Life English.


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Presentation transcript:

Life English

Chapter 2. Conversation

P. 22 3- 8 -9 -4- 7-10- 1- 6-5-2 3. Hi! Maria! – 8. Hi! Anna! 9. How are you? 4. I am fine. Thank you. And you? 7. I`m good. Do you want to go to a movie tomorrow? 10. Yes! I want to go with you. 1. I will see you tomorrow at 5 pm. 6. See you tomorrow! 5. Good bye! 2. Bye!

P. 23, 9-10-1-6-3-2-7-4-5-8 9. Hey Grace! What `s up? 10. Hey Tim! 1. How was your weekend? 6. It was great! I went shopping. 3. Do you want to have coffee on Friday? 2. Sounds great! I love coffee! 7. I will call you later with the details. 4. OK. Any time on Friday works for me. 5. Great! See you later! 8. See ya!

The 5 Steps of Conversation 1.Greet (인사) : Hello! Good morning! Excuse me ,but are you sb? How do you do? 2. Small talk (서론): Long time no see! I`ve been looking forward to meeting you. Thank you for waiting so long. I am so glad to see you.

3. body (본론) : Can I use your laptop computer for one hour 3. body (본론) : Can I use your laptop computer for one hour? Can you explain of your major? How can you make your food?

4. Pre-close : Oh, I have an important meeting , I have to go 4. Pre-close : Oh, I have an important meeting , I have to go. , I have an another schedule. Suddenly, I feel so hungry. I am starving. 5. Close (종결): Good bye., See you later!

P. 26. Answer. Greet, Greet, Small talk, body, body, body, body, Pre-close. Pre-close , close, close

Let`s make sentences. Megan: 안녕 브래드, 나 기억해? 나 미건이야. Brad: 물론이지, 안녕! 미건! Megan: 요즘 어떻게 지냈어? Brad: 좋았어, 나는 지금 컴퓨터 회사에서 일하고, 지난달 에 막 결혼했어. 너는? Megan: 그럭저럭, 나는 항공회사에 있는 마케팅 부서에 서 일해. Brad: 멋진 직업이구나. 공짜로 비행기표는 이용하니? Megan: 오, 슬프지만 아니야. 하지만 나는 나의 직업이 좋아, 아주 흥미로워. 다음주에 커피나 마실까? Megan: 그래, 2시 화요일 스타벅스 어때? 좋아. 다음 주 에 보자.

Make sentences together 나는 어제 공부했다. 나는 오늘 공부하는 중이다. 나는 내일 공부할 것이다. 그는 어제 공부했다. 그는 오늘 공부하는 중이다. 그는 내일 공부할 것이다. Verb Transformation -> watch TV, buy, meet, make , hang out, get along with,

Answer . I studied yesterday I am studying today I am studying tomorrow He studied yesterday. He is studying today. He is studying tomorrow.

I don`t study. I didn`t study yesterday. I am not studying today. I am not studying tomorrow. He didn`t study yesterday. He isn`t studying today. He isn`t studying tomorrow. cf. won`t / ain`t

What do you like to do? 너는 무엇을 하는 것을 좋아하니? ‘ 운동하는 것을 좋아해. 커피 마시는 것을 좋아해. 컴퓨터 게임하는 것을 좋아해. 쇼핑하는 것을 좋아해. 수다 떠는 것을 좋아해. 집에서 한가로이 있는 것을 좋아해. 자는 것을 좋아해 영화보는 것을 좋아해 요리하는 것을 좋아해

More expression!!!!! *~ 하려고 생각하고 있다. Ex)뉴욕에 있는 친구네 집을 가려고 생각하고 있습니다. * ~요일에 무엇을 할 생각입니까 ? * 대단히 재미있을 것 같군요 .

*~ 하려고 생각하고 있다. I`m thinking of ~ ing Ex)뉴욕에 있는 친구를 찾아보려고 생각하고 있 습니다. I`m thinking of visiting my friend in New York. * 토요일에 무엇을 할 생각입니까 ? Are you doing anything on Saturday? * 대단히 재미있을 것 같군요 . That sounds like a lot of fun.

