자기주도적 영어학습법 & 영어 프레젠테이션 기법


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Presentation transcript:

자기주도적 영어학습법 & 영어 프레젠테이션 기법 2013 숙명여자대학교 영어영문학부 전세재

Contents 1 2 3 4 5 6 영어 실력 TEST 4대 영역 영어학습법 Presentation in English Hot Tips from Jobs 4 Key Expressions in Presentation 5 Presentation Checklist 6

영어 학습법에 관한 잘못된 이야기들… 영어에 미쳐야 한다. 영어 배우려면 영미권 국가에 반드시 가야한다.   영어에 미쳐야 한다. 영어 배우려면 영미권 국가에 반드시 가야한다. 영어 원어민들이 쓰는 영어는 다 맞다. 같은 한국인들과 영어로 말하는 것은 영어에 도움이 안된다.

교수와 동료 학생들과의 활발한 상호협력을 통하여 학습하고, 대학에서의 자기주도적 영어 학습자 자신에 대한 성찰을 통하여 미래의 모습을 고민하고, 미래의 꿈을 이루기 위한 학습의 목표를 세우고, 주어진 환경 속에서 학습계획을 수립한 후, 대학교의 교과, 비교과 활동 등에 충실히 임하는 과정 속에서 교수와 동료 학생들과의 활발한 상호협력을 통하여 학습하고, 결과를 점검하고, 개선하면서 학습목표를 성취하는 학습자!

Reading Strategies! * 70-80% 이해할 수 있는 책을 골라라! * Extensive Reading * 문장을 뜯어보지 말고, 다독하라!   * 리듬을 깨지말고 모르는 단어가 나와도 그냥 넘어가라!

Reading Strategies! SQ3R  

Vocabulary Strategies! * 약간 어려운 것! * 여러 번 볼 생각을 해라!  

Writing Strategies! http://www.interpals.net 펜팔을 활용하라   모방은 창조의 어머니다! 예제에 따른 답 연습하기! 초고는 반드시 영어로 KISS & WAYS   펜팔을 활용하라

Listening Strategies! http://ted.com/index.php/talks 안들려요! http://webcast.berkeley.edu/ http://www.princeton.edu/WebMedia/lectures/ http://lecturefox.com/ http://ted.com/index.php/talks 안들려요!

* Fluency! * 미국식 영어발음 신경쓰지마라! Speaking Strategies! * 국제화 영어시대! * Fluency! * 미국식 영어발음 신경쓰지마라! * 스터디 활용하기 http://cafe.naver.com/culcom   http://cafe.naver.com/e2people  

Open Educational Resource SNOW http://snow.or.kr MIT OCW http://ocw.mit.edu 숙명여대가 개발한 오픈지식플랫폼. 저명한 석학들의 1000여 개 정규 강의와 특강을 데이터베이스로 구축하고 있음. 한글 색인 및 검색 기능을 추가하고 댓글도 달 수 있도록 구성되어 있음. 직접 한글자막을 제작할 수 있음. 건축, 기획,엔지니어링, 생명과학, 생명공학, 인류학, 예술, 사회과학, 경영, 과학, 스포츠교육, 레크레이션 등의 주제로 다양한 코스의 강의를 제공. 음성, 동영상 강의, 강의 노트 등 제공. 01 02 03 04 Open Yale Course http://oyc.yale.edu YouTube EDU http://www.youtube.com/edu 예일대학은 ‘오픈 예일 코스(Open Yale Courses)' 를 통해 공개되는 인기학부강좌의 동영상을 일반인들이 무료로 내려 받을 수 있도록 하였으며 학기 중 수업 진도표와 과제물, 문제 출제 등을 비디오 및 오디오를 통하여 수강할 수 있고 각 강좌마다 연관된 관련 자료들을 모두 열람 가능함 google에서 운영하며 2009년 오픈. 미국 내 100 여개 대학이 참여.

