◆ Grammar 1. 관계대명사 what : ~ 한 것 의문사 와 관계대명사의 구분. 주로 know, ask, tell, wonder 뒤에 what : 무엇 ( 의문사 ) I don't know what your name is. ( 난 너의 이름이 무엇인지 모른다.)


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Presentation transcript:

◆ Grammar 1. 관계대명사 what : ~ 한 것 의문사 와 관계대명사의 구분

주로 know, ask, tell, wonder 뒤에 what : 무엇 ( 의문사 ) I don't know what your name is. ( 난 너의 이름이 무엇인지 모른다.) Going to the movies is what I want. What makes a diet good or bad is the way foods fit together.

◆ Grammar 2. B as well as A = not only A but also B = A 뿐만 아니라 B 도 The foods give you carbohydrates for energy as well as vitamins, minerals and fiber. = The foods give you not only vitamins, minerals and fiber but also carbohydrate for energy.

◆ Grammar 3. 감각동사 look (~ 해 보이다 ) sound (~ 하게 들리다 ) + 형용사 smell (~ 하게 냄새나다 ) taste (~ 한 맛이 나다 ) feel (~ 하게 느껴지다 ) You look (happy, happily)

◆ Grammar 4. 사역동사 make (~ 하게 시키다 ) have (~ 하게 하다 ) 목적어 + 동원 let (~ 하도록 허락하다 ) She makes her husband wash the dishes. She has her husband wash the dishes.

◆ Dialogue Mike : Oh, my. Mi-na, is that you? It's nice to see you again. = I'm glad to

◆ Dialogue Mi-na: Mike! I haven't seen you all winter. = have p.p : 현재완료 계속적용법

◆ Dialogue Mike : Wow! You look so thin. You look great. 2 형식 ( 감각동사 ) + 형용사 보어 - 부사는 틀림

◆ Dialogue Mi-na: Thanks. I exercise a lot. = much

◆ Dialogue Mike : It really shows. You look so healthy. = very

◆ Dialogue Mi-na: How about you? = what about you?

◆ Dialogue Mike: I did. I just studied, slept and ate. I didn't exercise at all. = did = gained weight (do 는 현재이므로 ) not ~ at all : 전혀 ~ 않다

◆ Dialogue Mi-na: Well, if I were you, I would exercise hard. It feels great. 가정법 과거 2 형식동사 + 형용사

◆ Dialogue Mike: I'll start tomorrow. I know it'll be difficult. Keep your fingers crossed. = I wish you good luck.

◆ Dialogue Mi-na: I will. If you need help, just ask. I can help you any time. = will = will keep my fingers crossed / any : 어느 ~ 라도 ( 긍정문 : 강조 )

So many people have said it before, we must listen: “The most important thing for a healthy mind is a healthy body.” so = very, too / have said : 현재완료 / for : ~ 를 위해 / healthy : 건강한 health : 건강

It sounds simple, but is hard to do. sound : 2 형식 감각동사 + 형용사 보어 : ~ 하게 들리다 hard to do : 하기 어려운 ( 부사적 용법 - 정도 )

Are you a fit person? fit = healthy

Do you eat well? = I wish you good luck.

Follow these simple ideas and you will be feeling better soon. follow : 명령문 + and ( 그러면 ) If you follow these simple ideas, you will be feeling better soon.

1. Start your day with breakfast. Breakfast fills your stomach after a long night without food.

This can help you do better in school. this = 앞 문장 내용 help + 목 + 동원 (to 동원 ) help you (to) do

Rice, milk, soup or even last night’s pizza make an easy breakfast. even : ~ 조차도

2. Get moving. It is easy to fit physical activities into your day. It ~ to v. : 가주어 ~ 진주어 fit A into B : A 를 B 로 끼워 넣다

Walk, bike or jog to see friends. to see = in order to see = so as to see 만나기 위해 ( 부사적용법 - 목적 )

