제 20 장 < 가 정 법 >.


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Presentation transcript:

제 20 장 < 가 정 법 >

(형식) If+ S+ 동사원형(현재형), S+ will,shall + 원형 can, may 가정법(현재, 과거, 과거완료, 미래) 1. 가정법 현재: 현재, 미래 의 불확실한 상상 {종속절(조건절)} {주절(귀결절)} (만일 ~ 한다면) ( ~ 할 것이다.) (형식) If+ S+ 동사원형(현재형), S+ will,shall + 원형 can, may If he be(=is) kind, he will help me. If he come(=comes) , I will give it to him. If it be(=is) raining, don’t go out. (주절이 명령문) a) b) c) { S+desire(suggest, propose, insist….) that+ 원형} I desire that he (should) give me some money. He suggested that she take me. 기원문 : God bless you! = May God bless you!

(형식)If+S+were (or) 동사과거, S+would,should+원형 (의지) (단순) could, might 2. 가정법 과거: 현재 사실에 반대 가정 {종속절(조건절)} {주절(귀결절)} (만일 ~ 한다면) (~ 할 텐데, ~하겠는데) (형식)If+S+were (or) 동사과거, S+would,should+원형 (의지) (단순) could, might (가능) (추측) * (가정법 과거 ↔ 직설법 현재) If I were rich, I could go abroad. 직설법: (if 생략):(= ) As I am not rich, I can’t go abroad. Were I rich, I could go abroad. If I knew her address, I would write to her. 직설법: (if 생략):(= ) (if 생략):(≠ ) As I don’t know her address,I don’t write ~. Did I know her address, I would write ~. Knew I her address, I would write ~ .

※ 가정법 과거의 심화 문제 (가정법 ↔ 직설법) If he were honest, I would employ him. = As It is not true, so I am not very happy. = If If he were rich, he could buy the house. As he has no money, he cannot buy the car. I wish I had a girl friend. = I am sorry he is not honest, I don’t employ him. it were true, I would (or should) be very happy. he is not rich, he can’t buy the house. he had money, he would (or could) buy the car. I don’t have a girl friend.

(형식) If+ S+ had+ p.p., S+ would,should+ have+ p.p. could, might 3. 가정법 과거완료: 과거 사실의 반대 가정 {종속절(조건절)} {주절(귀결절)} (만일 ~ 했더라면) ( ~ 했을 텐데) (형식) If+ S+ had+ p.p., S+ would,should+ have+ p.p. could, might * (가정법 과거완료 ↔ 직설법 과거) If he had worked harder, he would have succeed. 직설법: (if생략):( = ) As he did not work harder, he did not succeed. Had he worked harder, he would ~ . If you had not helped me, I should never have finished it. 직설법: (if생략):(= ) You helped me, so I finished it. Had you not helped me, I should ~ .

※ 가정법 과거완료 심화 문제 (가정법 ↔ 직설법) As he helped me, I could succeed. = If If you had hurried, you would not missed the bus. = You You didn’t invite him, so he didn’t come. If I had drunk this, I should have died. = As I wish I had worked harder when young. = I am sorry he had not helped me, I could not have succeeded. didn’t hurry, so you missed the bus. you had invited him, he might have come. I didn’t drink this, I didn’t die. I did not work harder when young.

a)(미래 강한:If+S+should+원형, S+will, would+원형 의 심) shall, should 4. 가정법 미래 {종속절(조건절)} {주절(귀결절)} (만일 ~ 한다면) ( ~할 텐데, ~하겠는데) a)(미래 강한:If+S+should+원형, S+will, would+원형 의 심) shall, should can, could may, might b)(실현불가:If+S+were to+원형, S+would, should 능 미래가정) could, might+원형 a)If it should rain,he will(=would)not come.가정법미래 (if생략):(= ):가능성 거의 없음 (비교): b)If I were to be born again, I would love you. (if생략):(= ) Should it rain, he will~ . If it rains, he will not come.현재형:가능성 있음 Were I to be born again, I would ~ .

a) I wish +가정법 (과거) :~ 하면 좋을 텐데 가정법 (과거완료):~했더라면 좋았을 텐데 ◈ 주의 해야 할 가정법 a) I wish +가정법 (과거) :~ 하면 좋을 텐데 가정법 (과거완료):~했더라면 좋았을 텐데 * (과 거:현재,미래 이룰 수 없는 소망) * (과거완료:과거 이룰 수 없는 소망) I wish I were rich. (가정법 과거) = I wish I had not gone there. (가정법 과거완료) I am sorry (that) I am not rich. I am sorry (that) I went there. b) as if + 가정법 (과거) :마치 ~인 것처럼 as though 가정법 (과거완료):마치 ~ 했던 것처럼 He talks as if he knew it. (가정법 과거) = He speaks as though he had seen her. (가정법 = 과거완료) In fact he doesn’t know it. In fact he did not see her.

c) but for ~ 가정법 (과거) = if it were not for + (주절의 형식) = Were it not for without ~ (~이 없다면) 가정법 (과.완) = if it had not been for (주절의 형식) = Had it not been for (~이 없었더라면) Without (=But for) water, we could not live. (주절:가정법 과거 형식) = But for(=Without) your help, I should have failed. (주절:가정법 과거완료 형식) If it were not for water, we could not live. Were it not for water, we could not live. If it had not been for your help, I should ~. Had it not been for your help, I should ~ .

◈{ 기타 가정법 }=> if 절의 대용 어구 a) 주부(명사)에 조건 뜻 A lady would not do such a thing. (= If she were a lady, she would not do ~ .):( ~라면) ※(비교):직설법 현재 => A lady does not do such a thing. An honest man would not have done such a thing. (= If he had been an honest man, he would not have done such a thing .) :( ~ 이었다면) b) 부정사에 가정의 뜻 : ( ~ 하는 것을 보면) To hear him talk, you would take him for a fool. (= If you heard him talk, you would ~ .) c) 접속사에 가정의 뜻 I am tired, otherwise I would play with you. (= If I were not tired, I would ~ .) :(그렇지 않으면)