UBL 활용 학습 자원 : Open Educational Resource FOR A.tv http://fora.tv TED.com http://www.ted.com "IDEAS WORTH SPREADING"이라는 슬로건으로 테크놀러지, 엔터테인먼트, 디자인 분야에 걸친 새로운 시도, 생각 등을 추구하는 세계적 석학, 신진 지식인, 예술가등을 초청하여 강연하게 하고 이것을 동영상으로 녹화, 사이트를 통하여 공유. 환경, 경제, 과학, 정치 등 다양한 분야의 유명인사들의 강연, 인터뷰, 포럼 등의 동영상 자료 수록. 05 06 07 08 Academic Earth http://academicearth.org 위키버시티 http://www.wikiversity.org Academic Earth는 최고 지성의 교육을 지구상의 모든 사람들에게 제공하겠다는 목표로 설립되었으며 Berkeley, Harvard, MIT, Princeton, Stanford, Yale의 세계적 석학의 강좌를 모아서 동영상으로 제공하는 사이트를 운영. 초중등부터 고등교육, 연구활동까지 온라인 협력 학습 커뮤니티를 통하여 자료 생산 공유. 12만명 참여. 사용자 간의 자연스럽고 개방적인 커뮤니티를 통한 인재 양성과 교육 활동이 목표.

General Strategies! * 여럿이 모이면 실력도 쌓인다! * 국제적인 인맥을 키워라! * 영어인증시험을 미리 봐라! http://e4u.ybmsisa.com http://www.gettoefl.com http://toeic.english.co.kr http://www.neat.go.kr * 영어전용강좌를 수강하자! 자기만의 학습법을 찾아라!

영어전용강좌 수강 괴담 영어 잘하는 학생들만 수강한다? 영어 못하면 학점 안나온다? 강의 내용의 깊이가 없다?

영어전용강좌의 필승 학습전략! 중간중간 시험을 통해 자신의 능력 확인. 선행학습이 더 중요. 자주 쓰이는 표현을 자신의 것으로! 들러리가 되지말자! 말문 열기 수업을 당신의 것으로! 뭉치면 산다! 연습! 연습! 연습! 연습! 연습! 연습!!!!!!!!

A+시험준비 (Midterm & Final Exam) Prepare in advance Group Study Lecture Note (Daily & Weekly – Key Words) Prepare for the model essays ASK! PRACTICE!

Presentation in English

Presentation in English 나도 영어발표 자/신/ 있게 하고 싶다! 할수 있다! 생

Sample Presentation

Presentation in English 영어프레젠테이션 할 때, 시선은 어디에 두나요? 영어실력에 대한 양해를 구하나요? 목차부분은 어떻게 하나요? 옷차림은 어떻게 하시나요? 설명하기 힘든 용어는 어떻게 하나요? 발표 시간은 얼마나 걸리나요? 그룹 발표할 때 누가 발표하나요? 말의 속도는 어떤 가요? 슬라이드를 읽는가요? 슬라이드의 자료는 어떻게 넣는가요? 시각자료를 활용하나요? 생

준비과정 자신에 대한 준비 청중에 대한 준비 자료에 대한 준비 * 외모 및 리허설 * 청중의 나이, 크기, 출신 국가, 문화적 배경, 남녀의 비율 * 예측 가능한 질문에 대한 준비 자료에 대한 준비 * PPT 준비 * 전체적인 흐름도 (목차) * 핵심어와 시각자료 활용

Presentation Criteria Speaker knew the material, well prepared. /20 Material was well prepared, professional looking. /20 In the body, the speaker held audiences' attention and engage them. /15 Conclusion was convincing and memorable. /15 Voice was clear, neither too loud/fast nor too low/slow. /10 Body language and expressions matched with speaker's words. /10 Speaker kept within the time limit, with a good Q & A. /10 /100

준비과정 Define Your Task Know the Audience Structure Your Information Frame Your Presentation Select Visuals Practice for Your Speech

구성 서론 1. 정보 전달식 2. 스토리텔링식 3. 문제제기식 4. 새로운 정의 제시식

구성 본론 1. 정보전달식 - 6하원칙 2. PREP 구조 (Position-Reason-Evidence-Position) 3. SRR 구조 (Statement-Reason-Restatement) 4. SAR 구조 (Situation-Action-Result)