P. 27 Listening Exercise Answer A ( Katie) : Hello ! I am Katie! B ( Alice) : Hi! Katie! My name is Alice. A How are you? B Fine A What do you like to do? B Sports A Do you like badminton? B Yes A Um.. Ok See you later! Bye

P.27 K: What do you like to do? A: I like to play sports. Swimming is my favorite. K: I love to cook! Kimchijigae is my favorite food to cook. What is your favorite food? A: Kimbap is my favorite food. Do you like kimbap? K: Yes! I love kimbap!

P.28 . Let`s make sentences at first. 안녕!사라~ 안녕 마크 오늘 기분 어때? 좋아 ! 너는? 나는 이런 맑 은 날씨가 좋아. 그런데 숙제가 무엇인지 가르쳐줄래? 좋아. 숙제는 37쪽이야 고마워 금요일에 수업에 보자! 그래 ! 안녕 ! 안녕 !

p. 28 Hello , Sarah! Hi, Mark! How are you today? Fine , and you? I am so good, I like this fresh weather. but, Can you teach me our homework? The page is 37. Thank you! See you in class on Friday! See you then in the class. Bye Sarah! Good bye Mark!

P.29 Blind Date 안녕하세요, 처음 뵙겠습니다. 저는 중기입니 다. 안녕하세요. 반갑습니다. 저는 송혜교에요. 오시는데 어떻게 오셨어요. 저는 지하철 타고 왔습니다. 네 저는 운전하고 왔어요. 일단 차 주문 부터 할게요. 뭐 드시겠어요? 저는 커피를 좋아해요. … After ordering

Hello, Nice to meet you. I am Jung Gi. Hello. Nice to meet you, too. My name is Hye Gyo. How can you come to here? I take a subway. I dive my car. The traffic was so terrible. Let me order our tea. First. What would your like to drink? Coffee or green tea… ? I will drink coffee.

만나서 좋았습니다. 핸드폰 번호 알 수 있을까요? I am so honor to meet you. Can I know your phone number? Thanks for your offer to drive me home.

Chapter 3. My family

Chapter 3. My Family 증부모 증부모 조부모 조부모 엄마 아빠 삼촌 삼촌 이모 이모 사촌 사촌 나

형 누나 남동생 여동생 여자조카 남자조카 남자조카 여자조카 딸 아들 친손녀 외손자 외손녀 친손자 증손자 증손녀 증손자 증손녀

P.34 Who am I ? 1. I am your mother`s mother`s son 2. I am your father`s brother`s father. 3. I am your great grandfather`s son`s wife 4. I am your grandmother`s daughter`s brother 5. I am your grandson`s mother`s grandmother

P. 46 Uncle, grandfather, grandmother. Uncle, mother

Visiting a Friend`s Family

C: 안녕, 윤히, 나는 칩이다. 오늘 저녁을 너와 함께 하게 되어 기쁘군. Y: 저녁 식사에 초대해 주셔서 감사합니다. C: 천만에. 메리가 네 이야기를 많이 했어. 둘이는 정말 사이가 좋은 거 같은데. Y: 네. 어쩐지 마음이 맞는거 같아요. 우린 공 통점이 많아요. C: 다행이다. 친한 친구가 있다는 것은 좋은 일이지.

Y: 네. 메리와 친구가 되어 운이 좋아요. A: 윤희. 뉴욕은 어때? Y: 아주 마음에 들어요. 아주 즐겁게 지내고 있어요. A: 그 말을 들으니 기쁘군요. 언제든지 저녁 식사 하러와요. 알았죠? Y: 네 그럴게요. 대단히 감사합니다.

Y: Hello, I`m Yun-hee. Nice to meet you. Hi Yun-hee Y: Hello, I`m Yun-hee. Nice to meet you. Hi Yun-hee. I`m Ann, Mary`s mother. It`s nice to meet you, too. Come on in. Y : Thanks. M: Hi. Yun-hee. How`re you doing? I want you to meet my dad, Y : Hello. Mr Rogel. My name is Yun-hee. Please to meet you. C: Hello, Yun –hee. I`m Chip. It`s very nice to have you over this evening.

