. Maintain a professional demeanor at all times; if you lose your temper, you will also lose all credibility with the audience. Becoming angry may also cause you to respond without thinking when what you really need to do is to take a moment to compose a measured, deliberate reply. Do not provide a detailed response to a question of relatively minor importance, especially when there are other audience members waiting to ask questions. If only one particular audience member is being actively and repeatedly hostile during your presentation, you should try to get the rest of the audience on your side. You cannot accomplish this by starting an argument with the hostile audience member, so do not take his or her criticism of your presentation as a personal affront. Instead, give this person the opportunity to express his opinion. After he has done so, acknowledge the point he has made and try to emphasize any areas of agreement you may have with him. If you can find some common ground between your viewpoints, you can help defuse some of the tension between you and your antagonist. Hostile questions from the audience are usually aimed at your presentation itself, not at you personally. Thus, when you respond to a hostile question you should deal with the question directly without attacking the motives of the questioner.

Job Interview – Business English [1] Focus on Presentation Expressions I don’t want to spend too much time on this topic. ■ 이 주제에 관해 너무 오랜 시간을 소비하고 싶지 않습니다. I honestly don’t know the answer to that question, but I can find out for you. ■ 솔직히 말씀드리면 그 질문에 대한 답은 모르지만, 알아 봐 드릴 수는 있습니다. I’m afraid I can’t discuss that. ■ 그 점에 대해서는 논의 할 수 없을 것 같습니다. 적대적인 질문에 대응하기

Job Interview – Business English 적대적인 질문에 대응하기 ① Via : ~ 를 통해서 ; ~ 를 경유하여 [2] Key on Presentation Dialogues Did you take a direct flight ? A: No. We flew to Miami via Atlanta. B: 직항기를 탔니 ? A: 아니. 애틀랜타를 거쳐서 마이애미로 갔어. B:

Job Interview – Business English 적대적인 질문에 대응하기 ② specifics : 세부사항 [2] Key on Presentation Dialogues Did your manager tell you anything about the project you’ll be starting next week? A: He just gave me a basic idea about what I’ll be doing, but he didn’t go into specifics. B: 너희 부장이 다음 주에 시작할 프로젝트에 관해 무슨 얘기라도 해 주었니 ? A: 내가 할 일에 대해 기본적인 요점만 이야기해 주고, 세부적인 내 용에 대해선 언급하지 않았어 B:

Job Interview – Business English 적대적인 질문에 대응하기 ③ confidential : 기밀의 [2] Key on Presentation Dialogues Did you hear about the investigation going on at the White House? A: Yes. Someone allegedly leaked confidential information to the media, and they’re trying to figure out who did it. B: A: 예. 누군가가 기밀 정보를 몰래 매스컴에 넘겨서 그 범인을 조사 하고 있다더군요. B: 백악관에서 진행되고 있는 조사에 대해 들었나요 ?

Job Interview – Business English Biz – Quiz English Quiz – A : ■ Select the word or phrase from the following list that correctly completes each sentence. confidential / specifics / via 1.We need to hear some about your strategy, not just a general overview. 2.Much information that was originally classified as during the Cold War is now being revealed to the public for the first time. 3.There is an additional charge for express delivery and for orders that need to be sent airmail

Job Interview – Business English Biz – Quiz English Quiz – B : 1. 이 주제에 관해 너무 오랜 시간을 소비하고 싶지 않습니다. 2. 그 점에 대해서는 논의 할 수 없을 것 같습니다. 3. 저의 발표는 네 부분으로 되어 있고 그 뒤에 이 있을 것입니다. My talk will be in four parts followed by ① 질의 응답시간 ② 토론시간 ③ 제품 소개 시간 ■ Translate the following Korean sentences into English.

Job Interview – Business English Biz – Joke English “Doctor,” said the patient, “I must say you kept your promise when you said you’d have me walking within two months. When I got your bill I had to sell my car.” The promise of doctor

Job Interview – Business English 항공 관광 면접 영어 6 주 3 강 정리 평가문제 다음 강의 예고 ■ Choose the correct answer form among the four choices given. Hostile questions from the audience at a business presentation. ① should be ignored by the presenter ② are usually aimed at the presentation itself ③ should be treated as a personal attack on the presenter ④ require an equally hostile response from the presenter ■ 7 주차 실무 비즈니스를 위한 미팅 영어 1 강 회의 참석자들과 악수하기 2 강 회의 안건 정하기 3 강 미팅 목표 정하기 Lecture 03 Responding to Hostile Questions. ( 적대적인 질문에 대응하기 )

Job Interview – Business English Thank You!! Aviation Tourism Interview English