구성 결론 1. 핵심내용 강조 2. 개인적인 의견 주장 3. 에피소드형 결론 4. 슬로건형 결론

발음 명료하게, 천천히 내용어는 강하게 말뭉치 단위로 끊어읽기 President Rogge / members of the IOC / good afternoon./ It's hard to believe / it's only been seven weeks / since we met in Lausanne. / Since that time, / I've been training harder for today / than most of my competitions./ And just like in Lausanne, / I'm still a little bit nervous./ After all/ to be part of this process/ it's very humbling for some in my age. / It is humbling / because you are making history today. / And I get to be a small part of it. /

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Key Expressions in Presentation

Introduction Introduction Name & position Title subject & objective 1) Good morning / afternoon / evening, ladies and gentlemen. 2) Hello, everyone. 3) It's a great honor to be with you and introduce this presentation. Name & position 1) Let me just start off by introducing myself. 2) As some of you already know, I'm the new marketing director. 3) I'm in charge of production. Title subject & objective 1) The topic of today's presentation is … 2) Today, I'd like to speak about ... 3) The objective of this presentation is to present ..

Introduction Outline Timing Policy on questions 1) I'm going to divide my presentation into four main sections. 2) Firstly, what I want to do is giving you some background information 3) Secondly / Thirdly, we will move on to ... 4) Finally, I will speak about ... 5) I'm going to split my talk into four parts. Timing 1) This presentation will take about 20 minutes. 2) I'm planning to spend about 15 minutes for this presentation. 3) I plan to be brief. Policy on questions 1) If you have any question, please, feel free to interrupt anytime during my presentation. 2) Just stop me if you have any questions, OK? 3) I'd be glad to take any questions at the end of my presentation. 4) Please, hold your questions until the end of my presentation.

Main Body Beginning the main body Link to start Focusing 1) Now, let's begin the presentation, What I'd like to talk about first is ... 2) I want to start off by discussing these sales figures. 3) I'd like to open up by showing you some numbers. Link to start 1) OK. Let's start with the first point which is ... 2) Right. We can begin by looking at ... Focusing 1) What I'd like to stress is ... 2) The important point here that we need to understand is ... 3) I'd like to draw your attention to ...

Main Body Creating rapport 1) We need to consider this matter together. 2) I'm sure everyone in this room can agree with me here. 3) I'm sure all of you already know that ... Sequencing ideas 1) Firstly, Secondly, Thirdly, Then, Next, Finally, ... 2) The first point I want to bring up is ... 3) Next, I'd like to go over some of these figures. 4) There are three things to consider. Digressing 1) If I could just digress for a second, 2) If I may get off the subject for a second ... 3) I'd like to digress for a moment and look instead at ...

Main Body Going back 1) Let me now return to ... 2) Let me go back to my previous point ... 3) I'd like to now return to ... Simplifying 1) Simply put ... 2) Basically / To put it simply ... Analyzing 1) Let's look at this more closely, 2) What does this mean exactly?

Main Body Giving examples 1) For example ... 2) As an example ... 3) I'd like to give you an example. Interesting facts 1) Did you know that ...? 2) According to a recent study ... 3) I read in …… that ... Exploring a list of points 1) In relation to ... 2) Regarding ... 3) Concerning ... 4) With respect to ...

유인물 분배 및 교과서 관련 표현

유인물 분배 및 교과서관련표현 Distributing Handouts 1) Pass these handouts around, please. 2) Take one and pass them on. 3) Could you share the handout with your partner? 4) Is there anybody who hasn't got a copy? Finding Page 1) Take out your books. 2) Open your books. 3) Now turn to page 20. 4) Let's move on to the next page.

유인물 분배 및 교과서관련표현 Locating things on the page 1) It's on the fifth line from the bottom. 2) It's on the 10th line from the top. 3) It's about halfway down. 4) It's on the upper right-hand corner. 5) It's on the upper left-hand corner. 6) It's on the lower right-hand corner. 7) It's on the lower left-hand corner.