Y: Thank you for inviting me to dinner. C: It`s our pleasure. Mary talks a lot about you. I guess you guys get along really well. Huh?. Y : Oh, yes. I think we have a kind of chemistry. We have a lot in common. C: That`s good. It`s lucky to be Mary`s friend. A: How do you like New York? Y : I like it a lot. I`m enjoying myself so much. A: I`m glad to hear that. Come over anytime to have dinner with us. Okay?

Puzzle p.35 Across. 6. My grandmother and grandfather= grandparents 7. My aunt`s son =nephew 9. My father`s sister = aunt 11. My sister`s daughter = niece 14. My father`s mother`s mother = great grand mother

15. My father and mother = parents 16. My wife`s brother= brother in law 17. Female sibling born before me = older sister 18. The person who gave birth to me= mother

Down 1. My female child = daughter 2. My mother`s father = grandfather 3. My male child = son 4. My husband`s sister =sister – in - law 5. My son`s son = grandson 8. Male sibling born after me= younger brother 10. My mother`s brother= uncle

12. My grandchild`s son= great grandson 13. My mother`s sister`s son= cousin

성격에 관한 영어 단어들 착한: 온순한: 순종적인: 나쁜: 완고한: 끈질긴; 소심한: 도량이 좋은: 편견이 없는: 느긋한, 원만한; 친절한, 다정한: 성실한: 부지런한:너그러운: 까다로운: 이기적인: 거만한; 변덕스런: 예민한: 긍정적인: 부정적인: 외향적인: 내성적인: 활동적인: 소극적인: 낙천적인: 비관적인:낭만적인: 웃기는: 인내심이 있는, 잘 참는: 보수적인: 경쟁심이 강한:

예의바른: 예의없는: 상냥한: 침착한: 야망에 찬 수다스런: 호감이 가는: 재치가 있는:

착한: good, nice, good-natured. 온순한: meek, gentle, quiet 순종적인: obedient 나쁜: bad, evil, wicked 완고한: stubborn 끈질긴; persistent 소심한: timid 도량이 좁은: narrow- minded 편견이 없는: open-minded 느긋한, 원만한; easy-going 친절한, 다정한: kind, friendly

성실한: sincere 부지런한: diligent 너그러운: generous, broad-minded 까다로운: picky. particular 이기적인: selfish 거만한; arrogant 변덕스런: capricious 예민한: sensitive 긍정적인: positive 부정적인: negative 외향적인: outgoing

내성적인: introvert, reserved 활동적인: active 소극적인: passive 낙천적인: optimistic 비관적인: pessimistic 낭만적인: romantic 웃기는: funny, humorous 인내심이 있는, 잘 참는: patient 보수적인: conservative 경쟁심이 강한: competitive

예의바른: polite 예의없는: impolite, rude 상냥한: soft-hearted 침착한: calm 야망에 찬: ambitious 수다스런: talkative 호감이 가는: likable 재치가 있는: witty

Writing practice P.48 P. 49. 1. I am Mary - Joe is my husband. He is conservative person. Frank is my son. He works for Apple corporate. He is very smart and polite. Elizabeth is my daughter- in law. She is really humorous. I sometimes hang out with her to watch movies. Jane is my youngest daughter. Jack and James are my twin grandsons. Carol is my granddaughter. They are really adorable.

2. I am Joe. Mary is my wife. She is beautiful. Frank is my son. He is so cute and lovely. Elizabeth is my daughter-in- law. She is wisdom. Jane is my youngest daughter. 3. I am Elizabeth. Joe is my father- in – law. He is so kind and understand me. Mary is my mother-in-law. She always teaches me how to cook well. Jack and James are my twin sons. Carol is my youngest daughter.

