English, Korean, and Spanish Speaking Young Adults Ministries


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Presentation transcript:

English, Korean, and Spanish Speaking Young Adults Ministries To One Another Because of what Jesus has done for us 서로에게, el uno al otro English, Korean, and Spanish Speaking Young Adults Ministries http://www.to1another.com

English, Korean, and Spanish Speaking Young Adults Ministries To One Another Because of what Jesus has done for us 서로에게, el uno al otro English, Korean, and Spanish Speaking Young Adults Ministries http://www.to1another.com

English, Korean, and Spanish Speaking Young Adults Ministries To One Another Because of what Jesus has done for us 서로에게, el uno al otro English, Korean, and Spanish Speaking Young Adults Ministries http://www.to1another.com

To One Another Because of what Jesus has done for us 서로에게, el uno al otro

Anímense y edifíquense Salúdense Practiquen la hospitalidad Forgive Accept 따뜻이 맞아들이라 인사를 나누라 Anímense y edifíquense Salúdense Practiquen la hospitalidad Forgive Not Giving Up Meeting Together but Encourage 격려하여 사랑과 선한 일을 위해 힘쓰도록 하라 Offer Hospitality 겸손하라 대접하라 용서하라 겸손한 마음으로 섬기라 Respetándose y honrándose Submit 격려하고 위로하라 원망하지 말라 Clothe Yourselves with Humility toward one another Greet 비판하지 말아라 한마음 한뜻으로 굳게 연합하라 Love Instruct and counsel 섬기라 복종하라 Sean bondadosos y compasivos 시와 찬미와 영적인 노래로 이야기하라 Honor Speak in Psalms,Hymns,and Songs from the Spirit Encourage Towards Love and Good Deeds 친절하게 대하고 불쌍히 여기라 Be Like-minded with,Be Sympathetic,Compassionate,and Humble to,and Love Live in Harmony Sométanse Serve 참으며 용서하라 겸손하고 부드러우며 인내와 사랑으로 너그럽게 대하라 Be Kind and Compassionate Stop Condemning No dejemos de congregarnos, sino animémonos 마음을 같이하라 Revístanse todos de humildad 사랑하라 Bear with and Forgive Dejemos de juzgarnos Toleren y perdonen Agree vivan en armonía, compartan penas y alegrías, practiquen el amor fraternal, sean compasivos y humildes Preocupémonos a fin de estimularnos al amor y a las buenas obras Do Not Slander 존경하라 Do Not Grumble against 한마음으로 동정하고 형제처럼 사랑하고 불쌍히 여기며 Perdónense Anímense con salmos, himnos y canciones espirituales Amémonos Humildes y amables, pacientes, tolerantes Acéptense No se quejen Mantengemos unidos en un mismo pensar y en un mismo propósito No hablen mal 모이기를 중단하지 말고 격려하라 instrúyanse y aconséjense Be Humble, Gentle, Patient,and Bear Encourage Sírvanse 가르치고 권면하라 Vivan en armonía 헐뜯지 말아라

To One Another 서로에게, el uno al otro English, Korean, and Spanish Speaking Young Adult Ministries belong Contacts Sang Sur (English), sang@sangnjh.com, 646-808-7990 이재숙 (한국어), bluebluebe@hotmail.com, 201-835-9200 David No (Español), dnbolonster@gmail.com, 434-242-1787 http://www.to1another.com

Encourage Towards Love and Good Deeds Toleren y perdonen 한마음 한뜻으로 굳게 연합하라 Live in Harmony Clothe Yourselves with Humility toward one another 겸손하라 Accept 복종하라 Speak in Psalms,Hymns,and Songs from the Spirit 대접하라 Sean bondadosos y compasivos Not Giving Up Meeting Together but Encourage 원망하지 말라 격려하여 사랑과 선한 일을 위해 힘쓰도록 하라 친절하게 대하고 불쌍히 여기라 Be Like-minded with,Be Sympathetic,Compassionate,and Humble to,and Love Serve Sométanse 시와 찬미와 영적인 노래로 이야기하라 따뜻이 맞아들이라 참으며 용서하라 Be Kind and Compassionate Stop Condemning Love 겸손하고 부드러우며 인내와 사랑으로 너그럽게 대하라 No dejemos de congregarnos, sino animémonos 격려하고 위로하라 Instruct and counsel 마음을 같이하라 Revístanse todos de humildad 사랑하라 Bear with and Forgive Dejemos de juzgarnos 겸손한 마음으로 섬기라 Offer Hospitality Honor Forgive Agree Vivan en armonía, compartan penas y alegrías, practiquen el amor fraternal, sean compasivos y humildes Practiquen la hospitalidad Preocupémonos a fin de estimularnos al amor y a las buenas obras Greet Do Not Slander 존경하라 Do Not Grumble against Respetándose y honrándose 한마음으로 동정하고 형제처럼 사랑하고 불쌍히 여기며 용서하라 Anímense con salmos, himnos y canciones espirituales Perdónense 비판하지 말아라 Amémonos Humildes y amables, pacientes, tolerantes Anímense y edifíquense Acéptense 인사를 나누라 No se quejen Mantengemos unidos en un mismo pensar y en un mismo propósito No hablen mal Submit 모이기를 중단하지 말고 격려하라 instrúyanse y aconséjense Sírvanse Be Humble, Gentle, Patient,and Bear Salúdense Encourage 가르치고 권면하라 Vivan en armonía 헐뜯지 말아라 섬기라

To One Another 서로에게, el uno al otro English, Korean, and Spanish Speaking Young Adult Ministries belong Contacts Sang Sur (English), sang@sangnjh.com 646-808-7990 이재숙 (한국어), bluebluebe@hotmail.com 201-835-9200 David No (Espanol), dnbolonster@gmail.com http://www.to1another.com

To One Another 서로에게, el uno al otro http://www.to1another.com

belong Get in Touch with Us Sang Sur (English) 이재숙 (한국어) David No (Espanol) sang@sangnjh.com bluebluebe@hotmail.com dnbolonster@gmail.com 646-808-7990 201-835-9200 434-242-1787

To One Another Because of what Jesus has done for us 서로에게, el uno al otro http://www.to1another.com

belong English, Korean, Spanish-speaking Young Adults Ministries @ Ridgefield, NJ

To One Another Because of what Jesus has done for us 서로에게, el uno al otro http://www.to1another.com

belong English, Korean, Spanish-speaking Young Adults Ministries


belong English, Korean, Spanish-speaking Young Adults Ministries @ Ridgefield, NJ