시각자료의 활용 Visuals 1) I will be using the whiteboard and flipchart. 2) I will be using the overhead projector. Introducing a visual 1) I have some visuals that I'd like to show you. 2) This graph shows / represents ... 3) Please, take a look at some of these figures. Describing the visual 1) This shows / illustrates / demonstrates / refers to ... 2) This is a graph which shows ... that we've made so far. 3) As you can see, this is a chart that shows ...

질문과 대답 활용하기

Q & A Rhetorical questions 1) How can we explain this? 2) Is there anything we can do about this? 3) What can we do to solve this problem? Clarifying a question 1) Is that clear for everyone? 2) Does anyone have any questions on what I just said? 3) Is there anything that's not entirely clear to you? 4) If I understand you correctly, you want to know if there are other ways of dealing with the decrease in our profits.

Q & A Intermediate questions 1) Does anyone have any questions up to this point? 2) Are there any questions before I move on? 3) Would anyone like to ask a question at this point? Inviting questions 1) I'd be glad to answer any questions. 2) So, do you have any questions? 3) Are there any questions? 4) I'd be glad to try and answer any questions. Positive responses & Accept criticism 1) That's a good question. 2) Thank you for asking that question. 3) That's a really good one. It allows me to address the problems and offer some solutions. 4) I accept that 5) That's a fair point 6) I agree with what you are saying ...

Q & A Softening answers 1) I tend to think that ... 2) It seems to me that ... 3) That may be true, but it seems to me that ... 4) Well, that depends on what you mean by that. 5) Well, it's a very complicated matter. 6) Well, there are various ways of looking at it Avoiding direct answers 1) I'm afraid I can't really answer that. 2) That's not really my area, I'm afraid. 3) I don't have the figures with me. Directing questions 1) I'm going to refer that question to Mark here, my co-presenter. 2) George, I know you have a lot of experience. Could you comment? 3) Perhaps, I can ask Peter to answer that question? Peter?

청중 다루기 Check with the audience 1) OK. Let's take a look at ... 2) Is that clear for everyone? 3) Can everybody see that? Engaging your audience 1) Does anyone want to comment about this? 2) Tom, you have a lot of knowledge in this area. Do you have anything to add?

마무리 * 핵심사항을 간단히 정리해주어야 한다. * 발표의 성격에 따라 적극적인 질의 응답 기회 활용

Closing Signaling the end 1) OK. That brings me to the end of my presentation. 2) Right. That covers everything I wanted to say about this topic. 3) So, that's all I have to say. Summarizing & Proposing 1) Before I finish, let me just go over these points. 2) If I can briefly summarize, 3) If I can just briefly recap what I've talked about so far ... 4) Let me just run over the key points again. 5) I suggest that we ... / My suggestion is that we ... 6) I recommend that we ... / My recommendation is that we ... 7) I propose that we ... / My proposal is that we ... Ending a section 1) Thank you for your attention. 2) I hope that this has been useful. 3) Thank you for listening.

Presentation Checklist Do Not! Do not read your slide! Do not talk too long! Do not ignore body language and voice! Do not be overconfident! T. M. I. (Too Much Information)

Presentation Checklist Do! Introduction Have confidence in yourself ! Know your audience ! Start with good sense of humor ! Modulate your voice ! Show friendly look ! Introduce your subject ! Outline the structure of your presentation !

Presentation Checklist Do! Main Body 1. Speak slowly, clearly, and loudly ! 2. Maintain enthusiastic attitude ! 3. Stick to the topic ! 4. Use your notes ! 5. Never read out your notes ! 6. Signpost throughout 7. Give me on visuals 8. Slide is not your presentation.

Presentation Checklist Do! Conclusion 1. Do not watch the time too frequently. 2. Sum up & Give recommendations if appropriate 3. Thank your audience 4. Invite questions 5. Remain polite when dealing with difficult questions 6. Leave email address and/or phone number 7. Be punctual not to take up any time for the following session.