4. I am Jane Joe and Mary are my parent. They always take care of me and give me a lot of love. I really respect them. Elizabeth is my sister- is law. She really likes my real sister. She always makes a delicious food for our family. I really respect her. Jack and James are my twin nephews and Carol is my niece. I can`t imagine my life without them.

5. We are Jack and James. Joe and Mary are our grandparents. They always support our family. They give a lot of precious things such as a good advice to us and lots of toys, too. We really love them. Frank and Elizabeth are our parents. They sometimes say that “Don`t do it. “ or “Stop it.” But They have a huge patient to us a lot. I love them, too.

I am Carol. Joe and Mary are my grandparent. Frank and Elizabeth are my parents. Jane is my aunt. She sometimes gives me a big present to me. I love her. Jack and James are my twin brothers. They always play with me. They are really good brothers.

P. 38 comparatives X is (adjective+er) – than y. 주어+ be 동사 + 형용사+er/ more 형용사 + than + 명사 Ex( Sam is 10 years and Abby is 12 year old. Then we can state this as “ Sam is younger than Abby” or “ Abby is older than Sam.”

4.Look at the Smith`s family photo. Write two comparative sentences. 1. The box(small) than the car 2. This book (new) than book. 3. The coffee (hot) the tea 4.Look at the Smith`s family photo. Write two comparative sentences.

P. 36. Let`s make sentence 1. James가 Jack 보다 키가 크다. 2. Mary 가 Joe 보다 나이가 많다. 3. Frank가 Mary 보다 엄마를 더 닮았다. 1. Joe 가 가장 나이가 많다. 2. Carol 이 가장 귀엽다. 3. Frank 가 가장 부지런하다. 4. Elizabeth 가 가장 바쁘다. 5. Mary 는 세상에서 가장 훌륭한 요리사다.

1. James is taller than Jack. 2. Mary is older than Joe. 3. Frank is more resemble to mom than Mary.

Joe is the oldest in the picture. Carol is the cutest in the picture. Frank is the most diligent person in the picture. Elizabeth is the busiest person in the picture Mary is the most best cook in the world

1. The box(small) than the car -> The box is smaller than the car. -> The car is bigger than the box. 2. This book (new) than book. -> The book is newer than book. 3. The coffee (hot) the tea -> The coffee is hotter than the tea. -> The tea is colder than the coffee.

Dates Korea: 1986. 12. 10. ( year, month day, day of the week) North America Standard, It`s the day of the week, month day, year. -> Wednesday, October 9, 2013. Days of the Week Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday

Dates Months ->January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November. December Days -> first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh, twelfth, thirteenth, fourteenth, fifteenth, sixteenth, seventeenth, eighteenth, nineteenth, twentieth thirtieth

P. Let`s practice 1. 2002 년, 6월 25일, 화요일 2. 1996 년, 9월 30일, 월요일 3. 1985년, 3월 21일, 목요일 4. 1809년, 11월 5일, 토요일 5. 2154년, 7월 12일, 금요일

1. 2002 년, 6월 25일, 화요일 -> Tuesday, June twenty fifth, two thousand and two 2. 1996 년, 9월 30일, 월요일 -> Monday, September thirtieth, nineteen ninety six. 3. 1985년, 3월 21일, 목요일 -> Thursday, March twenty first, nineteen eighty five. 4. 1809년, 11월 5일, 토요일 5. 2154년, 7월 12일, 금요일

4. 1809년, 11월 5일, 토요일 -> Saturday, November fifth, eighteen nine. 5. 2154년, 7월 12일, 금요일 -> Friday, July twelfth, twenty one fifty four.

6. Christmas this year. 7. Valentine`s day this year. (2017, 3, 14.) 8. Halloween Day this year. (2017, 10. 31. 화요일)

9. The next Lunar New year`s day. 10. The next Lunar Thanksgiving Day Cf. solar

P. 41 Sentence 1 : Who are they? Sentence 2: When is their birthday? Sentence 3: Write a comparative sentence Sentence 4. Write a superlative sentence Sentence 5. How do you feel about the person?