Climb stairs instead of taking an escalator or elevator. instead of ~ing : ~ 대신에

Try to do these things for about 30 minutes every day. try to v. : v 하려 애쓰다 these things = 앞내용 ( 여러 physical activities) for + 시간 : ~ 동안

3. Work up a sweat. Hard workouts ― when you’re breathing hard and sweating ― help your heart work better and give you more energy. help + 목 + 동원 /to v. and : help ~ and give ~ hard : 힘든 ( 형 ) ≠ 강하게, 심하게 ( 부 )

3. Work up a sweat. Start with a warm-up [that stretches your muscles.] that : 주격 관계대명사 뒤에 stretches

Try 20 minutes of aerobic activity, such as running or dancing. such as : ~ 와 같은 = like + ing or 병렬구조 ing or ing

Follow up with activities [that help make you stronger such as push- ups or lifting weights.] with : ~ 로 / that : 주격관계대명사 Help + (to) 동원 /Such as / or 병렬 Make + 목적어 + 형용사

 Then cool down with more stretching and deep breathing.

4. Balance your food choices ― don't eat too much of one thing. 내용상 주의 한다

You don’t have to give up foods [that you love to eat.] don't have to = don't need to = need not : ~ 할 필요가 없다. that : 목적격 관계대명사 - 생략가능

You just have to be smart about [the amount you eat] and [when you have some foods.] 명사와 주어 사이 : 목적격 관계 대명사 생략 : the amount that you ~ 관계부사 when : 선행사 the time 생략 : the time when ~ : ~ 하는 시간 and = the amount and the time ( 먹는 양과 시간에 대해 현명해져야 한다.)

Your body needs nutrients like protein, carbohydrates, fat and many different vitamins and minerals from many different food groups. like – 처럼 // 해석조심

What makes a diet good or bad is the way the foods fit together. 관계 대명사 what : ~ 한 것 what 관대와 의문사 구별 명사절주어는 단수 취급이다. 관계부사 the way = how : ~ 하는 방법

If you have a higher-fat food, like pizza, at dinner, choose lower-fat foods at other meals. If -- 라면 조건부사절

Balance your food choices and check what is in the food (that) you eat. What 관계대명사 or 의문사 구분 명사 + ( 목, 관, 대 )+ 주어 + 동사

This will help you eat better. help + 목적어 + (to) 동원

5. Get fit with friends or family. Being active is much more fun with friends or family. 동명사 주어 // 비교급 강조

Have others join you and plan one special physical activity, like a bike-riding or hiking, with a group each week. 사역동사 + 목 + 동원 : have, let, make like 전치사 / and 병렬구조

6. Eat more grains, fruits and vegetables. These foods give you carbohydrates for energy as well as vitamins, minerals and fiber. 수여동사 as well as = not only but also

[Also, they taste good! taste ( 감각동사 ) + 형용사

Try rice or bread. They are in the grain group.

Apples, oranges and bananas are some great tasting fruits. Also, try uncooked vegetables at your meals. Uncooked : 과거분사 야채를 수식한 다

7. Always challenge yourself. Be brave! Try new sports, games and other activities as well as new foods. O as well as X = not only X but also O

You will grow stronger, play longer, and look and feel better! grow + 비교급 // 전체적으로 비교급

But set realistic goals. Don’t try changing too much at once. try + 동원 ing // to 동원 at once : 한번에 = at the same time

 Dialogue Mike : Oh, my. Mi-na, is that you? It's nice to see you again.

 Mi-na: Mike! I haven't seen you all winter.  Mike : Wow! You look so thin. You look great.

 Mi-na: Thanks. I exercise a lot.  Mike : It really shows. You look so healthy.

Mi-na: How about you? You look like you gained some weight over the vacation.

 Mike: I did. I just studied, slept and ate. I didn't exercise at all.

Mi-na: Well, if I were you, I would exercise hard. It feels great.

Mike: I'll start tomorrow. I know it'll be difficult. Keep your fingers crossed. crossed.

 Mi-na: I will. If you need help, just ask.  I can help you any time.